Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1999: exchange

Xu family.

Bamboo building.

Xiaoru spit out the magic heart and severely sealed it to suppress it. Xiaoru immediately entered the town demon tower. Xu Mo suddenly looked up at the Qin double. At the moment of Fang Cai, he seemed to smell a hint of magic. He was very concealed and disappeared in an instant. Xu Mou doubted himself and there was an illusion.

Xiaoru entered the town demon tower, immediately sat on the ground with his knees, began to expel the magic of the body, and the sky also hang down the silk fringe chain, refining the magic gas discharged from Xiaoru.

Xu Mowang looked at the piano for a while, and felt the rich book-filled air emitted by the piano, and shook his head. How could it be magical?

Then I looked down again at the exquisite sword in my hand.


Qin double sneaked a sigh of relief in his heart, and gave him a glimpse of the mystery. He entered the town demon tower and saw a trace of magic gas being discharged by Xiaoru.

"Little Confucian, can't you refine those magical spirits?"

"This magic is too powerful, but I can refine it, but in that case, it takes too much time and consumes too much arrogance. So, I will discharge it and let the town demon tower refine."

Qin nodded twice, took back the mystery and looked at Xu Mo. Then I saw that Xu Mo once again presented the Mirror of Heaven, shining on the exquisite sword.


From the tip of the sword to the hilt, on the ridge of the sword, a blood is now twisted, like a dragon, making an evil howl.

Xu Mo frowned slightly, half-sounding, put away the mirror, and sighed one voice:

"Qin double, this should be the blood of the blood of the blood?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled and said: "When the Gorefiend used the thousand clotting to control the sword, before I succeeded, I happened to meet it and took it away."

Xu Mo handed Ling Lingjian to Qin Double Road: "This sword will still be used as much as possible. Otherwise, this sword will be enchanted, and then you will try to control you. Once your mind is not strong, you will be controlled by this sword. careful."

"Thank you for your predecessors." Qin double took the exquisite sword and carried it on the back.

Xu Mo looked up and down the piano, and when the piano doubled a little guilty, he frowned slightly and said:

"What is wrong with your cultivation?"

In the heart of the piano, I was a patriarch of the first family of the spiritual world. I was able to see that I had a problem. When even nodded:

"Well, it’s a bit of a problem, but the younger generation can solve it."

"Yeah!" Xu Mo nodded. Since Qin Qin said that he could solve it, Xu Mo no longer cares.

"Predecessors, younger generations need two materials to solve the problems in cultivation. Do you know if Xu family has it? Can it be sold to the younger generation?"

"What materials do you need?"

"Ice silkworm and ghost cheese."

"There is nothing." Xu Mo said faintly: "The so-called law and wealth, the wealth of the monk is traded in each other. The ice silkworm is okay, you can sell it to you for 2 billion yuan, but this ghost Chiba is an extremely precious thing. It can't be purchased with Xianjing. It can only be used as a barter. What can you bring out what makes me feel?"

Qinqin snorted and said: "Predecessors, let's talk about the ice silkworm first, then I will owe the two billion, will you?"

"Yes!" Xu Mo smiled: "I know that you have the ability to repay."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Qin Double Happiness, then raised his brow and thought about what he used to exchange Ghost.

And Xianjun, who had never spoken, was shocked. Two billion top grade Xianjing said that the account is on the account, what is the identity of this Qin double, will it be so repayable?

When the piano double thought, I heard the old voice of the town: "Master, you can use a piece of rainbow gold to change the ghost."

"Rainbow gold? Is that kind of colorful metal?"

"Yes! I don't know where you got the rainbow gold. This rainbow gold is not something that should be there in this world. It is a five-line attribute, and Rainbow Gold can refine the five elements of the celestial soldiers. It is extremely rare. In the sage Just add a little bit. This one is enough to refining five. He doesn't suffer."

When the old man reached out and grabbed it, he grabbed a small golden arrow from the golden pillar in the town demon tower.

Qin Shuang heard the heart of her movement. She had obtained countless remnants from the ancient stars. The remnants were decomposed by the golden pillars and got a few rainbow golds, only three. Two small fingers are big and a big thumb is big. When the piano was double-minded, the small rainbow gold was held in the hand and handed to Xu Modao:

"Predecessors, how is this rainbow gold?"

Xu Mo immediately turned his eyes, and reached out to take the rainbow gold, carefully end, and surprised:

"Sure enough, Rainbow Gold, where did you get it?" The words fell on the face, "There is no need to talk about it."

Qin double smiled: "There is nothing inconvenient, this is what I got from the ancient stars."

"There is nothing strange about the ancient stars."

“Predecessors know about ancient stars?” Qin asked curiously.

"The ancient star is a piece that fell from the fairy world. It is dangerous and dangerous. You can go to the ancient star to experience it. No wonder you have such an achievement. Well, wait a moment, I will give you ice silkworm and ghost cheese."

Xu Mo's figure disappeared in the chair, disappearing without the slightest fire, as if there was no such thing as it was. Just a moment of effort, Xu Mo quietly appeared in the chair, handed the piano to two jade boxes, the piano doubled over, and the hand was a ritual:

"Thank you for your seniors."

"Don't thank you, you just have to remember that I still owe me 6.7 billion top grades."

Qin double listened, could not help but reveal a look of embarrassment. Xu Mo puts his hand in hand:

"Well, you have to go back and solve your cultivation problems. You have been delayed."


Qin double walked out of the Xu family, and even a moment of shaking, holding the flower too sweet: "Too incense, just consumed too much, I have to sleep, and hurry back to me."

"it is good!"

Hua Taixiang took up the piano and flew away to the piano. When the flower was too fragrant to enter the lotus space, it was discovered by Yu Guanting and others, and they were surrounded by one by one.

"Too fragrant, what happened to the piano?"

"What happened to the boss?"

"What happened to Miss Sister?"


"Let's go, my sister has got the material from the patriarch, and her problem will be solved, don't bother it."

Everyone listened and hurriedly opened, and Huaxiang was carrying the piano double into the Dongfu, closing the door, starting the array of pianos in Dongfu, and then carrying the doubles into the town demon tower. .

"Old town, is it for my sister to sleep for a while?"

The old man shook his head and said: "No, every time she sleeps more, the mysterious power of the Yangshen and the Yuanshen will be more scented, or it will be solved as soon as possible."


Thank you very much for the giant deer (800), the Kelly season (100), the rainy night for the snow (100), the seaphay (100), the ice of the zero (100)!



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