Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1947: Weird

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "With plenty of time, Wu Xianjun can also deduct the correct direction we should walk. Don't be like now, maybe we are going in the opposite direction to Tianzicheng."

"Qin double, did you feel that a strong monk rushed out from the purple star?"


Qin nodded, she knew that Yu Guanting asked the strong man who rushed out from the purple star when he was attacked by the half-step fairy king.

"You said why he didn't come to save us at the beginning? Even if we point us in one direction!"

Qin double shook his head and said: "The strong one will not, I am thinking, this may be the monks who are going to the Tianziyuan for us to examine the monks, a massacre. After all, the monks who can participate in the examination of the Tianziyuan are all human. The elite, not to say that we will kill us, as long as we kill some, we can reduce the power of the future of the Terran. Therefore, it is not the monks who go to the Tianzi Institute for assessment. The Mozu will not do it. Once it is determined to be the monk who goes to the assessment, the Mozu will Will start immediately.


There should be more than the Mozu, there should be a demon.

The same reason..."

Qinshuang’s mouth is upturned, revealing a smile: “We should also kill the monks in the Mozu and the Yaozu.”

"You mean..." Yu Guanting looked at the movement: "Those who are going to the Devil's House and the Demon House to examine the Mozu and the Yaozu?"

"Not bad!" Qin nodded: "It is estimated that the human race, the demon and the Yaozu have more intense conflicts recently, so this happened."

"I understand!" Jade Crown nodded and said: "So the strong people of the Terran must guard against the Mozu and the Yaozu, and they will not care about us."

"This is only one aspect. Maybe the strong people of the human race, regardless of us, are also a test for us to assess the monks. Perhaps the examination of the Tianzi Institute has already begun. The dead monks are the people who have been eliminated. We want to get out of the Ashes and don't know how much we want to die."

"Too cruel!"

"Cultivating the fairy is going against the sky, and cruel moments exist."


Suddenly a scream from a woman was heard from the room. Qin double and Yu Guanting changed their face, propped up the defensive shield, and the body rushed into the door of the room. Just rushed into the gate, I saw a female face ran away from the opposite side.

The female practitioner saw Qinshuang and Yuguanting, and repeatedly saw the savior, and immediately hid behind the piano pair.

"what's going on?"

Qin double's gaze swept the surroundings quickly, and at the same time extended his left hand to grasp the female repair and pulled her out of her back.

"Treading step..."

Some of the monks rushed out of the room, and some rushed down the stairs.

"what happened?"

Soon, more than a hundred people gathered in the large hall.

The woman repaired a finger on the opposite side of the door, and the voice shook a little:

"There is a person there, an awl in his heart, blood everywhere..."

No one laughs at her, and it is reasonable to say that a cultivator, how can he fear a dead person?

What's more, this female repair is still the first layer of nine days of Xuan Xian?


This place has obviously been abandoned for a long time, how can there be a dead person? And is it still a **** person who has just died?

Therefore, each monk's head has increased its vigilance.

"Go in and see."

Qin double took the lead to the door, and everyone followed behind and came to the door. The piano reached out and pushed the door open.

Here is a restaurant.

There was a table in the middle, and there were six chairs around, but there was only one person. A man sat on a chair, and blood flowed from the man and flowed to the ground.

Sun Yuan walked up and reached out and touched the already dark blood of the man’s body mountain, then whispered:

"is blood!"

The eyes of the piano fell on the awl of the man's heart, which was a golden awl, nailed to the man's heart.

Geng Geng whispered: "That is the heart cone!"

"Heart cone?" Yu Guanting turned his head and looked at the Geng Giant.

"It should be! The heart cone is an evil ghost. It is engraved with a kind of symbol. After the person is nailed to death, the soul of the monk will not be scattered. Originally this is the practice of the imperial sect, because it is too cruel. Finally, under the union of the major families, the sacred sects were destroyed. I did not expect this heart cone to appear here."

"You mean there might be ghosts in this room?" Sun Yuan looked around in amazement.

“Is there a way?” Qin double asked, frowning.

"I will try it." Year Geng hesitated and said: "I have studied this aspect occasionally. I have learned to find a kind of ghost, I tried to draw one."

"I am coming!" A monk came forward. I used to study ghosts and have some experience in order to explore a relic.

Everyone looked at the monk's gaze and could not help but show the color of surprise. Qin double thought about it. Think of this monk as An Shicong, he said:

"Then trouble the brothers."

"no problem!"

An Shicong confidently said: "Please let us know."

The people stepped back to the side and gave An Shicong a place. An Shichong mouth recited a kind of mouth, holding the handcuffs in his hand, the handcuffs are very mysterious, and the mouth is not understandable, every syllable is very mysterious.

Along with his mouth and handcuffs, a circular pattern appeared on his hands, and An Shicong sacrificed the scent to the air, and the pattern was quickly enlarged in the air until the diameter was three meters. His hands pressed down.

The three-meter-diameter pattern fell to the ground, and Qin and others looked nervously at the symbol.


The plaque fell on the ground, and the plaques on the plaque began to flow, full of mystery and cold.

The crowd could not help but step back a few steps, pulling away the distance from the symbol.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the symbol, and the curiosity appeared in her eyes. This is the first time she saw this symbol, even in the inheritance of the blood piano.

It is a huge symbol made up of triangles, each triangle is like the head of a viper, with a cold atmosphere.

At this time, An Shicong's mouth kept closing, and a mysterious voice was made to make the room more cold.

With her mysterious embarrassment, the flowing patterns on the ground gradually stopped, and the light began to dim, and then the symbol began to sink toward the ground.

At about six times, the huge symbol disappeared, as if An Shicong had never released it.


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