Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Again

In the knowledge of God, An Shicong and Dian Gongrong are drinking mushroom soup and making a snoring sound. The gods of Qinqin can even see the look they enjoy on both faces. But in her vision, this An Shicong is full of horror and blood.

"An Shicong, what's wrong with you?" Yu Guanting and others stood up from the campfire and ran to the side. Qin double reached out and stopped Yu Guanting and others, and looked at An Shicong with caution:

"How do you prove that you are An Shicong?"

"Damn, it’s a ghost!"

An Shicong took out a symbolic release, and the Zhang Fu released a colorless wave. In that wave, he gave a low-pitched voice, which he could hear, but could not hear clearly, full of mystery.

Just in the moment when Fu Xi’s release, Qin’s knowledge of the doubles saw that An Shicong said:

"Qin double, why don't you talk, what happened?"

However, the voice was not the voice of An Shicong at all. It was a hoarse and low voice with a trembling voice.

"It's that voice!"

Qin double body tightened, and then back two steps, a pair of squats tightly locked in front of An Shicong, she did not encounter a similar situation, but it is in the magic array. Where is the magic array?

"Damn, which one is true?"

The situation seen in the gods, the voice heard, it seems that An Shicong in the village is fake, but who can guarantee that this Anshi Cong is true?

Just now he released a symbol, who knows that the voice of An Shicong in the village is not the one that changed?

Qin Shuang's gaze constantly looked up and down the opposite An Shicong, but could not be sure that this person in front of him is true, because in the knowledge of God, An Shicong in that village is also true.

"Do you have any evidence that you are really An Shicong?"

Qin doubled and asked, this sentence was exported, so that the monks such as Yu Guanting behind her were suddenly nervous.


Yu Guanting offered a long gun and pointed at the opposite An Shicong.

"Who are you?"

An Shicong smiled and said: "I am really An Shicong."

Speaking of this, I looked back at the village with uneasiness, then looked back and looked at the piano:

"We used to encounter the Mozu half-step fairy in the void..."

He simply told the previous story, the look of the piano double is a little slow, because An Shicong tells what is happening.

"Dian Gong Rong? And there are more than one hundred monks? Dian Gong Rong is the third floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, you can escape, why did he not escape?"

"I don't know!" An Shicong shook his head in a depressed mood: "After entering the house, we will separate. When I enter a house alone, when I come out again, to be honest, I don't know what I will see again. Dian Gong Rong is not a singer, including those monks."

Qin double wrinkled and said: "How did you get hurt?"

"The ghost suddenly appeared. I fought with her. I shouted that they would help them, but they didn't seem to find out that I was fighting with ghosts. What should I do? What the **** is doing. The ghost is fighting with me." At that time, I made a kind of volatility. I know that it is a kind of ghost technique, and it is called a ghost. Now I don’t know if they are controlled by ghosts, or are they simply the illusion that rises in my heart?"

Qin's brows were wrinkled more tightly, and his heart raised a bit of irritability.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and the gray dust on the ground is blown up. The whole world seems to be gray and people feel unreal.


A flash of lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the space and making An Shicong's face pale in lightning.

"Qin double, let's leave, go back to the big camp and the Xianjuns." There is a trembling in Sun Yuan's voice.

The piano doubled his eyes and looked at the small village 100 meters away. The whole village was covered in gray. In the wind, the gray dust swirled, which made it even more secret.

"Piano double, let's go back." An Shicong said with extreme uneasiness.

Qin’s eyes looked at An Shicong, and the gods were still shrouded in the room in the village, thinking about it:


"Well?" Yu Guanting's gunpoint still pointed to An Shicong, and he did not return to the ground.

"You all use the knowledge of God to explore the house and tell me what have you seen?"

"it is good!"

More than twenty monks, such as Yu Guanting, spread the knowledge and quickly came to the front of the courtyard and then shrouded the house toward the past.

Qin Shen’s knowledge still enveloped Dian Gongrong and An Shicong in the room.


In the heart of the piano, a sharp jump, in her knowledge, the figures of both Zhu Rong and An Shicong suddenly faded, and then disappeared.

"An Shicong, Dian Gong Rong!"

The spirit of Qin double echoed in the room, but still could not hear the slightest response, but could not see the slightest figure. Qin Shen’s knowledge quickly expanded and spread the whole house from the room, but at that time more than one hundred monks disappeared and could not find the trace.

"How could this be?"

"Dian Gongrong, An Shicong!"

Qin Shen’s knowledge oscillated throughout the house, but there was still no response.

Qin double retracted the gods, and looked at Yu Guanting and others. He saw that Yu Guanting and others at this time also took back the gods and looked at the Qinshuang. When I saw the piano double, I turned my head and shook my head:

"I didn't see a figure."


On the other side of the hillside, there was a loud noise, and at the same time, the power that was distributed had a shock wave. Everyone couldn’t help but turn to Huo Ran, and Yu Guanting said:

"Piano double, the sound comes from the camp."

Qin double tightened his brow, Sun Yuan once again said: "Qin double, let's go back."

Qin double looked down at the heart cone in the right hand, remembered the scene before throwing it out, and inexplicably coming back, the heart raised a trace of uneasiness, the piano double suddenly felt a feeling, if you leave, this silk Restlessness will always entangle the heart, and will enlarge and become your own demons.


Qin double put the heart cone into the storage ring, pulled out the exquisite sword in the backhand, and strode to the village:

"I have to go in and see."

"Qin double, Linglong sword can not be used casually, will enter the magic." Yang Ling's voice appeared in the consciousness of Qin double.

"There is no blood in the ghost, and it won't make you enchant."

The piano doubles knows the sound and keeps pace.

"Qin double you..." An Shicong and Sun Yuan almost simultaneously, and there was trembling in the voice.


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