Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1977: Array

"Not bad!" Qin nodded: "It is also very likely that kidnapping and ransomware will happen. I will give you some charms. However, if everyone thinks this is too dangerous, we can not sell those soups and wines, like other monks, go out. Hunting for training resources."

"I can earn cultivating resources by making 傀儡."

In the heart of the piano, one of the movements: "The cellar, I went out to get a **** of Leiguang lion, and a **** of the crane, you can make a pipa first."

"Really, what realm?" The eyes blinked.

"I will talk about it later. Let's discuss it first, our future plans." Qin Shuang's eyes looked at other people.

Yu Guanting took the lead and shook his head: "Before the Tianzi Institute, I don't want to concentrate on earning resources. I just want to prepare for the assessment."

Lei Xing’s face is hard to say: “I don’t have the skills to wait for a friend. If you want to earn resources, you can only go hunting or get some tasks.”

Iron soft eyebrows raised: "I can refine the instrument, and now I have been able to refine the fairy of the middle class."

Chu vigorously said: "Are you sure to rely on the refining of the fairy ware, in the sky purple star can support yourself?"

Iron softly retorted: "It seems that your refining medicinal herbs can support yourself."

Chu vigorously touched his head, although he was born in the alchemy family, but the medicinal herbs were eaten a lot, but alchemy did not refine how many times, now it is possible to refine the Chinese medicine.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, there is no movement. Xu Kaiyun patted the slap, revealing Xu’s pride and domineering:

"Thinking about so much? Xiuxian is constantly breaking through the blockade of death, not prepared for the danger of life and death, and what kind of immortal? I agree to sell the dishes of the boss, as for danger, we are always ready to meet."

"Right!" The crowds have straightened their waists.

"This is actually a cultivation for us, so that they are always vigilant." Qin double smiled: "I am starting to deploy now."

The piano double took out an ice core, and the jade crown look was a sigh: "Do you want to use ice cores?"


The piano doubled, and the hand raised an ice core into the ground and then walked toward the other node.

"What kind of formation do you want to set up? Ice ice array?" Xu Kaiyun asked as he walked along with the piano.

"No!" Qin double entered an ice core road: "Wanli is a big ice."

“Wanli is frozen?” Xu Kaiyun thought for a moment: “I have never heard of it, but I have heard of the Wanli Huangsha. Is this 10,000-mile ice seal very powerful?”

On the other hand, the piano calculates the node and enters the ice core. He says: "The original grade of the Wanli Ice Seal is very high, and it belongs to the high array in the realm of the guru. And this array will follow the grade of the material. Different, showing different powers.

The material I used this time is the ice core. The original grade is very high, and the main eye is still the ice core of a thousand-foot ice giant. It is that Xianjun will also be trapped in the array. If it is not able to break for a long time. And it will be frozen to death. ”

“So powerful?” The crowds were screaming.

The double body of the piano began to speed up, and one ice core hit the ground road: "When I have set up a mile of ice, you can go in and try it."

The crowd nodded and curiously followed the piano. These people also know more or less the formations, especially Yuguan Ting, Lei Xing and Xu Kaiyun know the most. Yu Guanting and Lei Xing were studying in order to participate in the examination of Tianziyuan. Xu Kaiyun was the source of family studies and was forced to learn by his family.

However, when they followed the piano, after watching for more than one hour, one by one could not help but shake their heads. They found that they could not understand the principle of the double arrangement of the piano. This shows that the realm of Qin double is indeed much higher than them.

Xu Kaiyun and Lei Xing will be gone, and Yu Guanting’s eyes show a trace of frustration. If the assessment of the Tianziyuan has a verde examination, he has no confidence at all.

At this time, the sky has already been slanted from the moon, and until the moon rises to the sky, Qin Shuang will be the last largest ice core into the array of thousands of miles.

Qinqin both hands began to pull the handcuffs, hooking the heavens and the earth, constructing a line of lines, and hitting under the ground, the lines of the road quickly connected one ice core, forming a piece between the ice cores. The silk thread connects the ice cores together to form a net hidden under the courtyard ground. The ice cores are like the pearls hanging on the net. When the piano doubled into the last formation, after the whole net was formed, the ground suddenly burst into a cold, so that everyone could not help but shudder. However, this process is very short and disappears in an instant. If not everyone has a chill on it, it seems that it has never appeared.

“Has it laid?” Xu Kaiyun asked curiously.

"It's still a good way to spur the ground."

Qin double said, and then began to break into a line of lines, began to spur the ground, the process has been a lot of time, enough time spent two hours of the piano, her forehead dripped a large large sweat .


The ground shook a little, and then there was a low scream from the depths of the ground. As the whistling sound disappeared, the vibration of the ground gradually disappeared.


Space vibrations, countless gods came through the air and swept over the courtyard. But they were all bounced back by the magic array. The magical array set by Xu Jiaxianjun is not high in psychedelic functions, but the level of isolation and vision is very high.

Is not this nonsensical?

How can a fairy king make others peek at their privacy?

Those gods were only swept away, and they found that the investigation did not go in and they took it back. However, with the quality of the monks in Tianzicheng, it is basically known that the monks in this courtyard have set up a pattern of not low grades.

Qin double smiles and looks to Yu Guanting and others: "You come with me."

Everyone walked along the edge of the two-way courtyard, and the piano walked on one side and said:

"Now we have a three-layer array in this courtyard. The first layer is the magic array. In fact, this magic array is only around this courtyard, only one meter deep. The second layer is The defensive shield, this occupies less space, only a thin layer. The third array is the ice-filled array, only two meters deep. So, from the edge of the courtyard to the center of the courtyard The distance of three meters is the array area, and the rest of the place has no formation, which belongs to the normal space.


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