Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1966: Select space fairy

The Flying Horse Carriage stopped in front of a door, and Qin and so on jumped out of the carriage and stood on the street, looking towards the opposite side.

The house is small, it seems that there are not many people living here, maybe there is only one person. The area of ​​about 1,000 square meters is only a two-story building with a land area of ​​only one hundred square meters in the middle. It divides one thousand squares into two courtyards. At the front is a row of fences, and in the middle are two fence doors.

Before putting it on, he made a pattern on the fence and then reached out and pushed the fence door open. Qin Shen's knowledge of the surrounding swept around, this yard has a battle of law, and the grade is not low, at least nine days Xuan Xian do not want to break in a short time.

Walking into the fence door, the small building around the center turned around. The front and back yards were planted with some herbs, and the grades of the herbs were average. Xu Fang explained:

"This master is also the elder of our Xu family. It is a Xianjun. It has a high level of cultivation talent and qualification. But there is no alchemy talent, but it prefers alchemy. In the past, it was alchemy in the tribe. It was laughed at by many elders. He is not only alchemy often. Refining the waste Dan...

It should be said that almost all of the waste Dan, and the elders refining the waste Dan has any shape, was ridiculed as a ugly master. When the elder was angry, he would no longer be an alchemist in the family. He took the place from the family and used it here to make alchemy. I don't know if I realized that I am not a material for alchemy, huh, huh..."

Xu Fang couldn't help but cheered up: "About two years ago, the elders returned the family to the family, and then went out to travel. Later here is the piano friend."

When the words fell, I took out the title deed to the piano double, and the piano doubled up. Xu Fangdao:

"Look, what more do you need to help?"

Qin double looked at the small building, and then looked at Baoyi next to him, Chu Dali, iron soft, waiting for the land and Lei Xing, Xu Kaiyun on the side immediately understood the meaning of the piano double, opening:

"I don't care, I have to have a room here."

"It seems to be rebuilt, this small building can't live."

"This is our home to help." Xu showed a friendly smile: "We Xujia can provide you with a variety of space fairy, all of your requirements can be satisfied with our family."

Qin double thought about it. In such a place, if everyone builds a house, it really seems crowded. Getting a space fairy can really solve all problems.

“What kind of space is there?”

The smile on Xu’s face was more cordial.

"This depends on your requirements. It is extremely defensive, has a strong attacking power, and has a balance between offensive and defensive. Of course, the size of the space inside, the richness of the sage, and so on. If you want a strong defense, you can resist the attack of Xianjun, the space is more than 10,000 meters, the fairy power is ten times outside, the price is a bit high, but you are a friend of our family, give You have a lowest price, one hundred billion top grades..."

"Wait!" Qin's face slammed down: "One hundred billion... You sold me, it's not worth it. Then, I just need a least defensive... No defense and attack." The space inside, five thousand square meters, the concentration of Xianyuan force..."

Qin double looked at Baoyi them, which involved the problem of cultivation, the piano double is still a bite:

“Ten times ten times, how many cents do you need to see?”

"Qindaoyou, I need to remind you." Xu said seriously: "Even in the Eastern District, it is not peaceful. Once someone attacks you, there is no weapon of defense and attack power, and life is at risk."


Even if no one is attacking you, there is always a fairy stolen here to steal your things?

When you don't arrive, the entire space fairy has been stolen, and you can lose money. Some fairy crystals cannot be saved. ”

"Don't! Predecessors don't say anything, I just need a space fairy that I just said."

"This way!" The warm smile on Xu’s face disappeared. He thought for a while: "There is almost no defense and attack power. The space is 5,000 square meters. The concentration of Xianyuan gas is ten times that outside, right?"


Xu put a look at Xu Kaiyun, thought about Xu Mo to give this to the piano double, although Qin double said that it is a transaction, but even if it is a transaction, you can guess that the patriarch is good for the piano.

You must know that in the eastern part of Tianzicheng, there is a fairy real estate that can't buy real estate. In the end he decided to give a lowest price.

"On the 5 billion top grades."

Qin double thought about it, this price is a lot more expensive than the medicine garden that he photographed. Moreover, the space of the medicine garden is much larger, but the concentration of Xianyuan in the original medicine garden is only twice that of the outside world, and this is ten times. Calculated a bit, I feel that this price is indeed low. But she doesn't have so many crystals now. At the beginning, Xianjing gave Xu Kaiyun a lot of them, plus the usual consumption, and now the body of Qin double has more than 1.2 billion points of top grade.

"That..." Qin double said a little embarrassed: "Can you owe it first?"


Xu put almost a spurt of old blood, and quickly shook his head: "This is definitely not good."

"Let's uncle, or do you ask the patriarch? Maybe the patriarch promised?" Xu Kaiyun said.

Xu Kaiyun turned a white-eyed road: "This does not have to ask the patriarch at all. Xu has never had this precedent..."

Having said that, he suddenly glanced at the piano pair, and he really felt that the patriarch would agree. After all, I sent a property and sank it:

"That... Qindaoyou, do you have a patriarch's message about the jade? Or do you talk to the patriarch first?"

"This... Qin double is really a bit embarrassing. When Xu Mo was originally because he didn't want the soil attribute method, Xu Mo owed himself a favor, saying that there is something to go to him to help. But that is a The humanity of the first family patriarch of the spiritual world is a human condition that is probably a half-step fairy king. If you go to trouble for such a small matter, Xu Mo will not think that this is a human condition, but there will be No matter what, I will definitely not take the initiative to ask for silence."

However, when they thought of Baoyi, they finally decided to use this person. Then he took out the jade message, and the gods touched the brand of Xu Mo. The voice of Xu Mo was transmitted from the jade.

"Qin Xiaoyou, that property is not satisfied?"

"No, no." Qin double said quickly: "I just want to order a space fairy in Xu, but there are not so many fairy crystals on my body. I want to make a temporary credit, three years... No, it must be within two years. clear."


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