Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1996: Identification

The fairy god’s knowledge swept the flower fragrant hanging on the neck, the jade that was hidden in the clothes, and reached out to the flower.


The jade was caught in the hands of the fairy, and the smell of the flowery fragrant demon was released.

"The demon!" The monks around were exclaimed.

"Be bold!"

That Xianjun coldly shouted, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the past with Hua Taixiang, regardless of whether the Yaozu would kill the Qin double.

Hua Taixiang took the pressure and took a step forward.


The big hand of Xianjun pinched the space where Huatai was located, but there was no blood collapse. The fairy looked cold and hurriedly turned to look at the flowery fragrance appearing on the left side.

"It turned out to be a demon with space talent!"

"What are you doing?"

A sound was heard from the back of Hua Taixiang, and the piano raised his head and looked around. The fairy who just reached out again, could not help but have a meal. Since the piano double wakes up, he can't just start it. After all, this is in the public.

"Qin double, are you okay?" An Shicong shouted at the piano.

Qinqin slammed his head and made himself more awake. Looking for the sound, some confused:

"An Shicong, how are you here?"

"Shantou, are you kidnapped by this demon?"

"I? Kidnapping?" Qin double looked down and looked at the flowers too fragrant, the flowers were too sweet and almost cried at this time.


"Oh, this is my demon pet."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

That Xianjun felt that the piano pair was not lying. As for the piano double coma, this is normal. Just after the big battle, the piano double coma, is there any strange? Then nodded to the piano and then swept away.

And An Shicong has no doubt at this time, the demon pet is right, usually can be placed in the royal bag, he did not see, it is normal.

"Piano double, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, how are you here? What about them?"

"They are all going back to practice in Guanting." An Shicong looked a little unnatural: "Since you have nothing, then I will leave."

Turning his hand toward the piano, he turned and left, and the surrounding monks also left. The voice of Weiyang sounded in the consciousness of Qin Double:

"He is collecting dead air."

"What to collect? Dead?" Qin double is still a little confused.

"The prisoner's cultivation is the death of the righteousness." Wei Wei said faintly: "You have not found that he has been the second peak of Xuantian nine days?"

"Oh..." Hua Taixiang fluttered with his piano.

Suddenly, he paused in shape and swelled his hair. He felt that he was locked.

Looking in the direction of being locked, he saw a young man carrying his hands outside his kilometer and coming slowly toward him.

A white robe, spotless, and very tall, just tall, gives a kind of pressure.

The flowery eyelids of the flowery scent bounced a bit, and I saw that Xu Xuexue went straight to the front of Hua Taixiang, but did not go to see the flowers too fragrant, but looked at the piano double on the back of Hua Taixiang.

"Piano double, your magic is hidden."

Hua Taixiang’s head is a glimpse, and the ears are enough to feel creaking. Is the piano double recognized? Not tremble:

"What are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Nature is a demon!" Xu Luoxue smiled and said: "Don't you forget it? Is she in a heroic battle with the Gorefiend?"

The smell of Hua Taixiang suddenly increased sharply, and fiercely slammed into the opposite snow. In the heart:

"Exposure, finished, finished, exposed!"

Qinshuang keeps himself awake with great perseverance, down from the back of Hua Taixiang, and straightens his waist:

"Xu Shixiong, words can't be said."

"Is it a mess, do you have a few in your heart?" Xu Luo Xue said leisurely: "I don't know what method you used, the hidden magic, but the devil is the devil, it is impossible to have no flaws. Say, are you not? What is the spies in the Terran?"

The double look of the piano is indifferent: "Since you say that my magic is hidden, it means that you have no evidence that I am a demon. You are so filthy because of Xu Kaiyun?"

"Oh... is that the clown who knows only the cockroach?" Xu’s mouth curled up, revealing a trace of irony: "I don't care about him. I care about you."

Because you are a devil!

The Mozu destroyed the Purple City, I will not let you go. ”

"Without any evidence, I will ask the Xu chief for justice."

"There is no evidence? You really thought that when you and the Gorefiend, no one recognized you? At that time, you were just a thin circle."

In the heart of the piano, the mind is more and more clear.

"I just have something to ask for the patriarch, why not be together?"

"Want to see my father? Do you think you still have that chance? Magic scorpion!"

Hua Taixiang double fists clenched, the body's breath began to climb, the heart of the dark road, if you do, I am carrying my sister to escape immediately, or block the snow, let the sister escape?

For a while, he was a bit entangled and couldn't make up his mind.

Although Xu Luoxue is not the true five elements of the innate roots, but only one spiritual root is derived, the rest are congenital roots, and has broken through to the mid-ninth Xuanxian mid-term, is a powerful monk on the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian.

not to mention……

It is also the eldest son of the first family of the spiritual family!

Such a powerful person makes the flower too sweet and has no bottom. Although he benefited from the rich scent of the town demon tower and the time flow rate, his monk has now been the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but he is uncertain than the stalwart man in front of him.

His breath is climbing, but Xu Xuexue turned a blind eye to him, just looking at the piano and laughing:

"Release your magic, take out the skills of your **** demon, let me teach."

Qin double said: "Only by your guess, you will fall into me. This is the first family of the spiritual world, the IQ of the eldest son of Xu Jiaxuan?"

"Do not hit the South Wall and don't look back! Let me play you have to reveal the ability."

The eyes of the piano doubleed up and the war was radiated from the body.

She listened to Xu Mo, who likes her roots, will not go to the peak, not the opponent of Xu Kaiyun in the same realm. Today, Xu Xuexue has four congenital roots and is the fourth layer of nine days of Xuan Xian. Whether it is the root of the roots or the cultivation, it is above itself. If you can fight with Xu Xuexue, you can test your true strength.


In the heart of the piano, her four gods and Yangs are in a deep sleep. Only the spirit is still awake, but the spirit is extremely weak. At this time, the state of the piano is definitely not the opponent of Xu Xuexue.


The flower was too cold and snorted, stepping forward, blocking in front of the piano double, snorted:

"I want to fight with my sister, let me pass this level."


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