Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1995: doubt

"Mom, get up and eat, get up and eat..."

Xiaoru, who was kneeling on the shoulders of Qinqin, shouted at the neck. When he saw that the piano pair was still not awake, he jumped to the face of Qinqin and shouted. He finally woke up the piano pair, and the piano doubled openly. Eyes, Xiaoru jumped from the forehead of Qin double to the shoulders, and extended a small finger to the food that had been set by the old man:

"Diet, eat!"


Smell the smell of the food, the double belly of the piano called, at this time her body function is very weak, and at this time the state of the piano double, it is impossible to use cultivation to restore her physical function, I am afraid that there is no cultivation for a while, She fell asleep again. Feeling hunger, Qinqin finally woke up a lot, turned over and sat up, began to gorge.

As the piano double continually ate the sautéed corn rice, the savory meat, the bigmouth fish soup and the monkey wine, her cocky body began to recover quickly. After Qinqin wiped out all the food, she had recovered her appearance. When I saw the piano double and swayed to sleep, the town hurriedly said:

"Master, you change clothes."


The piano doubled off the black dress outside and took out a red dress. Then the "砰" sound fell to the ground and fell asleep.

The old man shook his head and turned to Xiaorudao: "Xiaoru, wake up the master, let her return to Tianzicheng as soon as possible. Like the ice silkworm and the ghost cedar, only Tianzicheng is possible."

"Old town, is there no ice silkworm and ghost cheese, my sister will always be like this?" Hua Taixiang asked with anxiety.

“No!” Zhen Lao shook his head and said: “When the metaphysical powers in the Yuanshen and the Yangs are all sent back to the Taoist heart, the Yuanshen and the Yangshen will wake up, and the mysterious power of returning to the Tao will be absorbed by the spirit. Will wake up. Just this way, the master's hard work will be in vain, Yuanshen and Yangshen will not give birth to the mystery. So, let the master return to Tianzicheng as soon as possible, find ice silkworms and ghosts, so Can give birth to mystery."

"I took the owner back to the Purple City."

“Not right!” Zhen Lao shook his head. “You still carry the owner in the shape of a human being, otherwise you will be treated as a monster by the human race.”

"Then put my sister in the town demon tower, I walked with the town demon tower."

"It's not good. Now the Terran must be very vigilant. If you take the owner out of the town demon tower and find it, it is a disaster."

"Then I will carry it away."

"You wait a moment."

The old town entered the refining room, and about three quarters of an hour, he returned to the side of Hua Taixiang and handed a jade in his hand to Hua Taixiang:

"When you wear this on your body, you will hide your demon and will not be discovered by the Terran."

"it is good!"

"Take the exquisite sword to her back, the magical power on the sword has been removed by me, but the blood of the bloodstain is still not removed."

As he said, the old man on the side of the town will be exquisite swords on the back of the piano.

Hua Taixiang took over Yu Pei and wore it on her body. Then he picked up the piano and left the town demon tower. Under the control of the old town, the town demon tower entered the sea of ​​Qinqin.


The flowers are so fragrant that they rise to the sky, distinguishing the direction and flying in the direction of Tianzicheng.

Tens of thousands of miles away, but for the Huatai fragrance with space magical talent, it is not a problem, but in less than two quarters of time, Huataixiang has already appeared outside the Purple City.

At this time, Tianzicheng was in ruins, but there were also countless architectural mountains intact. It was a family and a powerful force. Of course, some families and powerful forces were destroyed. It was because the Starship destroyed the sky. After the big battle of the Purple City, the few remaining interstellar sprints happened to hit the big array of families and powerful forces.

"Qin double? Who are you?"

A figure was blocked in front of Hua Taixiang. When Hua Xiang looked up, he recognized that the other person was An Shicong, but An Shicong did not know Hua Taixiang. At this time, he saw Hua Taixiang carrying the piano pair. The piano pair was a coma, and it stopped the flower fragrant, staring at the flowery fragrance with vigilance.

"Qin double is my sister." Hua Taixiang said.

"Your sister?" An Shichong's eyes are even more alert: "I came to Tianzicheng from the Blu-ray star field with Qinshuang. I have never heard that she has a younger brother and put the piano down."

Hua Taixiang had a tangled face, and at this time, a lot of monks surrounded him. When they heard An Shicong's words, they faintly surrounded the flowers.

Hua Tai was so helpless that he turned his head and shouted to the piano: "Sister, sister, you wake up."

"Don't pretend!" An Shicong shouted, and sacrificed the sword, pointing to the flower. At this time, within the heart of the Tao, Xiao Ru also called out Louqin loudly.

"What is going on?"

A majestic voice sounded, passing a figure from the air, standing in the air, looking at An Shicong coldly:

"Tianzicheng is rebuilding. Don't you know that this period does not allow for fighting? Violators, die."

"Predecessors!" An Shicong said to Xianjun in the air: "This woman is my friend, called Qinqin. Now I am unconscious, but this kid says that he is the brother of Qinshuang. But I have never I heard that Qin has a younger brother."

The immortal priest who stood in the air looked at the flower fragrant, coldly:

"Say, what is your relationship with the woman behind you?"

"She is my sister."

"Your sister?" The fairy stunned, and the power of Tianwei was pressed against Hua Taixiang: "Why is she in a coma?"


Hua Taixiang was crushed by Xian Junwei and squeaked, and his face was pale and cold and sweaty.

The fairy face was sneer, and the gods shrouded the flowers and sneered, saying:

"Are you a demon or a demon?"


The monks around, one by one, quickly gave birth to the celestial soldiers, and the eyes of the hatred were released.

"You, you, you... you don't want to filthy people..." Hua Taixiang was shivered by pressure.

"Stained you?" That Xianjun sneered: "You really don't see the coffin without tears, know why you found out that you are not a human race? Because you have no taste of the human race. Whether it is human, demonic, or demon, every A race has its own taste. And you don't have any ethnic taste on your body. So there is only one reason, that is, you have a fairy on your body and shield your body."

The surrounding monks' faces were changed. The immortal did not say that they had not noticed. Now, as soon as they notice, the flowers are too fragrant and there is no human race.

"Say! Are you a human race or a Yaozu?"

"I..." The sweat on the forehead of Hua Taixiang was crushed by a large pressure.



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