Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1948: Frightened

An Shicong’s look became dignified and he lowered his voice and said:

"Everyone noticed that if there are ghosts here, it will appear in a moment. You should pay attention to the ghosts of the eyes. They have no eyes, but there are two ghosts in the eyelids. We distinguish the strength of the ghost according to the size of the wildfire, only One tenth of the eyelids, the ghost is very weak. If it exceeds half of the eyelids, the big Luo Jinxian is not an opponent. If it exceeds two-thirds, the nine-day Xuanxian will leave immediately."

Everyone nodded, and their faces became dignified. His eyes fell on the position where the symbol disappeared.

I am dying.

Two interest rates.

Three interest rates.


A circle of black light glowed in the place where the symbol disappeared, as if the whole room had become dark. But everyone has the ability to see everything around them clearly.

A figure emerged from the ground mountain. He seemed to be still asleep and closed his eyes.


After he had finished his interest, he opened his eyes. There was only a little wildfire in the eyes, which made the piano and other people feel a little loose. However, the wildfire was rapidly zooming in, and soon it was nearly halfway and still expanding.

The double face of the piano changed. At this time, the door of the eyebrow of the spirit became transparent again, and the law quickly turned, indicating the extreme danger.

"Run fast, immediately this village!"

Qin did not hesitate to yell, and turned around and rushed out the door. Yu Guanting and Sun Yuan and others immediately followed the piano and flew outside.

Qin double felt that his blood was accelerating, his heartbeat became fierce, and the extremely dangerous feeling made her face pale, and the figure flew out of the gate and continued to fly toward the courtyard door.

"Qin double, what's wrong?" Yu Guanting asked as he followed the fly.

"I don't know, but I feel extremely dangerous, leave here."


More than a hundred people followed the piano and flew out of the courtyard door and ran outside the village. The surrounding area was very quiet, only the sound of their flying looms,

More than a hundred people quickly rushed out of the village, and Qin Double stopped, turned to look at the village, and slowly retreated, watching while watching.

Seeing the look of the piano doubles, everyone was nervous. Even some people had already sacrificed the fairy, and looked around with vigilance.

The village is still full of gray smoke, making the whole village cold and secret.

After a hundred meters of retreat, the piano double relaxed and stopped the step backwards, looking at the village 100 meters away.


The wind blew, and the gray powder on the ground floated up, making the whole village darker and colder, and everything was restored to silence, as if it were an abandoned relic.

"An brother, why is the ghost fire in the ghost's eyes long?" asked Sun Yuan.

"I don't know!" An Shicong shook his head. "I have never met and heard of it, but... it should be very dangerous... Ah... Qin double, what is in your hand?"

The double look of the piano could not help but look down and the right hand could not help but shake. At this time, she had a golden awl in her hand.

"Heart cone? How can it be in my hands? I don't remember if I took something. Is this thing the heart of the man?"

The crowd gathered around and carefully looked at the heart cone in the hands of the piano, and then they all looked differently:

"It should be the heart cone on the man's body. Qin double, when did you pull it out?"

"No!" Qin double's voice slammed high: "I didn't pull it out, the ghost knows how it came to my hand?"

"Ghosts know..."

Everyone's look is a change.

Qinqin took a deep breath and frowned slightly, beginning to recall everything in that room.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in her consciousness. The figure appeared in front of the courtyard of the courtyard. The long black hair, pale face, and a yellow robe stood quietly and looked at the piano quietly. double. There is only a hole in his heart, and there is still black blood.


Qin double felt a disgusting headache, and the feeling of dizziness rose from his heart, and he could not help but lift his left hand to cover the heart. Looking down at the heart cone in the right hand.

The golden cone is about half a foot long and is engraved with a mysterious pattern.

"Qin double, are you okay?" Yu Guanting saw the pale face of the piano, the cold sweat on his forehead, could not help but ask.

"Nothing, just a little disgusting!" Qin double whispered.

"The ghost is really so powerful?" Jade Crown collapsed some brows.

"It's better than you think!" An Shicong said: "I have been to a relic, it is said to be a branch of the royal demon sect..."

Qin doubled his forehead and felt that An Shicong’s voice began to become erratic. He could only hear the voice of the voice, but could not hear what he was saying. This situation lasted for about seven minutes, and Qinqin gradually heard the voice of An Shicong.

"We left here and returned to the big camp." Qin doubled the cold sweat on his forehead.

An Shicong turned to look at the gray village, and hesitated in his eyes:

"Maybe there will be gains."

"Isn't it a ghost?" A monk on the third floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, called Dianzhu Rongdao: "We have more than a hundred monks here, and they all have the power of nine days of Xuanxian, killing the ghost. There is no problem at all."

This Zhuo Rong and Yu Guan Ting, both of which have recently broken through to the third floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, have recently been filled with confidence. Although they are still following the team of Qin Double, they are becoming less and less convinced by the captain of Qin Double. If there is a jade crown that is also broken into the third floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian next to the piano, I am afraid that he has already proposed to replace the position of the captain of the piano.

He turned to the piano double, and Pi Xiao said with a smile: "Piano, don't you stop us from making a fortune?"

Qin double shook his head: "If you think this is a chance to make a fortune, I will naturally stop you."

Everyone knows that the heart is moving, and everyone knows that the more dangerous the place, the more often it will be harvested. There is only one ghost in the village. They are so many people, what is terrible?

Dian Gongrong looked to An Shicong: "An brother, what do you think?"

An Shicong has some hesitation in his heart, but as Dian Gongrong said, there is only one ghost in the village, and they have so many people, and they are all nine days of Xuanxian. The most important thing is that Dianzhurong is a nine-day Xuan. On the third floor of the fairy, there should be no danger to the ghost.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow, seriously study and study hard, a gust of wind james, seaphay reward!





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