Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1965: Xu Mo's review

"Thank you for your predecessors. []"

"This is just a transaction, the two sides are mutually beneficial, there is nothing to thank." Xu Mo smiled: "Little friends, you want to cultivate five attributes?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"Do you need help?"

The piano doubles the heart and turns, only to tell the other party that the materials derived from Linggen are ready, and there is no need to help. Now, Xu Mo has offered help. He should want to give or trade himself a kind of soil attribute method. He can't help but open his mind:

"Predecessors want to provide a soil attribute method for the younger generation?"

“Yeah!” Xu Mo smiled and nodded. “In fact, Xu has a five-educational practice, called Qiankun. But that is the treasure of the Xu family’s town, and the forgive husband can’t give it to you. I have a soil property method that should suit you."

While talking, while taking out a jade slip to the piano double, Qin double took over the jade, the gods swept away, and there was a disappointment in his eyes.

This soil property has a high grade, and when it is taken outside, it will definitely set off a storm. However, compared with the double-rooted exercises practiced by Qinshuang today, there are some differences, and in the inheritance of the blood-separation, there are three or two types of such merits that Xu Mo gave her. Seeing the disappointment that flashed through the eyes of the piano, Xu Mo couldn’t help but look at it.

Is this martial arts practice more powerful than the one I gave her?

Suddenly I remembered the scene of the double-crossing of the piano.

"No wonder she will cross the emperor's robbery. It turns out that there is a reason for practicing the exercises."

Shaking his head, he didn't want to give someone a practice, but it was awkward.

"I am not satisfied, but in addition to Qiankun, there is really no better way than this."

While talking, I took back the jade and said: "If there is anything in the future, you can come to me. If you can help, Xu will definitely help. Also, what you said, about Xu Kaiyun, I hope. You keep it secret, otherwise the kid’s tail will rise to the sky."

Qin double can not help but smile, Xu Kaiyun that detached temper, she sometimes feels a headache. Then nodded and should bear it. Then open the way:

"Predecessors, juniors have a question to ask."

"You said."

"Will the five roots and the innate five Linggen derived from the day after tomorrow be much worse in future achievements?"

"Yes!" Xu Mo nodded. "Let's say, if you and Kaiyun are the same repairs, you must not be the opponent of Kaiyun. This is the difference in nature."

Qin nodded twice, and Xu Mo asked some questions on cultivation, and then left to leave. When the piano double left, a Xu family monk had already waited outside the door. When he saw the piano double, he went forward and prayed:

"Qindaoyou, the family sent me here to wait for you and take you to Dongcheng."

Qin double suddenly understood, let Xu Kaiyun go to Baoyi them, and soon a few people gathered together, riding the Xu family's flying carriage, and headed for Dongcheng.

The Xu family's monk, Xu Kaiyun's uncle according to his seniority, is in charge of some foreign affairs in Xu's family, called Xu Fang. At this time, he is sitting opposite the Qinshuang, and he is quietly introducing the property information of the house.

“In Tianzicheng, the big family basically settled in the central area. Dongcheng is a somewhat poor family settlement. Xicheng is the most prosperous place in Tianzicheng, and Nancheng is the seat of the various stars. Of course, each star The area's palaces occupy a small area in Nancheng, but there has become a temporary gathering place for the various stars to Tianzicheng. The north city is relatively poor, and the dragons and snakes are mixed. Other monks who come to Tianzicheng will stay in Nancheng for a while and will find a way to enter the North City."

“Well? Why is this?” Qin asked inexplicably: “The predecessors did not say that the North City is a place where dragons and snakes are mixed. Is the condition worse than Nancheng?”

“It’s worse than Nancheng, and it’s still a lot worse. However, Nancheng can only be a place where people live temporarily in the stars, because the cost of living there is very expensive.”

"Is there a palace?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"The palace is also the time for each examination of the Tianzi Institute, and will be free to give you the monks who come to participate in the assessment. Usually there are charges. Every area in Tianzicheng has rental houses, but relatively speaking, north The district is the cheapest. Therefore, many monks will go to the North District after they are familiar with Tianzicheng. A little development."

Qin double and others listened and they were very happy. Anyway, I have just arrived in Tianzicheng, and I have a place to stay in Tianzicheng. This starting point is much higher than those who came to Tianzicheng.

"Boss." Xu Kaiyun strangely asked: "What have you done? The patriarch will give you a yard? The courtyard of Dongcheng is very expensive and expensive."

Xu Fang also looked at the piano double curiously, but I knew that the yard was not big, but it was not small, and it was about a thousand square meters. A thousand square meters look small, but don't you forget where it is?

Here is Tianzicheng, and it is also the Eastern District. It is no exaggeration to say that if such a yard is sold, it will definitely be able to sell billions of top grades. This is the fairy crystal that many monks can't earn in their lifetime.

"Not to send!" Qin double old **** is saying: "I changed it with a Dan."

Don't say that it is released, it is the color of doubt in Xu Kaiyun's eyes:

"We are still missing the Dan family?"

When I heard Xu Kaiyun, I put aside and agreed to nod. Qin double is turning a white eye:

"Do you have a deep foundation and you can have all the Dans in the whole spiritual world?"

"It is impossible, for example, you are the net... No?" Xu Kaiyun suddenly shocked: "You sold the Dan to the patriarch?"


"Then you have some losses!" Xu Kaiyun touched his chin and said: "No, I have to go to the patriarch and can't bully my friend."

The piano is moved in the heart, but on the surface, it is an idiot who looks at Xu Kaiyun:

"Do you think I am stupid?"

"Did not you say……"

"There are some other conditions for trading, so I won't talk to you."

"Also." Xu Kaiyun opened his mouth and smiled: "How can my boss be a fool?"

Xu Fang was shocked at this time. It seems that this Qin double is really replaced with a Dan Fang, and this Dan Fang Kai Yun also knows. However, he did not ask, but his attitude became more enthusiastic.

The flying carriage entered a street, the street was wide, but it was very quiet. The buildings with different styles were arranged on both sides of the street. The flying carriage was like a picture.


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*[This chapter is the first. Love. There is sound. Novel network, please remember the URL]

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