Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1988: Magic heart

"I... this is..."

"I don't know what you are doing." The voice of the hoarse voice, with a grievance into the consciousness of the piano double: "You have been sitting here for a hundred years, I have explored you and found that you are not practicing, but instead It is a lost soul."

"Hundred years? Has it been a hundred years?"

The piano was shocked, but she was slightly awake. A hundred years have passed in a hurry. Doesn't this mean that I have already missed the examination of Tianziyuan?

I don’t know how many years after, now... Guan Ting, Bao Yi, how are they?



I am in the town demon tower.

Qinqin finally reacted somewhat slowly, so he said that he had been outside for more than a month.

"Qin double, what are you doing? Why are you sitting for a hundred years?" At this time, Yang Ling's voice also sounded in the consciousness of Qin Double:

"I don't know how weak I am. I used to want to wake you up many times, but you didn't react at all."



The sound of the chain breaks from the body of the piano, as well as the sound of the seal broken.


The heart of the piano double violently jumped, and the seal of the magic heart and the destructive chain became weak under the weakness of the piano for a hundred years, and everyone was smashed by the magic. The magic heart slammed into the heart of the piano double, and it was immediately attached to the heart. The magical deformation quickly, like a liquid, spread along the heart and wrapped the heart in it.

At this point, the heart of the piano has turned into a black heart, and on the black heart, there is a stream of blood filled with engulfing and killing.

That is the blood of the blood.

The combination of the magic heart and the blood of the bloodsucker erupts a powerful power, completely wraps the heart, and the body of the piano doubles backwards.


He fell heavily on the ground.

The body of Qin double lost control. Her four gods and yang gods, as well as the spirit, are now in the heart of the Tao, but they are completely wrapped in the seal. At this time, Qin double has become a truly unconscious. Body.

"Piano double, piano double!"

Yang Linglong and Weiyang are calling for the piano pair, but Qin double has no response. Yang Lingqi and Weiyang’s gods immediately entered the body of Qinshuang and went to the sea of ​​Qinshuang.

The two gods have just entered the sea of ​​Qinqin. They have not waited until the two of them understand the sea of ​​the piano. The merits of the monument are falling on the monument, and the bombardment is on the two people's consciousness.


At the same time, Weiyang and Yang Linglu issued a scream, and Yang was retracted into the space of Rong. Yang Ling’s retreat into Linglong’s sword. Two people shouted at the same time to the piano:

"Qin double, what are you doing? Why attack me."

"Ha ha ha..."

A pleasant laugh broke out from the mouth of the piano. The body of the piano stood up from the ground, looked down at himself, and then tore the dress off the body, picking out a ring from the storage ring. The black dress was put on, and I looked at the flower and the old man standing next to her. Reaching out and gently patted the head of Hua Taixiang, the flower was too fragrant and hesitated:

"You are a sister?"

"Not who I am?" Qin said faintly.

"But...but I think you are terrible, is she still my sister?"

"Oh..." Town old sighed a sigh: "Yes, not."

"What... meaning?"

The flower is too fragrant, and the piano is full of hopefulness to look at the old town. The old town looked up and down the piano and sighed a bit:

"The body is the body of the master, the soul... can't say that it is not the soul of the master. How do you say this? This is another kind of soul that the master has cultivated, but this soul seems to have been suppressed by the master, or sealed, but now it is Reversed."

"You are a demon!" Hua Taixiang jumped up in shock.

"What do you mean?" This time it was the turn of the town to ask.

"Sister is a fellow demon!"

"Oh, scent, you are smart."

"Don't call me a fragrance, you are not my sister."

"Then you said who I am?"


"The piano will be the city, including controlling the town demon tower, otherwise you think that the old town will not shoot me? Qin double will not, I will, I will only be more powerful than the piano double. Follow me, you want More promising than the piano."

"I do not!"

"Then you are here to think about it."

When the piano doubled his mind, he left the town demon tower and reached out to open the door and walked outside.

"Qin double, you... seems to be different." Weiyang said, and Yang Linglong felt the change of the piano double, not a word.

"Oh..." Qin double walked out of the door, and the gods swept through the lotus space. Then she frowned. She found that there was no one besides her in the lotus space.

"What are you laughing at?" Weiyang said: "You are too weak now."


The double figure of the piano could not help but squint and nodded: "It is really too weak."

Qin doubled his footsteps, stabilized his figure, slightly smashed his head, thought about it, and the black heart gathered in the magic heart, rushing into the sea of ​​Qin double.


The little black man just entered the sea of ​​knowledge, and was shattered by a pattern floating on the merits.


Qinqin could not help but scream, and his hands slammed his head and smashed. Half-sounding, it was slowed down, and the look changed in the eyes. Finally, a small person was condensed into the sea of ​​the piano, but then it was crushed.

The piano looks awkward and looks stunned.

As the demon soul cultivated by the piano, he and the piano are connected with each other. The fellow practitioners of the same spirit have interoperability. Therefore, she has seen the four major gods and yang gods in the heart of the Tao, but they do not understand the Qin and Dan Tian of the Qinshuang, and they do not know that the piano has a soul space.

She condenses a black soul, wants to occupy the sea of ​​the piano, become the **** of the double, control the body of the piano, and the soul of the soul to completely swallow the heart of the piano, let the heart become the real magic heart.

However, I did not think that the Qin double had a terrible existence in the sea, and the soul that condensed her was broken up, so that she did not have time to see the Qinshui.

She hesitated between her looks. She didn't know what the Qins had in the sea. Is there a **** in the sea?

Do not!

will not!

If there is still a god, it is impossible for me to control my body.

What is it?

After thinking about it, she did not dare to enter the sea of ​​the piano. After the main soul was killed, she was really finished.

When the mind was moved, she condensed a soul and entered the Dantian of Qinshuang.



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