Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1953: Dip with phosphorus fire

The flame that enveloped more than a hundred bodies was so condensed to have such a point?


The piano double suddenly snorted, and the pain in the palm of the hand came, and the flame of the little finger suddenly spread out and became a thin layer.


The piano doubled up the defensive shield, but the white flame did not ignore the defensive shield, attached to the body of the piano and began to burn.

Dip with phosphorus fire!

Qin Shuang’s heart flashed through these four words quickly, and fear appeared in his heart.

One characteristic of adhering to phosphorus fire is that once it is attached to anything, it will stick to it, until it burns into ashes and cannot be rid of it.


The fear in the heart of the piano just emerged, and the fire spirit emerged from the eyebrows of the piano pair. When the fire spirit appeared, it turned out a mouth and threw it into the body of the piano, and opened it.


The phosphoric fire of the double body of the piano rushed toward the mouth of the fire spirit, but it was only in a short time that it was sucked into the mouth by the fire spirit.


The fire spirit hit a full, swaying and flew up, rushing into the sea of ​​the piano.


Qinqin licked his mouth, took a breath of air, looked down, his clothes had been burned, and the skin was burnt black, which made him feel fearful. If it wasn’t for the fire, he would It was burnt with phosphorus and became a powder.

I hurriedly took out a Vientiane fruit, ate it in three mouths, then took out the clothes and put it on. I turned a big hand and grabbed more than twenty monks such as Yu Guanting and ran outside the village.

Qin Shuang’s heart was a little panicked, although the statue and the tomb were ruined by the piano, and the phosphorus fire was swallowed by the fire spirit, but the heart of the piano still has a feeling of danger.


The piano double rushed out of the village, and the horrible feeling of the creeps disappeared. She placed more than twenty monks on the ground, dispersed the great hands, and hurriedly sink into consciousness, and found that the fire spirit had fallen into a deep sleep.

At this point, there is no sound on the high slope. However, the Qin double is not calm, even if it was killed by the Mozu half-step king, there are more than 400 cents, and even if it is suddenly, there will be no danger.

Qin double looked down at the more than twenty people, such as Yu Guanting, lying on the ground. The gods swept again and felt that there should be no problem. After thinking about it, it should be stunned by the eyes of the statue. After a while, you should wake up.

"A good and secret place, a good and secret statue."

Qin double raised his left palm and glanced at the dry space of the palm of his hand, slightly frowning his brow. Then he looked up and looked at the direction of the village. His eyes were filled with thoughts.


A night sky lit by lightning, the village a hundred meters away has disappeared, and a cemetery appears in the double vision of the piano.

"Oh la la..."

There was heavy rain in the sky, pouring down in general, and the sky and the earth became blurred instantly. It could not be seen within a few meters. The heavy rain slammed on the ground and made a dense buzz.

Qinqin still stood there, looking at the direction of the blurred cemetery, the downpour came to her head, and it was automatically separated to the sides, separated by the defensive shield she held up.

"Qin double, how can I be here?"

A sound rang on the ground, and then I saw Jade Crown suddenly jumped up, and some confused looked around. At the same time, one monk woke up one after another.


Qin double said the story of the matter, Yu Guanting and others are standing in the heavy rain, his face is incredible color. Half-sounding, Yu Guanting said:

"Qin double, you... no kidding?"

"This is not a joke." Qin double said helplessly.

Qin double took back the look of the cemetery and looked at An Shicong.

"An brother, you and the ghost have played, can you talk about it?"

The eyes of everyone gathered on An Shicong’s body, and An Shicong’s face showed a bitter smile:

"There is nothing that can't be said, but I am also very confused."


"Yes!" An Shicong nodded. "In fact, I have never fought with any ghosts. It is not right. It is not right."

An Shicong’s face showed a hint of horror: “When I came out of the room alone, I felt someone attacking me from behind, and I quickly turned and attacked. But I found out behind me. No one. And... and..."

The horror of An Shicong’s face was more intense: “And the attack I made was inexplicably hurting me. So I shouted, but I found that people around me didn’t seem to see me, still doing it there. I was doing my own thing. So I fled while attacking, but every time I attacked, I had a scar on my body.

Then I fainted, and when I woke up, I always felt a footstep behind me, and there was a cold breath blowing my neck. I used to look back, no one, no ghosts. It was useless to use God, so I ran out all the way. ”

Qin double fixedly looked at An Shicong until An Shicong was somewhat unnatural, and Qin Double nodded:

"Let's go back and meet everyone."

An Shicong also seemed to feel the deep meaning contained in the eyes of a string of music, no longer speech, silently followed the piano double, and walked toward Gaopo.

Going back to the camp, no one pays attention to them. At this time, it was the time of the heavy rain, and everything around it became awkward. And everyone's attention seems to be on the cemetery not far away.

The cemetery was the village where Xianjun had been in. At this time, the village had disappeared, and it was a cemetery in the eyes of everyone. In the cemetery, those immortals are going back and forth and searching for something.

"Everyone will resume the adjustment."

Qin double whispered, she did not ask them to keep the secret tonight, she knew that these people would not say. Yu Guanting is sitting next to Qin Double, whispering:

"You and An Shicong seem to know more."

Qin double silenced: "I and An Shicong have both encountered ghosts, so... forget it, you don't know."

In the heart of the piano, the white crown jade that was encountered on the mainland of the warriors was heard, but the white crown jade could not be called a ghost, but a obsession.

I don't know how Baiguanyu is now?

Qin double sighed softly and began to recover.


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