Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1987: wake

The mysterious power of the spirit and the mysterious power in the heart of the Tao are finally unsustainable. Connecting the spirit and the four great gods, the beam channel of Yangshen broke.

The four gods and the sun are still floating in front of the spirit, closing their eyes and falling asleep.


The channel collapsed, and the four great gods and yang gods who lost the ingenuity of the mysterious powers began to exude a trace of mysterious power from their bodies, scattered within the heart.

The mysterious power of the body infused by the spirit, although a large number, is still rootless, and does not blend with the Qinshen's Yuanshen and Yangshen. In other words, there is no real mystery. Kindly, if the piano is awake at this time, you may find a way to help the four Yuanshen and Yangshen form a true metaphysical species. However, nowadays, the four great gods, the sun gods are caught in a drowsiness, even if the spirit is in a state of half-sleeping and half-awake.

The mysterious powers of the four great gods and the gods of the sun began to emanate and return to the heart. Although the speed of the exhalation is extremely slow, and it is distributed at this speed, I am afraid that it will be distributed for decades, and the mysterious powers of the four major gods and the gods will be completely cleaned up.

However, the piano does not wake up, after all, it will be clean and ruined the retreat time of this hundred years.

Tian Zicheng.

When a **** moon rose into the night sky, Xu Mo and others gave birth to a horror.


When Xu Mo and others looked up into the air, they saw countless tiny black spots and rushed down toward Tianzicheng. Other monks could not see the black spots, but Xu Mo, these great monks, clearly saw that the dense black spots were a devil's interplanetary boat.

"Get ready to fight and open up the battle."


A huge mask shrouded the entire Purple City, like a huge bowl, and buckled the Purple City inside.

In the Purple City, all the monks form an squad in an orderly way, and each team formed a battlefield, one by one looking up into the air.

Baoyi, Chu Dali, iron soft, waiting for the earth, Lei Xing, Yu Guanting, returned to the team of the Blu-ray Stars, and the four hundred thousand monks, built into a battle.

"Do you have a double?"

An Shicong, standing next to Yuguanting, asked strangely. On the one hand, he also wanted to know how the piano is repaired. On the other hand, he is also very surprised why the piano double did not appear. Understand that Qin double is not a fear of death.

When I heard that An Shicong asked, Yu Guanting could not help but show the color of anxiety. It turned out that after Xu Mo and others had negotiated on Yunshan, no matter what, first prepare. Anyway, according to Yuan Tianqi’s deduction, this human race must have happened this year. If it doesn't happen after one year, if it doesn't happen, then disarm. It doesn't take long and it doesn't take much effort.

Therefore, the entire Tian Zicheng immediately mobilized.

Qinfu naturally also came to inform that when Qinqin had a property in Tianzicheng, it was necessary to inform the Blu-ray Stars of the palace, otherwise there is something, where to find you?

And to inform the piano double is still a Xianjun, it is the jade. The jade came to the jade, and once the family war broke out, be careful, and send some charms and remedies to Jade Crown.

When Yuxi came, Baoyi was cooking the stuff that was ready to be sold. Today is the first day they are ready to sell, that is, the second day of the Qins closed, but they did not think that the Action of the Alliance of Peoples is so fast, Yuxi Just wait for the door.

According to the command of the Terran Alliance, the monks of the Blu-ray Stars will gather together to practice the battlefield and be ready to fight. Therefore, Baoyi did not have time to sell the wine at all, and was brought back to the palace of the Blu-ray Stars.

At that time, Yu Guanting entertained his grandfather in the lotus space. After learning the news, he asked Bao Yi to inform Qin. When Bao Yi came to Qin’s Dongfu, he shouted a few scorpions and no one responded. I touched the array of Qin Shuangdongfu, and after waiting for a while, I still didn't respond.

Bao Yi’s look changed, and she hurried back to the cave house of Jade Crown Court. The look was a little scared:

"The boss is gone."

"You said that the piano is gone?" Yu Guanting stood up.

"No!" Bao Yi waved: "I touched the law outside the boss's Dongfu, shouting for a long time, no response."

"Don't the piano double shut down?"

The appearance of several people has changed greatly, and the look of the jade is also slightly changed. He also pointed out that Qin double can pass the examination of Tianziyuan. Several hurriedly came outside the Dongfu of the Qinshuang, and they frowned.

Nowadays, the array of Qinshuang is not something that these people can crack. The jade has turned around the Dongfu of the Qinshuang, and finally:

"I can't tell you that Qinqin is at the critical moment of cultivation, so I didn't pay attention to us."

"But, is the flower too sweet?" Bao Yi asked uncomfortably.

"You said that the old assembly will not take Hualixiang and have something left?"

Everyone heard the words of Chu Dali, and the look was not slow. If the piano double suddenly has something to leave, they may not know, because they are also in retreat. Yuxi does not believe that Qinshuang will have an accident, and he said:

"Whether the piano is closed in the inside or out, you are ready to fight at any time."


The people sent Yuxi to leave and returned to their own Dongfu.

At this time, in the Dongfu of the Qinshuang, Huataixiang disappeared, and he has entered the town demon tower. It turned out that when Bao Yi came, Hua Taixiang summoned the piano pair, but completely did not get the response of the piano double, then entered the town demon tower, which found that the piano double is in a state of sleep.

However, all of them did not know Baoyi, so when An Shicong asked, the faces of Yu Guanting and others were full of hesitation and shook his head:

"I don't know, we haven't seen her for more than a month."

"More than a month?"

An Shicong was immersed in meditation. Didn’t he go out with the piano to find the chance?

Inside the town demon tower.

The piano double opened her eyes slowly, but her eyes were a bit sluggish, or she said that she was awkward, as if she was a sleepy person, she barely opened her eyes, but she was able to sleep at any time.

Qin double stood up and took a few steps back.

At this time, her whole person was extremely thin, a skinny sensation. There was no **** in the eyes, and when I stepped back, I almost fell to the ground.

"I...what's wrong?" Qin's voice was a little hoarse. She felt that she had never been weak, even when she was 13 years old, when she couldn't practice, she was weak.

"Sister, you are awake!" Hua Taixiang fluttered to the piano, and turned into a handsome boy, holding the piano double.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (500), seaphay (100), cloud dance flying silk (100), giant deer (100), zero ice (100), serious study and study (100), I love the bell Action (100) reward!



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