Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1952: Jail

Qin Qin doubles his head, An Shicong and the ghost have handed over, afraid that there is still love. Sun Yuan was afraid at the beginning. It seems that this person cannot be deeply involved.

"Go in and save people!"

The piano doubled and sighed, and the voice was full of firmness, striding toward the village where the dust was flying.


An Shicong whispered a whisper and stepped behind the piano. Yu Guanting and others also followed, Sun Yuan hesitated, and finally followed.

"Always go in and see!" Qin double seems to explain: "We came together, more than 100 people are inexplicably missing, if we just leave it inappropriate. How many people come, how many people return.

We all come over, what difficulties can we stop us? ”

"Treading step..."

A hundred meters away, more than twenty people quickly came to the gate of the village. The piano stepped into the door without stopping, and walked straight toward the house.

Soon, Qin double stood at the gate of the yard again, looking at the yard, not immediately entering.

Behind her, An Shicong is like an enemy, and the sword in his hand is swallowing the sword.


A flash of lightning flashed through the air, shining the village.

Qin double closed his eyes and sensed the surrounding atmosphere. Twenty monks behind her were nervously looking around.

"Qin double..." Yu Guanting felt his throat dry.

The piano opened his eyes and whispered: "Chou Ting, do you feel it?"

“What did you feel?”

"Dead! The breath of death, here is the breath of death, not a little angry."

Twenty people behind the piano are all white, and under the reminder of the piano, they all felt it, and it was full of deadness.

Qin Shuang’s heart turns and looks for ways to crack the situation ahead. When the mind is moving, the mystery spreads out.


There is no difference between the information obtained and the knowledge of God. This is the first time she failed to use mystery.

"Too secret!"

"Death! How to crack the dead air?"

"pissed off!"

In the heart of the piano, I suddenly remembered my own glory, and looked down at my left palm, but there was a room of glory.

The piano double raised his left hand slowly, how to reverse the palm, palm down, and slowly press in the direction of the ground.

The glory space in the palm of the hand spreads a strong anger, permeating on the ground in front of the feet, and then spreading rapidly around the center with the piano pair as the center.

A layer of green color drives the gray...


The scream of Sun Yuan came from behind, and the piano doubled sharply. The house in front of the house disappeared...

The three-story house in front of her is no longer there, and it is a huge grave in front of her. Qinqin quickly glanced around and there was a house around.

There are a tomb around, but the other tombs are much smaller than the opposite tomb. Looking at them roughly, there are actually two or three hundred.


The bright lightning flashes the pale map of the surrounding anger, and the piano double retracts his eyes and looks at the huge grave opposite.

Lightning thunder disappeared, becoming a more silent, silent atmosphere of death.

Qin double clenched the exquisite sword in his hand, the heart violently jumped, she found a problem, only to see the glance, the surrounding grave is not only smaller than the grave in front of it, but also in front of each grave A tombstone.


There is no tombstone in front of this huge tomb, but there is a statue in front of the tomb.


Another lightning bolt made the night bright as white, and the eyes of the piano fell at the foot of the statue. There was a pedestal at the foot of the statue, and a line was carved on the pedestal.

Life is only a short dream, death is the eternal existence - the prison.

The lightning passed and the eyes became dark again, but the line seemed to be carved in the heart of the piano.

"Sir! It seems that this is the grave of the prison."

The piano double looked up at the statue, and the night could not stop the eyes of these monks, and everything could still be seen clearly.

This statue is very realistic. This is a handsome young man. A black hair is scattered behind his shoulders. He is different from the current style. At first glance, it is the robes of the ancient style. Although the statue is only two meters high, it gives one. The feeling of being top-notch.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the statue's eyes, and the pair of scorpions were full of majesty, as if an emperor was overlooking his courtiers.

The double back of the piano is cool and creepy. At this time, she gave her an incredible feeling. This statue seems to be a living person. At this time, she looks down on herself. It is a pair of stone carved eyes, but it seems to transmit a vivid vision, so that the heart of the piano double There is a tightening.


"Hey! Hey!"

Qinqin just whispered two words, and he heard the sound of screaming behind him.

Qin double did not dare to look back, the gods instantly spread to the back, the heart is a violent jump, Yu Guanting and other 20 monks fell to the ground at this time, still breathing, seeing the appearance is coma.

The piano doubled his mind and took the heart cone from the storage ring, recalling the statue and the man who was seen in the former room and was nailed to the heart.

"It's the same person!"


The piano sucked the nose and smelled a bit of smell. Then her gaze fell on the huge grave behind the statue.

She held the heart cone in her left hand and the exquisite sword in her right hand, and suddenly the sword smashed toward the opposite statue.


A sword passed, and the statue came to the front with a huge grave.


The two halves of the statue fell to the ground, and a crack appeared in the tomb, and a line of light emerged from the crack.

The piano double reached out and grabbed the grave. The huge grave was captured by the double piano, revealing the space inside the grave.

There is no coffin in the tomb, just a very large stone room, and the stone room is like a huge stone sarcophagus. There are piles of cockroaches piled up in the stone room, and the scorpions are burning with a white flame, which is the white flame mapping.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the fairy in the tomb. Most of the fairy had been burned and deformed, but Qin double recognized the weapons of the more than one hundred monks who were missing.

The piano double is a fire attribute. If it is not afraid of the flame, it will stick out a finger, and a thin white flame burning on the body will draw a white line and spurt toward the piano. When the palms are connected, the flames of the line are gathered in the palm of the piano, only the size of the little finger. There is no movement in the heart of the piano.


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