Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1956: Weiyang

The other side studied the soul for so long, once he controlled his own soul, the piano double was cold as long as he thought about it.

I licked my head and still felt cold.

I don't know what happened to An Shicong? If he is a prisoner, his strength will grow very fast?

And according to the relationship between the prisoner and the deaf and dumb voice, I am afraid that I will go to the opposite relationship in the future.

"Too complicated!"

Qin double sighed for the third time. When she walked out of the woods, she also saw An Shicong coming out of the woods.

Qin Shuang's gaze shrinks, and An Shicong is the first layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but now the fluctuations of his body have reached the second floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

The piano doubleed the surprise in his heart and said hello to the other party. The two men walked side by side towards the camp.

"Qin double, now I am essentially different from the past, I will be stronger in the future." An Shicong's face showed confidence and joy.

The piano is silent for a moment: "Are you still you?"

"Of course it is me!" An Shicong smiled and said: "I just changed."

"Then you are still going to go to Tianziyuan for assessment?"

"Go, why not? And I have confidence to pass the assessment. I will let the people in Tianziyuan see a rising star."

Having said that, he looked at Qin Double Road: "You must also be able to enter Tianziyuan. We can join forces in Tianziyuan."

"Are you sure?" Qin asked in disbelief.

An Shicong squinted at the piano and said, "I am sure!"

The piano is silent, and the heart is dark, it seems that An Shicong is not an honest man! I don't know if he wants to fool me in his heart, or do you want to fool the prisoner?

At this point, two people have already seen the camp, and the two walked toward the campfire where they were in Yuguanting. While walking, the piano thinks, the previous An Shicong is not such a character, and now curious and flying, it seems that the prisoner gave him a lot of confidence.

"Is it back?" Jade Crown looked at the piano and said: "The bonfire is done, take some meat out."

Qinqin silently took out some of the demon meats and gave them to everyone. The people grilled the monsters on the campfire. Jade Crown look joy:

"I just heard that, when I went further, I went to the gate city. I finally saw the city of Tianzixing."

"I haven't entered the city for too long." The hoarse voice suddenly appeared in the consciousness of Qin Double.

Qin Double immediately said to the voice: "I came to Tianzixing for the first time. I came to participate in the examination of Tianziyuan. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"Come to participate in the evaluation of the Tianwu Institute?"


“Are you from the inner star domain or the middle star domain?”

"Zhongxing domain!"

"Zhongxing domain, the inheritance there is not very good. It is very unlikely to pass the assessment of Tianziyuan."

The piano has a black face and a dark heart. "In fact, I am from an alien field. Isn't there no hope at all?"

The hoarse voice continued to sound: "You also saw that the small guy of An Shicong has already made a breakthrough under the guidance of the prisoner. If he goes on, he is likely to pass the examination of Tianziyuan. Are you envious?"

"No envy." Qin said faintly.

"The mouth is hard!"

The look of Qin double is still calm: "I have my way to go, and I also have my plan. I will not blindly improve my cultivation, and consolidate the foundation of each realm. It is more important to promote the realm. The rapid improvement will cause the foundation to be unstable. When it comes to the future, it will block the road of ascension."

"Oh..." The hoarse voice sneered at two channels: "Whoever says, but have you thought about it? Your foundation is sturdy, and you have to have a chance later. Look at the monks around you. A big Luo Jinxian?

It’s all nine days of Xuan Xian, only you are a big Luo Jinxian, what does this mean? ”

"What does it mean?"

"Describe your talent qualifications and understanding is very junk."

Qinshuang’s head can’t help but black gas. But the hoarse voice did not stop.

"With your qualifications and savvy talents, I am afraid that I will not be able to reach Xianjun in my life. What do I say later?

Therefore, only by constantly breaking through can we make your Shouyuan continue to grow. Only when Shouyuan continues to grow, will you give time to practice and comprehend. Therefore, the so-called solid foundation is the self-comfort of the weak.

how about it?

Have you figured it out? Do you want me to point you? ”

Qin double silently said: "We are both unfamiliar, and you came to me very suddenly. Who knows if your guidance is good for me?"

Qin double said, while picking up a piece of roasted monster meat handed to her by Yu Guanting, eating slowly.

The hoarse voice silenced for a moment: "Call me not."

"We are not a predecessor, you can tell the younger generation, what is the fall of you and the prisoner?"

"Of course, it's the same!" Weiyang's tone was very calm: "We both released the strongest Dafa at the same time, not only the physical destruction of each other, but also the gods are annihilated. But I did not expect the soul to remain, the Secretary The soul of the prison is boarding in his fire."

“Do you have a phosphorus fire?”

"Yes, huh, huh... the one you got with the phosphorus fire is just a very small glimpse of the prisoner's fire, and I tell you that there is a small fire in the fire. A trace of soul."

Qin Qin was shocked and even his face became pale.

"Qin double, what's wrong with you?" Yu Guanting whispered softly, and An Shicong on the side looked at the twinkling eyes.

"It's nothing!"

Qin double recovered calm, ate a sacred animal, waited until the people no longer pay attention to themselves, continue their talk and laugh, Qin Qincai knows the voice:

"What about me now?"

"Don't worry too much, it's just a trace of the soul of the prisoner, not as powerful as you think. And it is swallowed up by your fire, at least you are not at risk now."

"At the very least, there is no danger now. What does it mean?" Qin double felt that his back heart began to ooze cold sweat.

"Now the soul of the prisoner should be resisting the refining of your fire spirit. If your fire spirit can refine the soul, you will naturally be without danger. If you can't refine the soul of the prisoner Your fire spirit will be refining by the prison."

“Being rehabilitated by the prisoner?”

"Yes! Have you forgotten? Your **** fire is devastated with phosphorus fire, and the phosphorus fire belongs to the prisoner. The sorcerer’s soul is hidden in the smashed phosphorus fire. If it is contaminated with phosphorus fire Devouring your fire, the phosphorus fire will become more powerful, and it is completely under the control of the prison. By that time...

"Boom...", when the phosphorus fire burns from your body, you become gray. ”


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