Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1955: Soul inheritance

"Kill me? Anyway, I have helped you, you are so ungrateful, how can I believe in you?"

In fact, at this time, Qin Shuang’s heart also gave birth to waves.

The gas of life!

Do you not need the gas of life?

"What conditions do you want?" The ghost said with a bit of anger: "Speak practically, don't ask me where I came from."

"You give me a kind of life."

"The clock of life? Do you really dare to think? No."

Qin double heard from the other party's tone, no matter whether the other party has a kind of life, it will never give it to himself, then he will take a step back:

"Then give me some life."

The ghost sighed a sigh: "If I still have a trace of life, will it be rare for you?"

"You...nothing...predecessors, you make me... very embarrassing!"

The hoarse voice was even more trembled, and the words of the double piano were undoubtedly a jealous ghost.

"I can teach you the inheritance of life."

Qinqin snorted and said: "I don't have life attributes, and there is no kind of life. Even if I get your inheritance, it is also a mirror."

The hoarse voice was silent for a while: "It seems that your family is good, and you have a certain understanding of the inheritance of life. However, even if you do not need life inheritance, there are other things that can be traded between us."

"Talk about it!"

In the voice of Qin double, she deliberately showed a hint of interest. She just wanted to find a step that would not let this hoarse voice be found, and gave this ghost a concept that she couldn’t provoke herself. At that time, she would break the boat and succumb to the other person. Otherwise Completely suppressed by this hoarse ghost, it is likely to become the embarrassment of the other party's control.

There is no doubt that the piano can't beat each other, so the piano doubles to create a representation of the other side, so win a little initiative.

She knows that the other party is not willing to do so, nor will she kill her. The other party needs the anger of her glory space.

"At the beginning, I died with the sergeant and consumed my source. Even the gods did not stay. But I did not expect to leave my soul. And that is the same for the prison. From then on, we both started on the soul. Research. You should know that the study of the soul in the spiritual world is almost zero, and the inheritance of the soul is not. And both of us have become souls, and naturally we have a stronger advantage in studying the soul.

So, since then, they have struggled on both sides while studying the soul. If you are willing to put me in your glory space, I will pass on my research on the soul. ”

Qin double heard great joy, since she entered the spiritual world, she has no inheritance about the soul. In the military world, there is also a low-level soul cultivation tradition, which was studied by the predecessors of the mainland. But it also reached the realm of Wu Sheng, abruptly stopped. After entering the spiritual world, everything is the Qin doubles themselves groping, reluctant cultivation to the present realm, but also are rude and direct elevation of the Yangshen, the use of the Yangshen, or stay at the level of the military.

"Good!" Qin double nodded immediately: "But I have the conditions. The seniors must first pass on the study of the soul to me."

"Oh..." The ghost sneered two channels: "Do you think I am a fool?"

Qin’s face was apathetic: “Is it a fool to see me?”

The deaf-mute voice was silent for a while: "I can teach you some first, and they are taught to you, and you can't comprehend. The inheritance that you taught me to you is fully understood. After I check it, I will pass it on to you. ""

"Good!" Qin nodded and said: "And, you can't absorb the raw gas in the glory space, and you can't swallow my wood spirit. In short, what I have, before I have no consent. You can't move."

"Reassured, I won't kill chickens and take eggs!" The hoarse voice said with no anger: "What are your conditions? Remind you, don't overdo it. Otherwise, I will really turn you into jealousy, with my study of the soul, this Not difficult."

In the heart of the piano, I couldn’t help but make a nap. I nodded and said, "No."

A green light spurted out of the heart cone, and did not enter the sea of ​​the piano, and then heard the hoarse voice:

"Don't you take me into the glory space?"

Qin double quickly read the message that entered his own knowledge of the sea, and his eyes were a joy, and it was really about the study of the soul. Of course, Qin double is not sure if there are any traps here. After you need to push yourself, you will decide whether to practice. However, I still handed the heart to the left hand, and then I thought about it and put it into the glory space.

The hoarse voice quieted down.


The piano double spit out a sigh of relief and shook his head slightly. She still doesn't know what kind of state the deaf-mute voice is. The deaf-mute voice hides in her heart and separates her exploration. Even if she accepts the glory space, she can't find it.

"Sib!" The piano blinked: "It seems that you have to find out from this aspect of the prison, you will find clues to this hoarse voice."


Qin double sighed, she found that the power inside her body is too much.

Gongdebei, Yang Lingwei, Mo Xin, now add a deaf-mute ghost, this is still the blood piano left, who knows which day the big energy is not happy, and he died.

"It's still too weak!"

Qinqin sighed again, explored the surroundings, then put away the flag and turned back.

While walking, thinking about it.

Gongdebei seems to be unconscious, only instinct, and this instinct protects her at a critical time, there should be no danger.

Yang Lingzhen said that when she first saw Yang Linglong, Yang Linglong was not friendly. Although he has signed a contract with Yang Lingling and is in his own interest, he can control Yang Ling’s life and death. However, this is only for the current realm of both sides.

Even if Qinqin is stupid, I know that Yang Ling’s true strength is definitely higher than herself, but it has not recovered, and it has been hit hard by the rebellious Thousands. Once Yang Linglong returns to the peak...

Do not!

I don't need to recover to the peak, but just halfway back, I am afraid I can counter myself. At that time, I didn't control Yang Lingwei myself, but Yang Lingling controlled herself.

The magic heart always wants to control itself. Now the piano pair needs to constantly suppress the magic heart, and it needs to consume its own knowledge and power every moment.

As for this hoarse ghost, the situation is the most uncertain. If you don't know when, you will be countered by the other party.


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