Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1985: Zhong Ming

"Old ancestors!" A middle-aged monk standing not far away changed his mind.

"Come on, back me... ring the bell... oh..." The ancest spurted blood and his face became extremely pale.

The middle-aged monk showed fear in the eyes, and immediately took up the old man, rushed out of the door and vacated.


A grand hall, with a small clock outside the main hall, is also the size of the ordinary. But this clock is a great fairy.


A figure descended from the air, and the monk guarding the front of the main hall looked at the man and looked at the man. Then the look changed. The middle-aged man carried an old man. These two people are famous in Tianzicheng, and no one does not know.

This old man is the Yuan family ancestor Yuan Tianyi, half-step Xian Wang's cultivation. The middle-aged man is the contemporary Yuan family owner, Yuan Tianji.

At this time, Yuan Tianqi’s mouth and nose spurt blood, which scared those who guarded the monks.

A half-step fairy king, actually hurt.

Who can actually hurt a half-step fairy king?

"Let me down, ring the bell." Yuan Tianyu Shen Sheng.

Yuan Tianji gently put down Yuan Tianqi, and his body shape was vertical, and he flew toward the bell. The guardian monk's face changed greatly. They knew what someone meant to ring the bell. It meant that there was a family war, not the Terran and the Yaozu, the Terran and the Mozu, or the tribes. But no matter which one, it will be a fierce war.


Yuan Tianji slammed into the bell on the bell. The bell rang and the sound was not loud, but it was all over the entire corner of the Purple City.

In the Purple City, every family, every monk, no matter what he is doing, immediately raised his head and looked in the direction of Yunshan, his face became dignified.


A strip of people crossed the air, and all the half-step kings in Tianzicheng instantly fell on the Yunshan.

"Yuan Xiong, what's wrong with you?"

"Yuan Xiong, is the clock you knocked?"

In order to come over and ask questions, there are only 16 people standing around Yuan Tianzhu, plus Yuan Tianyi. In this day, there are seventeen half-step kings in the purple city.

Yuan Tianqi stood up and trembled, his face pale: "Let's go in and talk."

Everyone's look has become dignified. The people here are very clear. The Yuan family has a must, which is to promote your secret. If someone else rings the clock, it is not a big deal, but Yuan Tianyi’s ringing the bell must be a big thing.

not to mention……

Didn't you see that Yuan Tianyi had already vomited blood?

This is absolutely countered by the heavens.

The people walked into the hall with enthusiasm, and the door rumbling closed, and the soundproofing method was opened.

Although the Terran Alliance has no ally, all decisions are decided by everyone. However, the status and strength of the identity, still let Xu Mo sit in the first place. When everyone is seated, Xu Mowang looks to Yuan Tianwei:

"Yuan Xiong, what did you push out?"

Yuan Tianyi said with a bitter face: "It is just that there is nothing to be deduced, it is amazing."

"I didn't push it out?" The crowd looked at Yuan Tianyi with astonishment. In the heart, you didn't push anything out, just dare to ring the bell?

"Not everything is not pushed out." Yuan Tianqi raised his hand and wiped the blood stain between the nose and mouth with his sleeve:

"As you know, I am more sensitive to the celestial movement. These days I always feel uneasy, and I pushed it today. But only if I push it less than half, I will be strongly countered."

"What did you push out?"

"Difficult! The Terran has a big problem!"

“The Terran has a big problem?” Fei’s family’s owner’s fee wrinkled his brow slightly: “What level of difficulty?”

"Difficult to destroy the family!"


Everyone was shocked and changed. Zhu Yuan’s master Zhu Yuansi was shocked: "Yuan Xiong, will you be wrong? How can the Terran be destroyed?"

"Yeah, is Yuan Xiu exaggerated?"

"Yuan Xiong." Xu Mo condensed: "What makes people so difficult?"

"I don't know, I can't push it out, I got a strong counterattack."

Xu Mo silently said: "When will this disaster come?"

"The specific time is not known, but it must be this year. I also introduced two words."

"What word?"

"Blood moon."

"Blood moon?"

Everyone fell into meditation. About half an hour later, Xu Mo said: "Let everyone come to talk about it. Since Yuan Xiong said that it is difficult to destroy the family, we will discuss this matter with the height of the catastrophe."

Ink star.

Stepping gently wearing a large ordinary dress, covering the curve of the body, enchanting, with a mask on his face, together with a dozen people, is hunting a eyebrow to be a wolf, after half an hour, more than a dozen people panting Sitting on the ground, the eyebrows and wolves have fallen to the ground.

At this time, the steps have been shaken and the cultivation of the people has been done, but among the dozens of people, it is still the lowest. The head of a monk is a woman with a big eyebrow and a big eye. Although she looks ordinary, she is full of heroic spirit and has been cultivated as a god. At this point, I took a few breaths:

"With this eyebrow, you can practice for a month."

Everyone heard it and smiled on his face. Sitting in the step and swaying around is a woman with a wretched look, looking at the light and shaking, the color squinted and glanced, the gaze seemed to be able to see the body inside through the lightly swaying clothes, making concessions light. Shaking his body and shaking, the wretched man smiled:

"Shake, do you wear a mask all day? Everyone is a teammate. Are you not trusting us?"

"The rules of our family, only my future husband can uncover my mask." Step lightly said.

"Hey, still a family?" The wretched man sneered: "Are you a disciple of that big family?"

"Catch the eyebrows!"

At this time, a pleasant voice sounded, and everyone turned around and saw more than a dozen people coming out of the woods not far away. A man headed by him looked at the eyebrows on the ground. The body of the demon wolf.

The heroic woman headed here jumped up, looking at the opposite side of the road:

"Daoyou, this eyebrow is a hunter."

"Oh..." The man smiled and said: "We have already chased this one-eyed demon wolf. If it is not that we have seriously injured it, can you find this cheap? Hurry."


The steps were light and others jumped up and sacrificed weapons.


The man opposite is also a decisive person. Since he has made up his mind to rob, he is not nonsense, and led a dozen people to rush. Suddenly, the two sides fought together.



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