Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1942: mutation

Sun Yuan’s eyes are condensed, and the piano looks like a glimpse. She saw that this plain is indeed a rock.


It seems to be a whole piece of rock!

How can this be?

How come there is such a big rock? Not to mention that it can accommodate more than 600,000 monks, that is, millions of monks can also accommodate. But it is a rock...


The double backhand held the hilt of the exquisite sword, because she saw the huge rock with patterns and very mysterious patterns.

Can't see the artificial pattern, or the natural pattern, revealing a strange.

The mud ghosts in those bushes didn't move, and the vertical eyes seemed to be full of curiosity. They watched the piano pair and they flew away.


Qin double and others entered the rock plain, but everyone did not relax. Because this rocky plain also gives a very strange feeling.

The monks fell on the rocky plains, and the piano glanced at the surroundings with a vigilant look. Surprisingly, on the rocky plain, except for these monks, they could not see a living creature.

It’s amazing!

“Everyone has to hurry to adjust the interest!” Shen Chongguang opened the door and sent the voice clearly to the ears of each monk:

"Recover your training to the peak as soon as possible, ready to fight. Here, we are in danger whenever and wherever. I will determine our location as soon as possible and bring everyone out of the Ashes."

Speaking of this, Shen Chongguang turned his eyes to a Xianjun Road: "Wu Xianjun, how long does it take to estimate?"

"Two quarters of an hour!"

Wu Xianjun took out a gossip disk and began to push.

At this time, the double face of the piano is very unsightly. In her heart, the portal of the spiritual eyebrows is revealed again. Although the door is not opened, the door becomes transparent. The rule chain that can be clearly seen through the door is hovering in uneasiness.

The kind of uneasiness reminds the piano that it is extremely dangerous.

"I feel very bad!" Ling Tianhua locked his brow and looked around.

"Me too!" Shen Chongguang's eyes also revealed anxiety.

The piano looked in two directions, because they were the first wave to enter the rocky plain, so they had already penetrated the rocky plain, and at the position of the piano double, they were able to see the edge of the rocky plain ahead. There are some monks in front of them. And those immortals are not far from them.

"Go, let's go to the front." Qin double whispered.

“Why?” The year’s Geng Ju Road: “It’s very safe, it’s close to those who are immortal. Don’t go here, it’s too weird.”

It is because of the strangeness that we have to go forward, as close as possible to the edge of the rocky plain, ready to rush out of the edge of the rock.

As the piano said, he began to walk forward. At this time, the monks were actively adjusting their interest rates, and only the group of people in the piano was moving. There were about a hundred people moving along with the piano. The original team of more than 400 people, the three hundred people did not move with the piano, but still listened to Shen Chongguang's order to recover.

"I also feel bad!" One fairy said.

Shen Chongguang's eyes are swept away, and his heart is a move. These fairy kings, according to his knowledge, are the immortals who gave birth to the mystery. And those immortals who did not feel the danger, did not give birth to the mystery, which made him feel that this rock plain is in great danger.

"What should I do now?" Ling Tianhua asked.

"I feel that there is an inexplicable energy here, I can't tell." Tianqin Xianjun condensed.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear the orders of the domain owner?"

Zheng Lun and others who are in the front of the piano double-tuned to hear the footsteps, and seeing that they are Qinshuang and others, Zheng Lun could not help but frown. The starry sky is directly screaming.

Qin double did not pay attention to him, bypassed him and continued to walk towards the front.

"Stand up!" Zheng Lun saw Qin double and others ignored, and his eyes appeared sharp: "Immediately mobilize the power, violate the order of the domain owner, do you want to die?"

"Then we will leave here first." Shen Chongguang immediately decided: "We left this rocky plain, so we are far away from the land of the muddy ghost. After leaving, let's see if the energy still exists. If it does not exist, it means The clay ghost made a ghost."

"But... there is no direction to go, it is very unsafe." Wu Xianjun, who is deducing, said.

"I can't take care of this anymore." Shen Chongguang decisively said, and then saw that Qinshuang and others are coming to this side. It seems that they have also collided with their disciples. They can't help but be surprised. Speak loudly:

"End the interest rate and leave here right away."

Looking at the piano and glaring, Zheng Lun’s look at the doubles of the piano is not a glimpse, and then his face is flushed. The piano double smirked, and the figure has passed by him and flew toward the front. Behind her, following the more than one hundred monks, looking at the back of the piano double, are full of admirable eyes.


When the body shape of the piano doubled past the fairy priests, they shrugged and rushed away. Quickly approaching the edge of the rocky plains, and quickly rushed out of the rocky plains.

The immortals still stood in the rocky plains, motionless, and countless monks swept past them and flew outside the rocky plains. These Xianjun will wait until all the monks have rushed out of the rocky plains before they leave.


There seems to be a breeze blowing...

The rocky plain at the foot turned into a swamp quickly, and the mud in the swamp still rotated, forming a huge mud whirlpool, a huge attraction, sucking countless monks into the mud, just moment It disappeared.


One by one, Xianjun rises up to the sky and looks toward the mud whirlpool below. There is a huge black vortex with black and sticky mud, which gives off a strong rotten smell.


The mud that was spinning suddenly stopped. The black and rotten slough flows quickly and turns into a huge face.


The man suddenly rushed into the air, as if a black giant head, dragged down the mud like a neck, opened a stinking mouth, biting toward the fairy in the air.


Hundreds of immortals quickly attacked the face and quickly flew away in the distance.


The mud head shattered and fell back into the mud, and then it condensed a identical human head, standing on the mud, like a giant peak, looking toward Shen Chongguang in the direction of their flight.


Thank you very much Zhao Yilin Ziyan (100), Bai Zibing (100), Hengzhu Blowing (100), book friend 140927163654360 (100), earnestly study and study hard (100) reward!



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