Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1978: Miles of ice

This is also the reason why when I planted the peach grove, why did I empty the three-meter depth area and did not plant peach trees? ”

As I said, I have already walked to the area where the ice is frozen.

"are you ready?"

"Ready." Everyone has come up with their best state.

"Then I opened the battle."

When the words fall, the two hands of the piano move in front of the body, and the spirits of the silk flow like water, and a symbol of the coldness is formed between the hands of the piano pair. Qin double hands down, one press.


The plaque fell on the ground and disappeared into the ground, disappearing.

Yu Guanting and Xu Kaiyun and others felt that the surrounding scenery changed. They were born in an ice field. The sky was covered with snow and snow. A cold that was frozen into the soul made everyone unable to shrink their neck.

Xu Kaiyun glanced around and saw that Yu Guanting, Bao Yi and others disappeared. Only he stood alone on an ice sheet. He did not move, but explored and pushed around with his own realm.

Bao Yi looked around and there was the least amount of knowledge in her. She remembered that Qin double said that the true land occupation of this array is only two meters, but it is a windy root, and the speed is very fast. As soon as you step, you should take a distance of two meters.

She closed her eyes, recalled the position and direction of her standing, and rushed out in one direction. In her opinion, this rush will surely rush out of the ice.


She found herself still in the big battle.

"Sure enough!"

Baoyi did not have the slightest fear, but felt very interesting. She knows that Qin double must look at them not far away, and there is no danger anyway. She flew up in the direction of the fastest speed, she did not believe it, and she could not rush out of this formation.

"There is nothing powerful!"

Although Xu Kaiyun did not explore and deduct how to break the battle, but only felt some cold, and no dangerous things happened. Can't help but swear:

"Just like this? Even I am not frozen, but still frozen the immortal?"


As time passed, his face changed, he found that it was getting colder and colder, and the sky was originally full of snow and snow, but now the snow is not a snowflake, but ice, one crystal clear, but sharp The ice flower is cut like a round moon scimitar. The most important thing is that each ice flower contains cold poison. Xu Kaiyun once killed a piece of ice on his body and cut it on his arm. A mouth, then ice poison into the body, let him feel the blood is frozen.

When he wanted to drive the poison, he was in front of him, and the ice sheet suddenly bulged. A huge ice giant appeared in front of him, holding an ice spear in his hand and coming toward him.

Just a few confluences, Xu Kaiyun, who had no time to drive out the ice, was caught in a crisis. At this time, he felt the crisis, his body was swept by the ice giant and rolled in the air.


The ice giant threw an ice spear and spurred at him.

"I am resting!"


The ice spear and the ice giant disappeared. He landed on the ground and saw the piano standing in front of him with a smile.


Xu Kaiyun sat down on the ground and patted his chest: "Scared me."

"Although you were killed and cut by ice?"

Qin double smiled slyly, and then took out one of the squares before the old jade ring made by the town was handed to Xu Kaiyun:

"Don't wear it, see the pattern on the ring? Mark your gods on it."

Xu Kaiyun took the jade ring and put it on his finger. Then he imprinted the gods on the plaque of the ring face, and then the surrounding ice sheet disappeared. Then he opened his mouth and smiled. He looked at several people in Yuguanting. Wandering there and fighting with the air.

About half an hour later.

Xu Kaiyun, Yu Guanting and others are standing around the piano doubles, and each person wears a jade ring on his finger. Qin Double Road:

"This jade ring is only for one master, that is, if you are caught by someone, or killed by someone. This jade is in the hands of others, because his gods are not branded in the pattern of the jade ring, Therefore, for the Wanli Ice Seal, this jade ring has no effect at all. But if they erase your brand in the jade ring, this jade ring will be destroyed."

"Boss, your ice is really amazing!" Xu Kaiyun said with admiration.

"You just saw less than three layers of power. If there is a fairy coming in, this big array will explode more power."

"Miss sister, now the yard is covered by the formation, how do we sell things?" Chu vigorously asked.

Qin double took everyone to the front of the fence door, and his eyes glanced at it. How to reach out and move, there were two flags flying out from the ground, and they were caught in the hands of Qin. The magic array was broken. Showing the true Taolin.

Then Qin doubled the flag into the ground, the space rippled a bit, still a peach forest, and the same Taolin. However, this is a fantasy. It’s always the appearance of such a peach forest, and it won’t show the scene where someone is active.

"We are outside the battlefield. I have vacated the doorway and the location of this porter, outside the battlefield. We will sell it in this porter in the future, so that the people who buy it are outside the fence. Once it happens In the case of someone attacking, as long as you take a step back, you will be able to enter the formation. In the future, this concierge will be a shackle made by the mantle, and no one can beat it."

"Who are we cooking and cooking, who will sell it?" Xu Kaiyun said.

"You still go back to Xu's secret cultivation, wait until you come out of the secrets. Right, you are not going to contact Xu's predecessors?"

"Right, I will contact you!" Xu Kaiyun took out and told Yu Jian to contact Xu.

Qin double looks to everyone: "Crested, Lei Xing, Bao Yi, vigorous and soft, and the cellar, you six people are responsible for taking turns to sell it, everyone for a month. Right, there is no need to crown before the assessment, Guan Ting is fully prepared to prepare for the assessment. How about the five food sales for you?"

"no problem."

Five people nodded immediately, and in fact five of them were very clear, which didn't take much time and effort.

A meal, simmered corn rice, refining a large pot, mastering the heat and time, when the fire is extinguished, the rice is good, this is simply a time when the rice is released. As for how much heat is required for the derivation calculation, how long does it take for the heat to be cooked? Is this difficult for Xiu Xianren?


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