Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1944: 觊觎

In the struggle between these two strange creatures, Qin said that the body of these creatures is very hard. Even if the piano uses the power of the late tenth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian, it is impossible to kill it. Times, or even three times.

Using the Taoist attack, these fire attribute creatures have a strong immunity. And their speed is really very fast, not Xianjun, it is difficult to hit them.

Of course, not all Taoism will be exempted from them. The way of water property can't be exempted, and it hurts them a lot.

At this time, the piano is holding a fire sword and killing with a long lion-like creature. This lion is very surprised. There are actually six legs, but the speed is extremely fast. And the body is very hard, the piano double cut its four swords in a row, and they are all precisely cut in one place to kill the lion.


The lion's head was smashed into two halves by the piano. What surprised the piano was that it was not the blood that was ejected from the lion, but the liquid of the magma.

"This... Is it a property creature? It's something like a fire spirit?" Qin double couldn't help but be surprised.

At this time, not only the piano double surprised, but all the monks, including those who are also very surprised. Just as the piano was ready to study, Yang Ling’s voice rang in her consciousness.

"This thing is a property creature, similar to Fire Spirit, but it is a lot lower than Fire Spirit. But it should have some effect on you."

“Useful to me? What use?”

"The nature of this property contains the fire, and the fire has a strong effect on quenching your body. Your body has not been upgraded for a long time, which is a chance for you."

"Really? Great! Is it necessary for me to keep them in the town demon tower, wait for time to refine the fire?"

"It's not so troublesome. You use the exquisite sword to kill the fire creatures. I will help you to purify the fire, and then send it to your body. You cultivate the Yangshen and let the gods run your exercises. You can smash the fire attribute creature while refining the body."

"This..." Qin double hesitated: "Is it going to affect you? Don't you say it? Try not to fight you, lest you get enchanted."

"No! You haven't seen it. These fire-beating creatures don't have blood at all. Without blood, they won't make us enchant."


Qin double suddenly realized that the reason why Linglong sword did not dare to use it was because it infected a **** blood, this blood magic blood will absorb the blood of Wanling, let Yang Ling into the magic.

However, the creatures in this gray mountain range now have no blood at all, which completely evades the problem of Yang Ling's enemies. Qinqin immediately rejoiced, put away the fire sword, backhand pulled out the exquisite sword, greeted a red body, like a monkey creature.


Sure enough, it is the best after-day treasure, although it has not recovered, the power is only the appearance of the next fairy, but it is also Xianbao, just a sword will kill the monkey.


The magma-like liquid has just been sprayed, and it is absorbed by the exquisite sword. Then the piano double feels a trace of heat entering its body and flowing in its own body.

There is only one trace, in the double perception of the piano, it is not as thick as a hair, but the pain brought to the piano is huge. The piano double rushes to run the body of the jade body, refining the fire.

The speed of the scorpion scorpion killing property creature suddenly increased. It took three to four slashes before it could kill a fire attribute creature. Now it is a sword. Can this speed not increase?

This increase in the speed of the piano pair quickly caused the idea of ​​other monks, and as time went on, more and more monks were seen.


Not too far away, Zheng Lun noticed the piano double, and his look could not help.

As a disciple of the domain master Shen Chongguang, his eyes are absolutely not bad. He only recognizes that the exquisite sword in the hands of the piano is the celestial treasure, but because of the injury of the exquisite sword, he can’t see what the exquisite sword is. .

However, only the day after tomorrow, Xianbao has already made his heart greedy. At this time, I noticed that the Linglong sword was not only the monks who participated in the assessment, but also some Xianjun also noticed.

The day after tomorrow Xianbao!

It is the vast majority of these Xianjun hands, and it is false to say no.

However, at this time, Qin double did not notice the greedy eyes of the monks around her. Her heart was completely immersed in the desire to die.

It hurts too!

Qinqin constantly kills the fire attribute creatures, and there is a glimmer of fire that constantly rushes into the body of the piano. A trace of fire has not yet refining, and another fiery essence has entered her body, which makes her pain. Constantly increasing, if it is not too much experience of pain in the double, this time, I am afraid it will collapse.

But there are also places where the piano is excited, she can feel the strength and strength of her body in one line.


The piano doubled out of the sword, and a fox-shaped creature on the opposite side hid agilely. The exquisite sword smashed on the ground, and the hard earth instantly created a huge crack, as if a terrible wound was found on the ground.


The piano has a happy heart, but in this moment of distraction, the fox-like creature has rushed to the front of the piano double at a very fast speed, biting on the thigh of the piano. However, the piano is not shocked, but the fox bites down, but it just bites the flesh and does not hurt the bones.

Qin double backhand a sword, the fox's head was smashed down, and a trace of fire and fine into the body of the piano through the exquisite sword.

“My body strength has increased, my strength has increased, and my control has increased!”

Under the double joy of the piano, I forgot the pain of the body and frantically began to kill those fire-behaving creatures. The body's fire is getting more and more, the skin of the body begins to redden, the fine impurities are discharged, and the blood also seeps through the pores, but the piano can feel the structure of the body becomes stronger.

The battle lasted for more than two hours, and the monks finally rushed out of the field and got a short break. The battle took place very suddenly, and there were tens of thousands of casualties. At this time, the number of monks who went to the Tianzi Institute was less than 500,000, which made Shen Chongguang’s face look very ugly.

Qinqin was sitting on a rock and adjusting his interest. He heard the footsteps and opened his eyes slightly. His brows were slightly wrinkled, and he saw Zheng Lun walking to her with a few monks. The piano double closed his eyes and he did not see it. Because she knew that Zheng Lun didn't dare to do anything to her. At the very least, she didn't dare to do it to her now, but she wanted to kill her. It would also be in the scene of no one paying attention or confusion.


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