Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1984: The era of magic

After experiencing the avenue of the avenue, the ink star returned to the era of peace. Living from the edge of the war-torn death, what else is there to ask for?

Even the monks have lost too much fighting between them.

After the so-called chaos, there will be a peaceful and prosperous era of Dazhi. Everyone has a satisfied smile on his face. This kind of peaceful smile affects everyone's heart.

"To the arrogance, come over to eat."

A man shouted at the weeding, and next to him was a woman who was taking out the food from the basket. Looking up at the arrogance, his face showed a big smile.

"Large brother, come!"

Xiangjiao came here a month ago. After the avenue of the avenue, he traveled here to Jiaojiao. He listened to the advice of Qinshuang, searched for mortal life, experienced his own state of mind, and calmed the hearts of the demons.

Here, he found a peaceful life he likes, a jealous heart, and a tendency to calm down. When I came to Tian Hao with my hoe, I sat down on the field and took the big bowl that the woman handed over. I drank it down and showed a bright smile to the woman:

"Thank you for your big brother."

"Hurry to eat." The woman gave him a bowl of rice, and came over to the arrogance, while eating and saying: "Large brother, you will tell me about the story of the piano."

"Oh, that's the pride of our ink star."

Li’s face showed a proud look, and Barabara said while eating.

After half an hour, I removed a bunch of grass from the arrogance, then looked up at the sky, and the eyes shone.

"Qin double, have you gone to Tianzixing?"

Purple Star.

Outside the sky.

A starship is approaching the sky purple star, and there are many monks standing on the deck, looking through the defense light curtain toward the increasingly close sky purple star.

In a place on the side of the ship, a **** coat, a young man with a scar on his bristles to his chin, the blood in his eyes flashed in a vague way, saying in his heart:

"God, you need to stimulate, you said that if I kill the piano, will it irritate you crazy? Haha... As long as you are crazy, we are all magic, you can completely blend. This is me just The best way to come up with it, do you want to admire me?"

"Tianshi!" in the body of Tianrui, a God-given voice sounded: "Do you dare?"

"Do I have anything to dare? As long as I can devour and merge you, what am I afraid? I was too stupid before, I didn't think of this, huh, huh..."

"I will kill you, I will not let you go."

"Oh... well, you are already angry, continue, I am looking forward to your crazy day."

The devil star.

Inside the magic palace surrounded by magic.

A troll stood on the edge of a huge fire pit. There was a black magic fire burning in the firepit. Behind him, there were dozens of great devils. Each of the devils had the power of immortality. Standing in front of these big devils, there are five more powerful trolls, with a half-step power of the king, and the one with the greatest troll in the forefront. On the body, it exudes a powerful power that is even stronger than the half-step fairy king.

At this point, the troll's mouth is whispering, the whispering voice is very low, but it is straight through the soul, as if whispering in the soul.


The magic fire in the fire pond suddenly rose, from the original one foot or so, soared to a hundred feet, turned into a black troll, the mouth made a soulful tremor.

"The era of the devil is coming. The Terran abandoned us at the beginning, let them destroy it..."


The black flame separates the flames of a black fist-sized flame, fluttering toward the devils, falling on the devil's body, into the devil's body, the devils making a shouting sound, the body's breath becomes More powerful. Then, the magic fire gradually narrowed to a foot and swayed in the middle of the fire pit in the hall.

The troll that led the head turned around, and the unicorn on the head was like a scimitar with four handles, and his eyes swept over the demons standing opposite him, and the low, hoarse voice sounded.

"It’s finally here... The Terran may have forgotten, we are one with them. It was in the ancient times that those people, for their so-called cultivation of immortals, took everything they saw as evil from their bodies, and we officially They are born of the so-called evil that they have gone.

But what did we see?

We have seen that after the Terran has gone all evil, are they not evil?

Do not!

The evil of the human race has never been cut off. They think that they have gone all evil and they can become immortals. But I don't know, evil can be born again.

It is precisely because the Terran constantly produces evil that our Mozu can live forever.


The troll's face showed a sarcasm: "They have gone all evil, and the people have become weak, suppressed by the demon, and now they are suppressed by our devils. The human race has no future, only our devils. Will be eternal and brilliant."



The demons cheered.

The troll spread his arms to the sides, as if he had met his people. The devils closed their mouths and the silence was restored in the hall. Troll macro channel:

"The Terran smashed all evils in the ancient times, and the birth of the devil. Today's Terrans may have forgotten the origins of our devils, and will not know the secrets of our devils.

The moment when the devil was born, it was the beginning of the demise of the Terran. At the moment when our Mozu was born, it left a mark on our blood, gave us inheritance, and told us in our blood, when the evil of the human race reached the apex, when the devil The peak of the mind's arrival is the time of our devil.

At that moment, the magic of the human heart will be magnified twice, and the heavens and the earth are more suitable for our devil to survive. Even in the Purple Star, the Purple Star, which has the kind of Terran Avenue, will not have any suppression of our Mozu, and it will become a paradise for us to survive.

After all, the Terran will go to the Mozu, and the Terran will eventually become extinct and become the Mozu. At the beginning they went to the evil and gave birth to our Mozu, but they did not know that the end of the Terran is toward the Mozu. The Mozu will be the strongest in the world. The race is also the most prestigious race.

The sky will open the curtain, the **** moon indicates the demise of the Terran, the earth breeds the magic, and our time is coming.

Sky Purple Star will become the hunting ground of our Mozu! ”

Purple Star.

Yuan Jia.

An old man sits cross-legged on the futon and counts his hands in the air.


Suddenly, the old man spurted his nose and nose.


I am very grateful to the cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (2000), a gust of wind james (200), serious study and serious study (100), mad war 20 years (100), seaphay (100) reward!



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