Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1983: Sleeping

Qin double fell into thought.

"Will the spirit help the metaphysical birth of the gods? How can the spirit help the gods to give birth to the mystery? Can the spirit help the spiritual gods that have been derived from the spiritual roots to be born?"

When the piano doubled his mind, he transferred the Xuanwu Yuanshen into the Taoist heart. Let Xuanwu Yuanshen circle around the spirit, while thinking about the way to try.

Suddenly, Xuanwu Yuanshen stopped at the opposite side of the spirit, and suddenly suddenly lit up in the heart of the heart. The power of the mysterious power filled in the heart of the Tao gave a slight radiance, which emerged from the hidden state, and the stars were a little bit.


A hint of subtle sounds.

The eyebrows of the spirit burst into a jade.

The light of the jade color shrouded the Xuanwu Yuanshen, and the mysterious power within the heart of the heart swarmed toward the spirit, and the stars gathered together, like a Taoist river, rushing toward the spirit.

The whole heart seems to have become a starry sky.


The light of the jade that is shot from the eyebrows of the spirit is a trace of mystery. At this time, the light of the jade is gathered, forming a speed of light, and rushing into the eyebrows of the Xuanwu Yuanshen.

Connect the spirit's eyebrows and the basal eyebrows into a channel.

In the channel of the beam, a tiny tiny jade spot slowly flows out, and they are densely burrowed out of the eyebrows of the spirit, along the beam path, rushing toward the eyebrows of Xuanwu Yuanshen, and entering the Xuanwuyuan God.

Qin Shuang's heart is a joy, her Xuanwu Yuanshen feels that strange changes are taking place, and that strange change, Qin double is very familiar, it is the mystery. In other words, the spirit is building the seeds of mystery in the body of Xuanwu Yuanshen.

"The spirit can help!" Qin Qin's heart beats with excitement and violently: "In this way, the Yuanshen, which was derived from the spiritual roots, is not able to give birth to the mystery, but to a spirit that can be similar to the empowerment.

The Tao is really mysterious!

Moreover, those who open up the mind may not be able to give birth to the spirit. This is the heart of Confucianism and Taoism that I cultivated from Confucianism and Taoism. I am too mixed in cultivation. I can’t say it clearly... Since the spiritual gods that have been spiritually cultivated, Ling is able to give birth to the mystery, then can Yang God also be born so? ”

In the heart of the piano, Ann couldn't stand the thought. When the heart moved, he transferred the Yangshen into the Taoist heart, and the Yangshen fell on the opposite side of the spirit, juxtaposed with the Xuanwu Yuanshen.


In addition, a speed of light was shot from the eyebrow of the spirit, hitting the eyebrows of the **** of the sun, and establishing a passage with the **** of the sun. The dense and mysterious metaphysical traced into the eyebrow of the **** of the gods along the speed of light.

"Really can!"

In the heart of the piano, I was overjoyed, and I felt the heart of the heart. The power of the mysterious body in the spirit constantly poured into the eyebrows. Then I drilled out from the eyebrows and followed the speed of light to enter the body of Yangshen and Xuanwu Yuanshen. Heart, the strong heart of the heart, should be able to fully supplement the consumption of the spirit. So her heart will live, is it a time to let the four great gods give birth to the mystery?

In this way, the understanding will be faster and much faster.

When I thought of it, Qin Double immediately transferred the remaining three gods into the Taoist heart, and juxtaposed with the Xuanwu Yuanshen in front of the spirit. The eyebrows of the spirit immediately shot three speeds of light, hitting the eyebrows of the three great gods. It has become a channel, and the dense and mysterious power has penetrated into the body of the Fire Phoenix God, the White Tiger God God and the Qinglong Yuanshen through the speed of light channel, and gradually began to form the kind of mysterious knowledge.

The piano doubled in the middle of the town, and gradually fell into a state of sleep.

Warrior continent.

Wuzong Empire.

On the central square of the Imperial City, there are people who are full of strong breath.

Qin Jingyun, Qinwu, blood clothing, Shen Qiu, Lan Mingyue, Yuan Ye, Qin Lie, Li Yan, Han Ling, Mo Zi, Qin Qian, Zhao Zirou, Duan Wu, Huozhongyu, Fan Xiushan, Tang Tianhe, Night Star Spirit, Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan, Chen Jieyi and so on.

But these people's eyes are all looking to the center of the square, where there is a stalwart figure, a golden robes, and the body of the emperor.

This person is the emperor of the Wuzong Empire, Jin Longxing.

After the piano doubled up, it became the second person to rise on the mainland.

When he finally broke through to the fairy period, before he flew to the spiritual world, he did not want to reunite the Wu Zongdian as the former Wu Zongdian.

Because he knows that although he is one step ahead of others, other people are not much slower than him. If they are absolutely, he can kill those who have been side by side or stronger than him. But if these people join forces, it is him who is dead. His Wuzong empire is not yet strong enough to sweep the mainland of the warriors.

not to mention……

His heart is very jealous of the piano double.

The piano double is not dead, but is soaring and flying to the place where he is going. Therefore, he did not dare, perhaps to the spiritual world, he also needs the help of Qin double.

Therefore, he invited people from the other four empires to come and observe him. It is also expected that the other four empires will be able to take care of the Wuzong Empire after he has soared.

The actual meaning is that the four empires should not attack the Wuzong Empire after he has soared. The Wuzong Empire lost him, and his strength immediately fell to a level.

The sky began to show a little light, and the light gradually became an aperture, and the aperture cast a beam of light toward the bottom. The colorful beam shrouded the shape of the Golden Dragon, and the shape of the Golden Dragon was gradually lifted. In the golden dragon line that flies toward the air, he is waving to the lower man:

"Everyone, I am waiting for you, where we are fellows, I hope you will not let me be alone for too long."

"It won't take long for you to find you." Qin Jingyun shouted.

"Have a good look on it. When I got up, I asked for a drink." Han Ling shouted.

"Tell me seven sisters, we are very good." Qin Wu shouted.


Ink star.

A young man in ordinary clothes is taking care of the farmland in the field. The farmland is planted on this piece of farmland. However, this kind of immortal rice can only enhance the power of the fairy, but it cannot enhance the qualification of the monk. Many people like this youth are working hard. These people are ordinary people who have poor qualifications for cultivation and even have no spiritual roots. They are people with spiritual roots, but they only have the roots of the spirit. Base period.

These people are the mortals in the eyes of the spiritual monks. They do some low-level work for the monks, or gather together to form a village.

This is a small village with more than 3,000 households. The village head is a monk who built the foundation period.

However, there is no pain in the faces of these mortals, but a smile.


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