Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1958: Tianzicheng

"I finally saw the official road." Yu Guanting said excitedly: "Going along the official road, you should soon arrive at the gate city."

At the same time, they also saw pedestrians on the official road, and those pedestrians also saw the Qin double their team. It stands to reason that when you see a team of more than 400,000 people, these pedestrians should be surprised, but Qin double found that those people did not have a surprised look.

And there are quite a few monks and piano pairs who are opposite each other. It seems that they want to enter the Ashes Mountains for hunting.

The piano doubles and looks around. On both sides of the official road, there are a large number of Lingmitian, green rice and rice fields, and the Terran is working.

A Terran monk sang a word, moved his handcuffs, and then gathered a cloud over the rice field he had cultivated.


Then there was a light rain that poured the rice fields.

The long-lost intimacy, came up, finally saw humans!


Shen Chongguang’s face also showed a glimmer of relaxation, speeding up the pace, flying along the official road, followed by more than forty thousand monks, like a long dragon.

There is no palace of the Blu-ray Stars in the gate city, there are more than forty thousand people. If you live in the inn in the city of Tianzixing, it is definitely a consumption that will make Xianjun heartache. Since you are going to Tianzicheng, you will save this consumption. Shen Chongguang took the crowd directly and took the transmission array. He took the transmission array six times in a row and finally arrived at Tianzicheng, but the look of Qinshuang and others was not very good-looking. In the gray mountain range, I fled for more than a month, and at any time I had a companion fall, and I finally got out of the gray mountains. Without a break for a quarter of an hour, I took the transmission array continuously. Even if they were monks, this moment was a bit disgusting.

Shen Chongguang took the monks directly to the blue sky in the palace of Tianzicheng. They didn't have time to appreciate the scenery of Tianzicheng. It was too tired, tired and tired.

Standing in front of the palace in the blue-light field of Tianzicheng, Qinshuang and a group of monks looked at the palace with a small facade. This is a three-story building covering more than 1,000 square meters. There is a plaque hanging on the threshold. Four words.

Blu-ray palace.

How many millions of people can live in such a big place?

That is, their current 40,000 people can't live!

Followed by the flow of people into the door, the eyes suddenly open, these three floors turned out to be a space fairy, more than forty thousand people came here, suddenly felt empty, simply do not feel crowded.

Shen Chongguang asked the left-behind staff of the palace to arrange the monks to play the doubles, and these Xianjun went upstairs. Qin double these people are arranged to live on the first floor, each person is a single-family, Yu Guanting, Sun Yuan and Geng Geng, and An Shicong and Qin double live in a row.

Qin double lived in the Blu-ray Palace, first carefully examined the courtyard where he lived, although he did not find anything to monitor himself, but still kept the extreme vigilance. She is a person with a space fairy. Who knows if this palace has a spirit?

Once there is a spirit, what else can you win?

I am afraid that it is not possible to win the spirit of the instrument.

Therefore, Qin double honestly washed a bath, and then mobilized the power to carefully adjust the space fairy.

After a quarter of an hour, the piano opened his eyes and the thoughts between the eyebrows appeared.

This space fairy is not too advanced, and now the eyes of the piano are different, especially with more than one space fairy.

This fairy has almost no defense. Of course, how a space fairy can be without defense, or its own strength against a nine-day Xuan Xian attack will not have a big problem. Compared to the square demon tower of the town, it is very difficult to trap a fairy in the interior, because the space fairy is relatively weak. But if you want to break the town demon tower from the outside, let alone the immortal, it is not a half-step fairy king.

It’s just that this palace looks like a pair of pianos. The ability to resist external attacks is also average, that is, it can withstand the attack of the next nine days. In other words, when you look like it, you basically don't have the defense ability. And there is no difference between the concentration of the fairy power inside and the outside.

Thinking about it, I heard someone shouting outside: "Is the Qindao friend there?"

When Qinqin got up and went out, he saw a monk who stayed in the palace standing outside the door.

"Qindaoyou, someone looking outside."

In the heart of the piano is a joy, she has no friends at all, and just came in, just looking for someone, besides Xu Kaiyun, who else?

"Thank you!"

After Qinqin hurriedly thanked him, he quickly walked outside the palace. Going out of the gate, I saw Xu Kaiyun, Chu Dali, Iron Soft, Baoyi, Houdi and Leixing.

"Boss!" This is Xu Kaiyun, iron soft and soft Baoyi.

"Miss sister!" This is Chu Dali.

"Qin double!" This is Lei Xing.

"Miss!" This is the waiting area.

Qin double joy greeted the road: "You are all fine, great."

"There is something that the boss gives us, what will we do?" Xu Kaiyun smiled and said: "Go, I am in the ground, I treat you."

“Xu Ji Restaurant?” Qin double stood in front of a splendid restaurant building, leaning over his head and looking at Xu Kaiyun.

"This is Xu Jiakai, come with me."

Xu Kaiyun took the lead and went in, and immediately there was a guy who greeted him.

"Opening the cloud, you are here."

"Give me a box. Then send the dishes of the hand."


The buddy invited everyone into a box, and everyone sat around and sat down, and soon the wine was delivered. Xu Kaiyun poured a glass of wine on the piano:

"Boss, I heard that you have an accident, being killed by a demon half-step king, scared us."

"Do you know that we have an accident? Do you know that we were killed by a half-step king?"

"It's nothing strange." Xu Kaiyun said with a smile: "Don't forget that I am a Xu family, and this time things are very big. I have never happened before."

"Well? What happened?"

"Who knows!" Xu Kaiyun shook his head. "My level is too low. I don't know a lot of things. I just got to know it. I don't know why. The Mozu first took the ambush to participate in the examination of Tianziyuan and Tianhuiyuan. The Terran and the Demon Monks, and then the Terran and the Demon Masters, while preparing for the defense, also began to take shots of the Mozu monks who participated in the examination of the Devil's Court. Later, it became a mess, and the three races touched each other half a step. Master Wang Da, killing each other's monks who participated in the assessment. The losses of the three parties are extremely huge. Not only the blue-ray domain, but almost all the monks in the star field have been attacked."


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