Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2000: Gestation

"Okay!" Hua Taixiang placed the piano on the ground, then squatted in front of the piano, shouting loudly: "Sister, sister..."


Qin double opened his eyes with difficulty, and the old man hurriedly squatted down: "Master, now you have got ice silkworms and ghosts, and quickly seal the gods and gods, but in the process, I can't help you, No one can help you, you have to rely on yourself."

The piano double sat up, shaking his head and shaking his eyes, and his eyes still had sleepy eyes. A bite of a buckle, bite the tip of the tongue, let yourself wake up a bit, take a jade box from the storage ring and open the lid.

Then I saw a layer of seal flowing inside the jade box, which was a snow-colored pattern, exuding the icy atmosphere.

The piano double-twisted, and there was a pattern on her fingertips. The piano doubled out and pointed at the snowy clouds.


The snow-colored seal shrank toward the middle, and finally turned into a snow-colored pattern, and a "squeaky" sound dissipated in the air, revealing something under the seal.

It is an ice silkworm, which is as big as half a palm, like snow jade, exuding to ice to cold.


The ice silkworm fanned its wings and turned it into a white light, and it was about to fly away.

When the piano doubled out and grabbed it, the ice silkworm was caught in the hand, and the ice cold spread along the palm of his hand toward the arm.

Qin double raised his hand and put the ice silkworm into his mouth. He immediately felt a sharp pain in his mouth. It seemed to be tortured by countless ice needles. He endured the pain and chewed it, then swallowed it. In an instant, it feels the tingling of the cold from the mouth through the esophagus to the stomach.


She opened her mouth.

A chill came out of her mouth.

Her mouth was frosty, and the cold air ejected from her mouth made the flowers too fragrant and rushed to the side from the opposite side of the piano.

A kind of cold came out from the body of the piano, and a layer of hoarfrost was hung on her body and hair. The piano double is actually more awake by this to the cold.

The ice in the body seems to be attracted by something. It rushes toward the heart of the piano. When it enters the heart of the piano, it rushes toward the four gods and the gods.

The body of the four gods and the sun **** immediately hang a layer of hoarfrost, and as the ice chills continuously rushing, the hoarfrost becomes a layer of ice, one layer after another, and finally it looks like five Jade egg.

At the same time, Qin’s body was frozen, like an ice sculpture sitting there, and there was still water and condensation around it, forming a new layer of ice.


The ice layer on the body of the piano appeared cracked, and then fell off the body of the piano. The piano doubled and moved out of the storage ring and took out the second jade box.

The piano double opened the jade box, which is a layer of black plaid, which looks strange.

The piano double-twisted the fingertips, and after a streak appeared on the fingertips, the finger was directed toward the layer with a black-stamped seal.


The black streak flowed toward the middle and became a pattern, and then the "beep" sound dissipated in the air. Showing the inside, it was a black little man with a skull and torso but no limbs.

However, there is a grimace with a black vein on the body, which gives off a gloomy breath.

The black villain stood in the jade box and looked up at the piano. That grimace is even more horrible.


The black little man began to grow an arm on his left shoulder, first the big arm, then the small arm, and finally the hand...

"Fast, eat it quickly." The old voice of the town rang quickly.


At this time, on the right shoulder of the black villain, an arm was born.


The black man's two arms stretched out toward the sky, and a large amount of black gas was generated between his hands, gathering, and a pair of eyes were waiting for the piano.


A left leg grows under his body.


The black villain made a gloomy drink, and the black gas between his hands seemed to be an introduction. The light in the entire town of the demon tower began to become gray and develop toward the darkness.

The piano double reached out and grabbed the little man, only to find that the little man was as heavy as a star. Qinqin used all his strength, but he only raised the black villain by one inch.

"Damn, how is it so heavy?"

"Hurry up, there is not much time." The old voice of the town is full of uneasiness.

Qin double looked at the black man who had grown his left leg and was growing his right leg and found it became heavier.

"Fast, it will grow out of the right leg. Once the limbs are complete, it will make all the living creatures become the nutrients of Ganoderma lucidum." The old man has begun to shout loudly and uneasily.

Qinqin double shocks, so that his power doubled, but it only increased the Ganoderma lucidum a little, Kanji proposed a jade box.

Qinqin couldn't wait any longer, bent down and bowed, biting Ghost Chi, and then holding Ghosts in his hands and stuffing Ghosts into his mouth.

It is strange to say that the Ganoderma lucidum was wet by the saliva of the piano, and immediately lost weight. The piano double chewed a few mouthfuls and ate the Ganoderma lucidum.

The ghost was made into a liquid that could not tell the taste, and went straight down the throat.

Suddenly, the darkness in the town demon tower disappeared and the original light was restored.

Qin double closed his eyes, he felt that the inexplicable liquid instantly rushed into the heart, rushed toward the four major gods and the sun, wrapped the five jade eggs, and then immersed in the jade egg In the middle of the egg, there is a black pattern on the egg of the jade, and a dense pattern.


Five eggs, you actually heard a sound like a heartbeat, and there was no trace of mysterious power spilling out of the egg, and five eggs were born with a breath that seemed to be nurturing life.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, opened his eyes and looked at the old town:

"Old town, I am fine?"

"It should be ok."

"What is it supposed to be okay?"

"Master, I have never seen such a metaphysical idea, so I can't be sure, but looking at the status of the master today, there should be nothing. However, the master still needs to retreat for a short period of time."

"I know this."

Qin double took out the bottle of Nether Lotus Seed Liquid and drank a drop. He felt that the energy of the Nether Lotus Seed Liquid was divided into three shares, which flowed into the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul space and the heart.

The piano double just frowned slightly, but there was not much surprise. This is the automatic attraction of the three spaces to the empty lotus seed liquid. It is different from the ice silkworm and the ghost cheese. It is because of the attraction of the four great gods and the sun god.


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