Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2002: concern

She is disappointed that the three spiritual roots of Shuimujin are still derived from the roots of the spirit, and have not been transformed into innate roots. The three gods who thought that they could not give birth to the mystery now began to give birth to the mystery. Maybe two of them can also become innate roots. However, the result was to disappoint her.

Slightly thought about it, Qin double's heart raised hope again.

Perhaps it is because the four major gods and the sun gods have not yet given birth to the mystery. If the three gods of Jin Mushui gave birth to the mystery, maybe the derivative roots will be promoted to the innate roots.

Qin double is not a delusion, a acquired fairy, under the chance of coincidence, there is also the opportunity to become a fairy. Of course, this opportunity is very rare. But is there a chance?

In this way, then Tian Xianbao can become an innate celestial treasure, and how can the acquired spiritual roots become a congenital root?

"Let's wait."

Qin double looked at his four spiritual roots, thinking about what Xu Mo once said to himself, and recalling the words that Yu Tian’s obsession and the heart of the demon had once said to himself, and integrated the words of the three people. At a time, Qin double has some speculation.

The five elements should be balanced, and it is impossible for the spiritual roots to embark on the peak. The reason should be that the heart of the devil and the obsession of Yutian said, and finally there will be problems in constructing space.

Or the constructed space is not a real space, it is a pseudo space, not a real world that can give birth to life, or it can not build space at all. This is the real reason for not being able to go to the peak.

"Is it... the pinnacle of the immortal is to build a world? A world like the spiritual world?"

Qin double fell into meditation, but limited by the knowledge, how can I not understand, then asked Weiyang:

"The predecessors of Weiyang, is it the last step in the cultivation of immortals, that is, to build a world in the body, a world like the spiritual world?"

"I don't know." Weiyang replied simply: "I haven't been very fairyland. Maybe you said, maybe not. However, building a world in the body, it sounds amazing, how can you have this? idea?"

"I don't know if it is!"

Qin double will not be too lazy to understand the future, is it necessary to tell her that she has seen the heart of the Mozu, and also seen the obsession of Yu Tian? Then he asked Yang Lingling:

"Yang seniors, do you know how to cultivate the world in the body?"

Yang Lingxuan thought for a moment: "Cultivate the world? I don't know, is this impossible? But I have heard about the practice of cultivating space. Who do you listen to? You are not mistaken? Not a world of cultivation. But cultivate a space?"

"What is the difference between the two?"

"According to the literal understanding, the world will be cultivated, and the worst will be like a continent of mortal world. All kinds of attributes are complete, and there is still life. But the space is different. In the fairy world, it is called the world. Want to go on The peak must be cultivated out of bounds. For example, I was a metal root, and the realm I cultivated is a metallic world. There is no other property in the space. It is completely metallic. After the cultivation, the combat power is better than the same realm. The monks who have not cultivated out of bounds are too powerful."

Qin double listened, could not help but move: "Yang seniors, listen to your meaning. Without the monks who cultivated out of bounds, can they also embark on the peak? Just lower combat power?"

"No! There is no monk who cultivates out of bounds. The highest realm is the fairy king. So in the fairy world, 90% of the monks are stuck in the realm of the immortal king. If you want to become a fairy emperor, you must practice the out of bounds."

"This is the case! Then I am now the four spiritual roots, a congenital spiritual root, three derived spiritual roots, can I cultivate four attribute circles?"

Yang Linglong thought for a long time, and finally said: "I really don't know, I am just a single spiritual root, not paying attention to those."

"This way, the seniors rest."

Qin double interrupted the conversation with Yang Linglong, and suddenly I felt a move and looked at the old town:

"Old town, do you know the world?"

"Yeah. I know."

Qin Shuangwen listened to the big smile: "Was the original emperor practiced out of bounds?"

"Oh, huh..." Zhen Lao said proudly: "The old man who cultivated the old man is not a world, but a world."

The spirit of Qinqin is a vibrate: "I am the old man who is the essence of the innate five?"


"Then... Has the emperor ever said that the old man has a congenital root, four derived spiritual roots, can he cultivate a world?"

"Let me think about it, time is too long."

The old town was lost in thought, and the piano looked at the old town with both eyes. Half-sounding, the old man of the town said:

"I remembered, can't. The Emperor had done many experiments before, so I remember. I want to create more Terran strong, but in the end I failed. Finally, the Emperor asserted that it is not the innate five attribute spirit. The root is that the cultivation cannot come out of the world."

The piano doubled for a moment, and there was some frustration in my heart. I went back and found the following: "Is it possible to cultivate the boundaries of the four attributes under my current conditions?"

"There is theoretically ok." The old town thought and said: "Just want to cultivate the world, how easy is it? Especially the four attributes of the world!

You must know that, relatively speaking, the boundary of a single attribute is the easiest to cultivate, and each more attribute is more difficult. And without failing once, you need to spend a huge amount of resources to repair the loss of the body, and the next time you want to re-cultivate the world, it will be more difficult. Therefore, in our time, almost all monks were the realm of cultivating single attributes. Even if he was multi-attribute, he would choose the most sure single attribute to cultivate the world. Even so, there are ninety-nine percent of the monks who practice not to come out and stay at the level of the king.

When you get to the fairyland, you will know that the fairy king is like a dog, but the emperor is generally reduced in the cliff. The more it goes up, the less it is. ”

Qin double heard, can not help but be depressed. Recalling Xu Mo’s assertion, I couldn’t help but sigh:

“Don't I really get stuck in the realm of the fairy king? Or is it to cultivate a realm and never go to the peak?”

"Sister, what do you want so much?" The flowery fragrant side of the side saw the double look of the piano, and refused to persuade: "You are still only a nine-day fairy, not to mention the problems of the gods and the gods. I don't know if it is really solved, so I will lose my ambition. This is not like my sister."

Qin double was said to be so fragrant, but the accumulation of the heart dissipated a lot, smiled:

"You have learned the lesson."

"Oh..." Hua Taixiang saw the siltation between the piano and the eyebrows dissipated, clutching his head and laughing. Suddenly remembered something, asked:

"Sister, how is your strength now? When you are in the examination of Tianziyuan, can your Yuanshen and Yangshen wake up?"

Qin double shook his head: "When the **** of the sun and the gods wake up, I really don't know."


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (600), the cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (100), seaphay (100), serious study and serious study (100), Bai Zibing (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100), zero ice ( 100), Kelly Season (100) reward!



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