Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1943: Ashes

"Treading step..."

A series of fine footsteps came, it was a clay ghost, they surrounded the head of the man, twisting his face, looking towards the piano double they left, calm and silent.

On the gray ground, Qin double and others walked in silence. Now their team has shrunk further, leaving only a few hundred thousand people, and there have been 100,000 people in the rocky plains.

At this time, what they think in their minds is no longer whether they can pass the assessment of Tianziyuan, but whether they can walk out of the Grey Mountain Range alive.

It’s a feeling of ridiculousness everywhere. In the endless wilderness, there are some weird birds flying from their heads from time to time. These strange birds have red blood and red eyes. They sometimes stop on the branches, and they don't call them, so they look at the piano and watch them quietly. Unspeakable surprise.

Jade Crown's fingertips popped up with a cone of ice, and the eyes locked a blood-red bird hovering over their heads, and they had to shoot the ice cones in their hands. Suddenly one hand held his wrist, Yuguan Ting turned his head, and he saw the piano double as he gently shook his head.

In the eyes of Yu Guanting, there was a trace of irritability, and the ice cone at the fingertips was scattered. He took a sip at the ground and whispered:


The strength of the Qinshen's Yuanshen converges toward the eyes, and the twins glimmer through a glimmer of light and look around.

At the same time, the mind sinks into the heart of the heart, and his face becomes more gloomy. Because of the spirit in the heart of the Tao, the door between the eyebrows still appears, and the law in the door still circling like a dragon, emitting a dangerous atmosphere.

Gently stroked the water thunder beads on the wrist, and a trace of thunder flowed on the water thunder beads.

Qin double began to check his own state, Yangshen state peak, spiritual state peak, Baihu Yuanshen, Xuanwu Yuanshen and Qinglong Yuanshen state peaks, only the fire and phoenix gods only 90% of the peak, the body's strength is only 90% . Within one hundred and eight points, the state of the sword is the peak.

Qin double transferred the town demon tower to the palm of the hand, began to silently restore the body's strength, and at the same time switched the gods, so that the fire and phoenix gods began to recover, Xuanwu Yuanshen control the body.

In this dangerous situation, the piano pair needs to be in a state of peaking at any time.

Also took out a defensive symbol, held in the left hand, ready to release, as long as the piano double can block the first hit when suddenly encountering danger, it has the ability to counterattack.

At this time, Shen Chongguang and other immortals also walked cautiously. The piano ears suddenly moved, and I heard the celestial celestial scent gently spit out a breath:

"I feel a lot better now. The feeling of extreme danger has disappeared before. It should be that we have left the range of the mud ghosts."

"Call..." Ling Tianhua also spit out a breath: "This clay ghost is really weird, can not be entangled by them, our luck is really good."

"Yeah!" Shen Chongguang also breathed a sigh of relief, looking away from the front: "Where is that?"

"a river!"

Ling Tianhua looked into the front and said that at this time, Qin double as a group of people walking in the front, has already reached the river beach, and there is a wide river in front of them. The river is filled with mist and water, and the river is cold and cold. The deep breath, the turbid waves tumbling, can not see the slightest situation under the river.

The river is more than a kilometer wide, and it looks far away. The big tree on the opposite bank is like a grass.

When the piano raised his hand and grabbed it, a branch was caught by the piano and sent to the tree. Then he threw it out and the tree branch spurt out for dozens of meters and landed on the river.

The eyes of the people were locked on the branch, but when they saw the tree branch falling to the river, they sank silently.


Everyone couldn't help but take a breath. At this time, Shen Chongguang and others have already arrived at the river beach, surpassing Qin double and others, standing at the forefront, looking at the big river with a sullen look.

Shen Chongguang released his knowledge and spread to the river, then explored under the water. Then his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows spread again. However, this time the gods are not as invisible as before, but they can be clearly seen. Although they are still transparent, they can be seen, such as the same small finger water flowing toward the river. .

"God recognizes shape!"

There was a jump in the heart of the piano, and there was a sigh of praise around.


At the moment when the metamorphosis touched the river, the smashed smashed, and the river was smashed by the rushing river, and Shen Chongguang snorted.


All the monks took a breath of cold air. This is definitely not an ordinary river, or a rushing river, and it is impossible to smash the monk's knowledge, especially a metamorphosis.

No one is going to try again. There is no doubt that the strongest person here is Shen Chongguang. If you try this time, it is the distrust of Shen Chongguang. And Shen Chongguang once again spread the knowledge of the gods to temptation, and the result was still smashed.

In this way, Shen Chongguang locked his brow, but in the end he sighed a bit:

"No way, we can't get through this river, or go along the river bank. Find a place where you can rest temporarily, then judge the direction and find the way to leave."

"Can't you fly over? A fairy road."

Shen Chongguang did not answer, but his eyes glanced at the piano and they were clear, and those who knew Xianjun immediately understood. If there are only these immortals here, they will not care whether the river is dangerous or not, and will not care about the dangers when they fly over the river.

However, they are carrying more than 500,000 monks at this time. If these monks are exploring the treasure with them, they will not care, they will die.

However, these monks are going to participate in the examination of Tianziyuan. They are the elites of the Blu-ray Stars. Once they enter the Tianziyuan, they can get rich returns. How can they be allowed to take risks?


At the time of departure, there were nearly two million monks. Today there are only a few hundred thousand left. If you have not started the assessment, you will lose nearly 70%. Where can you continue to lose?

Even so, waiting for the Purple City, it will become the laughing stock of other stars.

Everyone had to start walking along the river bank. Just walking for a long time, they began to encounter the attack of weird creatures, strange shapes, but there is one thing in common, they are fire attributes.

No matter what they look like, these creatures have the power of fire. Even some creatures have flames under their four hooves. They run like lightning. As long as they hurt the monks, the monks will be poisoned and the monks will complain. Gradually increasing.


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