Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1959: rule

There was a shocking color on the face of Qin’s face: "Isn’t that the monk who came to the assessment this time has a huge casualty?"

"How many people are you still left?" Xu Kaiyun asked.

"400,000 has just come out."

"The monks of other stars are almost the same. You don't know, the powers in the Purple City are angry, and they have come out of the retreat and madly retaliated against the Mozu and the Yaozu. This loss is for the Terran. It is really too big. The number of monks who originally participated in the examination of the Tianziyuan can reach more than 30 million, and it is estimated that it is more than six million."

"Hey...had so much death?" Qin double shocked: "You haven't met the half-step fairy king?"

"We are not the disciples who participated in the assessment. Those half-step Xian Wang only started the elites who participated in the assessment. Like ordinary monks like us, they are not interested." Xu Kaiyun said with self-deprecation.

Qin double shook his head and began to talk about his own encounters on the road. Then Xu Kaiyun and others began to talk about their encounters in Tianzhu. At this time, Qin doubles know that these people's cultivation has also improved.

Nowadays, the highest one is still waiting for the place, and it is already the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, followed by Lei Xing. The repair also broke through to the second floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, then Chu Dali and iron soft, Both of them broke through the eighth floor of the Great Luo Jinxian. Baoyi also broke through to the third floor of Da Luo Jinxian. On the contrary, Xu Kaiyun's promotion made Qinqin surprised. He even jumped two small steps and reached the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian.

"You are not a small harvest this time!" Qin double looked up and down the road.

Xu Kaiyun shook his head and smiled: "You still don't know me? I want to promote a small realm too hard. So on the way back to the Purple Star, I have no breakthrough at all, but I have toughen my mind. I It was back to the family, and the patriarch gave me a five-line dan, which was improved. And the patriarch said that after some time, I will enter the Xu family for half a year of cultivation. I guess it should be when I come out again. It’s nine days of mystery. Boss, at that time, you don’t just be a big Luo Jinxian, I was beaten up by me.”

"Ha ha……"

"Don't you!" Xu Kaiyun looked down and said: "The patriarch wants to see you."

"See me?" Qin doubled a look: "See what I do?"

“How do I know?” Xu Kaiyun grabbed his head and said: “You also know that when I left Xu, I was only a fairy, and I still sneaked. So when I came back with the repair of Da Luo Jinxian It caused a sensation."

Looking at the appearance of Xu Kaiyun's eyebrows and dancing, I must be very proud of seeing the shock of those people. The mouth of the piano double could not help but also reveal a smile.

"So, I was called by the patriarch, let me tell him the experience in detail. After he finished listening, he gave me a five-line Dan, and also allowed me to enter the Xu family, and finally let me Bring you to you. Boss, you don't have to worry, according to the patriarch's words, you have grace for me, and Xu has always said something."


The piano nodded twice, asking himself if the family leader Xu Mo would not be malicious to himself. In addition to a town demon tower that no one knows, other things on the body are a treasure for himself. It may be **** for Xu Mo. Qin double even suspected that even if Xu Mo saw the town demon tower, there may not be any interest.

However, it is a day after tomorrow, the first family of the spiritual world, there will be no space for Xianbao?

Thinking of the space Xianbao, Qin double could not help but ask: "Open the cloud, I saw that the street where I live, is a row of identical space fairy..."

After the words have not been finished, Xu Kaiyun laughed.

"Boss, that street is called the star road, that is to say, the palaces of the various stars are located there. And those palaces are standard space devices."

“System Space Fairy?”

"Yes, it is the space fairyware that has been refining in a batch. It is only the upper-class space fairy, that is, the living space becomes larger, and there are no other characteristics. It is all made by our Xujia refining hall."

"Do you make a refining?" Qin doubles his face and said: "I have to refine some of these things, and there is almost no defense?"

Xu Kaiyun turned a white-eyed road: "We have a strict family, we are not allowed to fight in the Star Road, otherwise, die."

Qin double eyebrows raised a word: "Don't you dare to attack the space fairy that you bought at your home?"

"Boss!" Xu Kaiyun looked at the mentally retarded gaze: "I found that after you hit the half-step fairy king, you are stupid."

"Oh..." Qin double sneered and looked at Xu Kaiyun: "I found that once you passed the Scorpio, you will be arrogant."

"Oh, huh..." Xu Kaiyun said with a smile on his hippie face: "Our Xu family is even more powerful, and it is not so powerful. Star Field Road is the palace of the various spiritual domains in the Purple City, and Tianzi City is even bigger. It is also impossible to accommodate the monks who are constantly coming in. Therefore, Xu Jiacai refines a group of space-spaced celestial devices and establishes a star-shaped road. It is not allowed to do it in the Xingyu Road. This is the common knowledge of all the families in the entire Purple Star. So no matter what your background, as long as you dare to start on the Star Road, there is only one dead road. At both ends of the Star Road, there is a fairy sitting in the town, as long as there is a fight, the message is up, no reason at all, will be in the first time , a slap in the face."

In the heart of the piano, there is no way to go. If this is the means of doing things, no one really dares to start on the Star Road.

"What about the rest?"

"That doesn't matter, as long as you have that strength, you can do it at random. For example, you can always do it at the site of Xu's home, as long as you dare."

Qin Qin double-hearted turn, then some understand, and thought and said: "You mean that only the Star Road in the entire Purple City is not allowed to do hands here, other places are free, as long as you can afford the consequences?"

“Not bad!” Xu Kaiyun nodded. “What impression do you have on Tianzicheng?”

"Can you have any impression? You haven't had time to go shopping. There is only one impression, and that is big."

“Not bad!” Xu Kaiyun nodded again: “There are mountains and rivers in Tianzi City. How big is it? It is said that there are more than 500 million Terran monks living in the whole Purple City.”

The piano is not a tongue, a city is already equivalent to a continent.

"In the Purple City, there are no city owners, no city guards. There are no rules that are not allowed to kill. But there is no rules, but this is the rule. The security situation of Tianzicheng is not bad."

The piano double wrinkled and didn't completely understand.


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