Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1960: Xu Jia

Chapter 3077 Xu Jia

"Actually, in this unruly situation, the monks of all parties are very cautious.

What is Tianzicheng?

That is where all the big forces gather. There are the strongest families here, there are Tianziyuan, there are Danfu Array, Qinqi calligraphy and painting and other alliances. There are also some martial art that survive in the cracks. Some of the gangs in the well market are large and complex. Who is sure that you are offended by a person who has a big background? ”

"So, there is almost no battle in the city of Tianzi?"

"Wrong, on the contrary, there are many battles." Xu Kaiyun shook his head. "It’s just that there is no battle between the big forces. At least, there have been no battles between such forces in tens of thousands of years. But, like the city between the wells The gang fights, the killing between individual monks, the sects that survived in the cracks, or the small families at the bottom, combined, fighting almost every day."

Qin double frowned and said: "Don't these big families of Xu family look at the internal struggles of the Terran?"

“Yes!” Xu Kaiyun nodded. “According to the patriarch’s words, this is a kind of tempering. Only the monks who grew up in the temper will become the intermediate force against the demon. It’s not a good time for people to live comfortably. It’s been a long time, no matter how high it is, it’s a group of lambs to be slaughtered.”

Qin double can not help but nod, my heart understands that this day purple city seems to have no rules, in fact, there are things higher than the rules.

That is the way!

No matter who is cultivated to what extent, who in the background, who has great influence, they have different paths, but they must have a common path, that is, the origin of the Tao. Therefore, even if it is a half-step fairy king, or a certain big force, it does not dare to violate the common road. If it is violated, it must be grouped up and smashed. Even if it is as strong as a family, it does not dare to violate the common road.

This common road can be big or small.

The big one is to guard the Terran, any family, if you dare to betray the Terran, and go to the Mozu or the Yaozu, then only the result of being destroyed.

Small can be a very common thing, such as picking a flower thief, it is definitely a situation where everyone shouts.

Therefore, in the place where many big forces gather, there is no rule, and there is a strong rule.

"There is no organization? For example, the Terran Alliance like the Ink Star?"

"Yes!" Xu Kaiyun said: "But it is not called the Tianzicheng Terran Alliance, but the Alliance of Spiritual People. This alliance has no ally, and usually does not hold meetings, and will not discuss anything.

However, anyone can hold a human meeting.

There is a mountain in the Purple City, and there is a bell on the mountain. Anyone in the Terran Alliance can knock the clock. Once the bell rings, someone is going to hold a meeting of the Terran Alliance. All the elders of the Terran Alliance in Tianzicheng will go immediately.

However, the convening of the meeting must be a major event of the Terran, involving the rise and fall of the Terran. For example, it is necessary to fight with the demon or the demon.

If this is not the case, or if you can't convince more than half of the Terran Alliance elders, think that this is a human race, the person who rings the bell will commit suicide, otherwise it will be grouped up and smashed. ”

The piano can't be stunned by the heart, knocking a clock, can be knocked to death.

However, Qin double also understands. This Terran Alliance is for the Terran

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Established by survival and rise and fall. If anything is held, those elders don’t have to practice.

not to mention……

In the eyes of those elders, cultivation and ascension are their goals. Apart from the survival and rise and fall of the human race, there is nothing else that can arouse their interest.

Everyone ate and talked for a while, and waited: "Miss, what do we do next?"

Bao Yi, Chu Dali and iron soft, Lei Xing also looked at the Qin double. Baoyi, Chu Dali and iron soft, all of them are following the Qinshuang to the Tianzixing, naturally can not live in Xujia for a long time. Qin double did not come, they only wait. Now that the piano is coming, it is natural to have a double idea. That is, Lei Xing also looked forward to the Qin double.

He was already prepared, but after arriving at the Purple City, he found that his preparation was not enough. The price here is really too high, and the fairy crystals on him, if not living in the Xu family, I am afraid that they will not go through a month.

"What are you doing?" Xu Kaiyun said: "I said, this is my site, come to me, don't live in my house, where do you want to live?"

"Take it down." Chu vigorously straightened and talked unceremoniously: "I saw it in your Xu family. Your position in Xu family can't be ordinary. You two brothers and one sister, status. We are taller than you. We don't want to be blinded in your home."

"You..." Xu Kaiyun's face was blue.

Qin double is interrupting Xu Kaiyun: "They are also flying up the brothers?"

"I have all flown up, will they not fly up?" Xu Kaiyun snorted and said: "Big brother, second brother, and Qinglian sister are flying up."

"Opening the sky, Kaishan and Qinglian are all flying up?" Qin double joy said: "There is also Yan Xinghai that kid is also flying up."

"He is also in Xu?"

"No! That kid is very proud, he is in Tianziyuan."

Qin Shuang is happy to have a few familiar friends. Although he is short-lived, he is not a monk on the mainland of the military, but he finally knows not. However, she later noticed that the people in Chu were still waiting for themselves and thought about it:

"You have to live in Kaiyun for a while, wait until I am familiar with Tianzicheng."

"it is good!"

"Boss, you have been waiting for me at the Blu-ray Palace these few days. When I tell you that the patriarch is coming, I will take you to see the patriarch."

"it is good!"

Qinqin knows that Xu Mo’s identity and cultivation, and seeing himself, is definitely a face for himself. This can't look at your own time, you need to see the time of Xu Mo.

However, what Qin Qin did not think was that just after noon the next day, Xu Kaiyun came. Then take a small flying boat with the piano and go to Xu Jiafei.


The first feeling for the piano double, the Xu family is big, occupying not a mountain, but a few mountains. Imagine how big the purple city is this day.

The flying boat fell in front of the mountain gate. There was no monk guard at the mountain gate, but there was a concierge. Outside the porter, an old man lay on a lounge chair with his eyes closed and fell asleep. The mouth of the piano double twitched, the first family of the spirit world, this ... is too casual.

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