Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1967: Joint arrangement

Okay! "Xu Mo will not care about this little thing at all: "You and Xu Fang said, I said I agreed. ”

"Thank you for your seniors."

"A little bit of a thing, well, I still have something."

Qin double put away the communication jade, and Xu Fang’s face showed a strong and friendly smile:

"Qindaoyou, wait a moment here, I will send the space fairy right away, and the price can be lower."

"No need!" Qin double hurriedly shook his head: "This price is already very low, I am very grateful to be able to promise credit."


"Former seniors, just like this."


Xu Fang hurried away, and several people in the piano looked at their home. Bao Yi said with a bounce:

"Boss, what are you going to make here?"

"First clean up here."

"How to clean up?"

"Clean everything here."

"What about those herbs?"

Qin double looked and said: "No."

"I come!"

Chu vigorously condensed Yuan Li’s big hand and grabbed a few, and then grabbed the small building and the trees in the yard and took it into the storage ring. It’s just a matter of time, the whole yard is empty.

"How do you want to build this place?" Qin double looked at the range of the empty square meters, and he was very happy.

"We have a space fairy, it is better to dig a small lake in the center of the place, put the fairy in the center of the small lake?" Bao Yi said excitedly.

“Is still a small lake?” Chu vigorously grinned. “It’s just like a pond in such a big place.”

"I want you to manage?" Bao Yi blinked at Chu.

"Grow the peach trees around, this is a peach forest, a small lake in the peach forest, a small building on the lake, good, good!"

Xu Kaiyun said on the side.

"Then do it. How big is the lake?" Qin said.

"One third." Bao Yi said for a while.

Qin double looked at Chu Dali, and Chu vigorously reluctantly muttered:

"I want to help me again."

"Whoever makes you strong!" Bao Yi said with a smile: "Get rounded."


Chu vigorously muttered, then condensed Yuan Lida's hand, began to dig the pit, and then repaired the pit. At this time, the neighbors came out in twos and threes, and Qinqin greeted him. Qinqin also smiled and thanked the surrounding neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods were just polite, and then they returned to their homes, but soon the data of Qin double was placed in front of them.

The background of Qin double makes them disdain. If Qin double can pass the assessment and become a member of Tianziyuan, they can also pay attention to it. However, Qin double once met Xu Mo, and from Xu Mo, Xu Jia gave this property to Qin double, but let these people have some taboos.

However, I didn't care too much about Qin Double. I didn't want to provoke the piano double. What is the relationship between her and Xu? Most importantly, the residents of this street are almost all Xu family members, or ties, or side branches, or people who have relationships with Xu family.

The original real estate of this street is Xu's. And the people who live here are not very high. Those monks with high status, where will they live so little?

Those monks with high status live in other streets in the East Side, which are gardens, not yards. Like the family living in Dongcheng, the floor space is huge.

At this time, Chu Dali has already dug the pit, about three hundred square meters of ink.

Qin Shuang took out a bead from the town demon tower. It was a water attribute fairy that she only let the old town refine, and the hand put the bead into the pit.

Xu Kaiyun and others immediately felt that the surrounding water began to gather toward the bottom of the pit. The surrounding area of ​​the bead began to condense rapidly and the water level gradually rose.

"Boss, is this water full?" Bao Yi was very worried.

"I have no longer the pattern. When the water level is full, the beads will stop absorbing the water of the space to form the lake. Of course, it will not stop forever. Every day, it will generate lake water to fill the water evaporated by the heat."


Bao Yi excitedly came to the lake and reached out to the lake to make a loud noise.

"Everyone digs a hole, don't dig it up, it's neat." Qin said.

"I am coming!" Iron softly took out a big hammer: "Our people in the refining machine, nothing else is accurate. Boss, how many pits do you have to dig?"

"Planting trees."


The iron softly responded, and the body shape flew into the air, waving the forging hammer in his hand and waving to the bottom.

From the forging hammer, it injects countless elements. Covered the entire courtyard.

"Puff puff……"

Around the pond, there was a pit on the remaining ground in the yard. When the piano eyes were swept away, the trees were reported to the old town of Lingling in the town demon tower. The old heart of the town was moved, and a fairy peach tree was pulled out from the ground. The piano double sleeves waved, one The fairy peach tree floats in the air, and the air is filled with the fragrance of the peach.


The trees of the fairy peach trees in the air fall precisely in the pit, and the doubles of the strings are a pair of sleeves, and the soil will be backfilled.

Xu Kaiyun moved his handcuffs and pointed to the air. A cloud of dark clouds floated in the sky, and then the drizzle fell and wet the earth.

The binoculars of the piano fell on the ground. On the ground, because of the talents and the iron, the pits were softly dug. Many places were bald. The pianos randomly came from the town to pick up some seeds, and when they raised their hands, they spilled. On the ground, then the left palm gently pressed to the ground, the raw gas in the Rong space quickly spread in the ground, the grass quickly dyed the ground, and the flowers competed.

"It's so beautiful!" Bao Yi held his face and his eyes were blurred.

Qin double came to the front door and looked at the row of fences. It seems that Xu Jiaxian is still relatively rich and rich. This fence is good, not rotted, fragrant, and the thickness of each wood is almost the same, the door It is scenery to do. The piano pair is not ready to change.

After thinking about it, he said to Chu: "Strongly, you will take out the wooden building that you put away, and remove some wood. On the left side of this fence door, cover a wooden house. It is not big, it is twice as big as the door." ”


Chu vigorously took out the wooden building and waited for the road: "You are responsible for removing the wood, and I will cover the house."

"Well, this is your hand."

Everyone began to dismantle the wood, and the land began to cover the wooden house. It was a sorcerer, and the house was merged with the surrounding environment. It looked like a white male lion on the green grass.


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