Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1989: The Mozu struck

She saw a huge piano double standing in Dantian, that is the military phase of Qin double. Wu closed the eyes and looked at her. The soul of the devil is a shake, she feels that the military has given her a huge pressure.

"what is this?"

The magic is dark, and the piano is too strange. It is not only the four gods, but also something that doesn't know what it is, full of soul power. Now there is such a thing in Dantian.

She drifted to the eyebrows of Wu, and wanted to go in and see.


The black villain was bounced back from the martial arts. The black villain tried several times and was bounced back. This made her frustrated. She found that she really wanted to replace the piano pair and it seemed to be far away.

"When I am strong, I will be the real master."

The black villain returned to the magic heart, and the piano double stood up and shaped, and appeared in the lotus space.

Within the heart of the Tao.

The sky of jade color is in the midst of a hint of magic.

The four gods and the gods of Qin double fell into a deep sleep, and the spirit was drowsy. The four great gods and the sun **** are exuding a trace of mysterious power into the heart of the Tao, and then this mysterious power enters the body of the spirit. The spirit is restored in a trace.

Xiaoru climbed out of the Confucian book and looked at the spirit for a while. He looked up and looked at the sky inside the heart. A trace of magic gas was infiltrating into the heart. The small face could not help but show an anxious color and shouted to the spirit. Road:

"Mom, Mom, you wake up."

On the lotus leaf of the lotus flower, the figure of the double body appeared suddenly and there, looking up into the air, and there was a strange color in the eyes.

In the sky of the Purple City.

The dense black spots are quickly enlarged, obscuring the **** moon.

"It's a starship!" On the ground, all the monks at this time saw what the sky-shaping thing was.

"Ha ha ha..."

A smirk of laughter, a large number of Mozu monks flying from a starship, and a strong atmosphere on the front of each of the Mozu monks. The head of a troll, with a height of one hundred feet, a horn on his head is like a round moon scimitar, with four eyes.

"Four eyes!" Xu Mo's look changed.

A starship in the sky, like a hive, countless Demon monks fly out of the interstellar boat, like a bee from the nest, the dark clouds generally cover the sky.

"What are they doing?"

The Terran monks on the ground looked at the air in confusion. The starship was far from the Purple City. How did the Mozu monks rush out from the Starship?

Shouldn't the starship stop be stopped before it comes out to attack?

"not good!"

Xu Mo’s heart jumped, and all the monks’ hearts on the ground were violent. I saw a huge starship not only did not stop, but accelerated the speed and swooped down to the Purple City.

This is a starship, not an ordinary flying boat. A starship is definitely bigger and bigger than a normal meteor. At this time, like a dumpling, it swooped down toward Tianzicheng.


A star-shaped spaceship intensively hits the defensive light curtain of the Purple City, bursting with a catastrophic bang, and a huge mushroom cloud rises into the air.


The defensive mask has shattered.


A huge starship is still striking the defensive mask and exploding.

The piano stood on the lotus leaf and there was a horror in his eyes. He whispered:

"A big determination, a big battle can't stand it."


In the huge roar, the defensive shield of Sky Purple City collapsed, like countless pieces spurting into the air.


The remaining few interplanetary sprints hit the streets in the Purple City, on the peaks, on the rivers, on the buildings, in the crowd...

No matter where it hits, it is a ruin of extinction.

"Ha ha ha... The era of our Mozu is coming, kill!" The four-eyed troll made a drink, and the void swayed and swooped down.

"Kill..." The sky's devil sipped, like a dense black meteor, and like a black torrent, hanging upside down from the sky.


Xu Mo's big sleeves fluttered, and the volley slammed into the sky, welcoming the four-eyed troll.


One and a half steps of the fairy king rises to the sky.


Numerous monks and demons collided together, and the whole mushroom city raised a dense mushroom cloud, and instantly formed a ruin.

The double piano above the lotus leaf looked up into the air. At this time, the monks above the Xianjun of the Terran had already gone outside with the monks above the Mozu Sinjun. On the ground of Tianzicheng, in the air, the Terran and the Devils were strangled together.

"The species of the avenue of the purple star has lost its effect!" Xu Mo and other people of the tribe have a glimpse.

"Ha ha ha... Xu Mo, you are wondering that the avenue has no effect, it is because the era of the Mozu has come, hehehe..."

The four-eyed troll smirked and launched a crazy attack toward Xu Mo.

West District.

On the ruins, the sky stood against the hand, the blood on the ground, the blood falling from the sky, gathered toward his body, and quickly absorbed into the body, his breath constantly rising.


The surrounding Terran and Mozu monks were brutally smothered, and the monks and demons of the Mozu saw the rebellion and smothered him.


The blood that was absorbed by the sky was suddenly turned into countless blood dragons, entangled by a personal monk and a monk monk, and broken...

It’s just a moment of hard work, no matter whether it’s a human monk or a demon monk, he’s not going to be close to the sky. Because they found that as long as they do not attack the sky, the sky will not attack them. The monks killed on the ground, whether they are human or demonic, are repaired as lower monks, instinctively away from the heavens.

Surrounded by intensive killings, the percussion of the celestial soldiers, the roar of the Dafa, the screams, the screams...

But within a kilometer around Tianshen, it was a silence. Tianrui was so burdened and stood there, countless blood gathered toward him, forming a huge blood column, shrouded the heavens inside.

"God, the Terran has no hope, let me enter the magic."

"Hugh! The Terran will not perish. The soul does not die, the family does not die."

"Oh... you are still very awake, after I kill the piano, see if you are still so awake!"

Qinqin slowly walked down from the lotus leaf, stepping on the water surface of the pond, giving birth to a circle of rings at the foot, stepping on the shore, passing through the Taolin, coming out of the big array, reaching out and pushing the fence door and walking On the street.



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