Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1998: 昊天镜

Even if he is now the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, the general Xianjun may not be his opponent in the early days. Therefore, in the face of Qin double, there is a strong psychological advantage, I feel that taking the piano double, but also a piece of cake, there is no need to alarm the father.

However, now his father asked him to apologize to Qin Qin, and his face could not help but appear incredible.

"What? Didn't hear me?"

Xu Mo's eyes flashed a sigh of anger, and things were afraid of comparison. Only then did he say that Xu Xueyu doubted the piano pair, and he was not too cautious. The Qin double was not only angry, but showed the color of approval. Now, let Xu Luoxue apologize, but he is unbelievable, which makes Xu Mo’s heart more have the mind to let Xu Kaiyun become the future patriarch. However, the thought of Xu Kaiyun's sly temper is not suitable for being a patriarch, and it is a headache for a moment.

When I saw my father's anger, Xu Xuexue couldn't help but suppress the grievances in his heart. He took a deep breath and bowed to the piano.

"Piano double, sorry!"

"Forget it." Qin double said faintly.

Xu Luo Xue's face is a stagnation, Qin double is just saying, and did not say nothing, this shows that Qin double does not care, just forget it.

"Qin double!" Xu Mo looked directly at the piano. "If you have doubts about you, then you have to review it. You have no opinion?"

The piano is a glimpse of the heart, but when it comes to this part, it is only a bit of a head.

When Xu Mo turned his hand, he had a mirror in his hand. He said to the piano: "This is a mirror, one of the functions is to be able to distinguish the atmosphere of the monk."

Qin double heart can not help but anxious, she really does not know whether the mirror can shine to the magic.

"What about the old town?" Qin two-way town call.

"I have no choice." Zhen Laodao: "Your magic is in the shadow of the heart, and can't move, otherwise I can put it into the town demon tower."

"Let me do it."

Xiaoru suddenly opened his mouth, and then he got out of the heart and came to the back of the heart. When he opened his mouth, the mouth became bigger and instantly swallowed in. Qin double saw, my heart could not help but be happy, if Xiaoru entered the town demon tower at this time, and then spit out the magic, did he completely get rid of the magic?

However, the message returned by Xiaoru was disappointing to Qinqin. The magician did not know what was going on, and could not move at all. Even if Xiaoru was swallowed in the belly, it was set by the magic. There, not to mention the magic, that is, Xiaoru can not move.

Moreover, Xiaoru is very difficult at this time. The awe-inspiring spirit is originally a magical gas, or it is said that the magic gas restrains the awe-inspiring spirit, which depends on who is stronger.

At the moment when Xiaoru swallowed the demon, the demon began to attack continuously against Xiaoru, and Xiaoru also launched a counterattack against the magic. The body of Xiaoru was inflated again and again, and Xiaoru was again Suppressed again and again.

At this time, Xu Mo sacrificed the celestial mirror, and the celestial mirror was sacrificed into the air, becoming bigger, and a beam of light was shot from the celestial mirror to cover the piano.


Xu Luoxue suddenly shouted, and then sneered at the piano pair: "Qin double, what do you say now?"

The piano is not in the heart, is it that Xiaoru has swallowed the magic, still can't hide the magic?

I couldn’t help but look up at the mirror, and I saw a **** magic appearing clearly in the mirror. Just as the piano was in a panic, I heard Xu Mo open:

"Piano double, you take off the sword behind you."

The piano has a certain heart. At this time, she only remembered that there was a **** demon blood in the exquisite sword. She hurriedly took the exquisite sword and took it to the side of the flower. The magic in the mirror was suddenly disappeared. Xu Mo reached out and moved, and the sky mirror narrowed down and fell into the hands of Xu Mo. Xu Mo stunned Xu Snow and stood there, and stood there, bowing his head.

"Qin double, show me your sword."


Qin double took the exquisite sword from Hua Taixiang's hand and came to Xu Mo's body, handing Xu Mo to his hands. At this time, I heard Xiaoru’s anxious voice in consciousness:

"Mom, I can't hold on. After a while, I will be infected with the magic."

Qinqin saw that Xu Mo took over the exquisite sword, and then stepped back a few steps back to the original position, in the consciousness of the voice:

"Try to seal the magic, and then spit it out."


In the body of Xiaoru, there is a seal of Confucianism and Taoism. The sound of the awe-inspiring vibration makes the body of the piano double more gifted, which makes people feel revered.


Xu Mo pulled out the exquisite sword, at the same time, Xiao Ru also spit out the magic.

Tian Zicheng.

The four-eyed demon and the wild macro have become the appearance of the human race. There is no trace of the demon atmosphere on the body, and they are on the streets of the Purple City.

It is very easy for a monk to rebuild a city, even if it is a huge purple city. In just a few days, the surface of Tianzicheng is no different from the original. Of course, this is only superficial, just rebuilding various buildings, monks with various attributes, but construction is of course very fast.

But the long work is behind, every building must be patterned, and even the streets must be patterned, otherwise a small battle can destroy streets and buildings. Therefore, during this time, the monks are not allowed to fight in the Purple City.

The four-eyed demon looks at the busy human race monks around, and is eloquently and eloquently:

"The Terran has prospered for too long, and our Mozu has been silent for too long. It is time for us to prosper."

"Yeah!" Fan Hong said: "From the moment we set foot on Tianzicheng, it is the beginning of our strong mob."

Four eyes of the devil wrinkled a little brows: "In the two days of investigation, the Terran is also searching the Gorefiend and the demon, but the two demons seem to disappear, and they can't find them."

"It seems that the two demons are also very embarrassing!"

"What do you do?"

"Reassured, the name of my nightmare is not white, I will enter the dream of monks in the Purple City, as long as they have seen the two demons, I will know."

"If we find the Gorefiend, we will leak his traces to the Terran and let them bite the dog. If we find the female demon, we will find a way to catch her and leave."

"Yeah! But if she is not in the Purple City, I will have no choice."

"Since she appeared in the Purple City, it means that she must have been hidden in the Purple City before. Whether she left the Purple City now, first through your dreams, investigate her identity and the original residence."

"it is good!"


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