Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1949: wait

"Everyone!" Dian Gong Rong condensed the voice: "Who are we? We are the celestial glory of each planet. It is the arrogance that went to the Tianzi Institute for assessment. If even a ghost does not see clearly, it will be scared to escape. It’s a shame that it’s hard to wash your life. Are you willing to bear this shame to assess?”

When An Shicong listened to the words of Zhu Rong, he finally made up his mind: "We are all nine days of mysterious..."

Having said that, he glanced at the piano and said: "The strength of Qinshuang does not lose to any of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and we also have the third layer of Xuantong and Yuguan Ting, two nine-day Xuan Xian. So we don't have to be afraid of a ghost. If we just run away, it's not a shame, it's always a bit unwilling. Why don't we go back and see?"

Everyone looked to the Qin double, as well as Yu Guanting and Dian Gongrong. In their hearts, these three people are undoubtedly the most powerful in the ranks, although the cultivation of Qinshuang is only the late peak of the tenth layer of Da Luo Jinxian.

However, Qin double did not go to see them, just looked down at the heart cone in his right hand. The heart cone that suddenly appeared in her hand was so strange, as if someone had suddenly stuffed her into her hand, and she had not yet felt it.

This is terrible!

She couldn't remember when she had more of this heart in her hand.

"Predecessors!" Yang Linglong inside the scabbard behind the piano and the gods: "When did you see this thing in my hand?"

"No!" Yang Ling's voice came out.

"Qin double, what do you mean?" Dian Gongrong asked again.

Qin double shook his head and said: "Who wants to go, I won't stop, but I won't go. I can just wait for you here."

Dian Gong Rong looked a little, and some did not believe to ask: "Do you really give up?"


Qin doubled his head and nodded, inexplicably with a heart-shaped cone in his hand, which was so creepy that the piano would not be able to provoke such a horror.

"Then I will stay." Yu Guanting immediately said.

"I also stay!" Sun Yuan and the year Geng giant almost all the same channel.

The remaining hundred monks immediately began to choose. As a result, only twenty monks stood behind the piano pair, and they stated that they would stay with Qinqin. Nearly one hundred monks would follow Dianzhu Rong and Anshi. Cong once again entered the village.

In the eyes of Dian Gongrong, there is a trace of disdain: "Qin double, where is your heroism and courage? Hehe... forget it, let's go!"

"The brothers!" Qin double still called Dian Gong Rong. Dian Bow Rongton lived in the footsteps and turned to look at the piano double: "How? I figured it out? Want to go with us?"

The two-way piano bowed up and raised the heart of the cone: "I will say it again seriously, this heart cone is inexplicably in my hands, but I can't completely perceive it. If the ghost is silent, let me Unconsciously stuffed into my hands, he can also silently ask for your life."


Dian Gong Rong smirked a voice: "Qin double, I will go and see if this heart cone in your hand is on the heart of the body. You have been scared, no wonder you have not broken through to the nine-day Xuan Xian, Now I understand, because your heart is afraid."

"This is not a fear!" Qin doubled his brow slightly and said: "There is no need to provoke some dangers."

"This is fear!" Dian Gong Rong said: "Let's go!"

Qin double looked at the back of the monk, such as Dian Zhurong, and frowned deeply, his eyes flashing a trace of anxiety.

"What do we do?" Watching Dian Gongrong and others enter the village, and Yu Guanting, who is on the side, asks.

Qinqin stood there quietly, did not answer, no one spoke again, and looked at the back of nearly 100 people in Dian Gongrong until their back disappeared into the gray dust.

The piano double looked up at the sky and the moon had begun to rise.


The wind is getting bigger!

"Everyone camps." Qin double whispered.

"Let's bake some food." Yu Guanting whispered: "There are no foods on these days, and the mouth is fading out of a bird."

In the past twenty days, Qinshuang really did not eat anything. On the one hand, the creatures that were hunted were all magma-like things, and there was no meat at all. On the other hand, it is constantly attacked, and it is rare to have a little time. In order to resume repair as soon as possible, all monks will choose to take the drug. Therefore, the piano double nodded:

"it is good!"

Then the body of the two monsters was taken out of the storage ring. Sun Yuan and Geng Geng each took over a monster beast:

"Let's go over there and clean up."

There is a small turbid river not far away, and Sun Yuan and Geng Geng took a few people and walked toward the small river.

"I am going to get some branches."

Jade Crown Court took the others to a sparse forest not far away. Only the piano is left alone, standing 100 meters away from the village.

Qin double knees sit down, took out a medicinal medicine, did not deliberately go to work to adjust the interest, but let the medicinal medicine in the body, slowly recover their own cultivation.

She looked at the village a hundred meters away, the gray dust and fog, and could not see the figure of Dian Gongrong and others.

After thinking about it, Qin double spread the knowledge of the gods and wanted to find them through the gods.

She remembered that when she entered the village before, she had tried to let go of the gods, no problem.

The piano sits on the ground with a pair of knees, and quietly looks at the village behind the wooden fence. The gods spread into it, and the mood is a loose, and the gods can still enter.

Qinshuang’s gods saw that Zhun Rong and others had stood in front of the courtyard. It seems that Dian Gongrong felt her god’s knowledge. He turned his head and looked at the piano. The piano was a little embarrassed and he recovered. The gods, bowed and began to study the heart of the cone.

"Good secrets!"

Qin double whispered, looked up at the quiet village, then looked down at the heart cone in his hand, suddenly raised his hand and threw the heart in his hand.


The power of the piano double is now a half-step Xianjun, the heart cone broke through the air, and made a sharp whistling sound, but it instantly exceeded 100 meters and disappeared into the village.

"Piano double, what's wrong with you?" A man's voice suddenly came from behind the piano.

Qin Shuang Huo turned his head, but he saw that Sun Yuan was looking at himself with a cleaned monster. Behind him was a few monks such as Geng Jue. At this time, Sun Yuanzheng spoke to Qinqin and his mouth opened and closed. But Qin double could not hear the slightest sound.


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