Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2003: Panic buying

Speaking of this, it is another sigh: "No wonder all said that the cost of the birth of the mystery for millions of years is normal, it seems really not easy."

"Of course." Hua Taixiang nodded: "Nine out of nine monks are stuck in the level of Xianjun breaking through the king."

"As for my true strength now!" Qin double did not lock his brow, thinking for a moment: "Now my Yangshen and the gods are in a deep sleep, I can only use three, the power of the body, It is a pure smelter. If it is a close-knit, I also have the strength of the first layer of Xianjun. However, once it is far away, it will fall in the wind, even if the strength of my opponent is nine days, I also It just falls into a passive beating situation. It needs to think of a way!"

Qinqin raised his head and glared at his eyebrows: "There is no way to attack too far. I still have bows and arrows. It is just that Wei can not compare with Dafa, and the sneak attack is good. Once the other party is prepared, the power will be greatly Reduced. But no matter what, there is finally a means of far attack.

The second is my realm of Confucianism and Taoism. However, since I left the ink star, I have never entered the country. Today, it is still the peak of the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. Confucianism and Taoism can be close to the ground, can be attacked and defended, should be able to fall behind in many assessment monks?

The third is the spirit. To tell the truth, my use of the spirit has not yet been understood. I don't know if it can replace the gods. I am going to retreat here for a while, so I can study the spirit and see if it can replace the gods to fight. ”

The piano double closed again.

But this time, instead of sitting still, I began to try to use the spirit to release the Tao. Of course, I still have to eat a weak grass every day to provide energy to the gods and the gods.

One year.

Two years.

Three years.



Iron soft is still on duty, today she just came out of Taolin, and saw a lot of people outside the fence who are not Xu family are in line, are the neighbors of this street. There are about twenty, and Xu Shi’s disciples are behind the twenty or so people.

Iron soft no matter who buys it, just sell it for money. In less than a quarter of an hour, a hundred boxes of food are sold out, and the iron is soft and soft:

"Today's food is sold out, please come early tomorrow."

If the words fall, and do not take care of anything else, they rushed back to the lotus space to practice. The Xu family has long been accustomed to the iron soft attitude, not to care, but also know that his patriarch is very valued here, one by one, leaving with a smile. And the dozens of neighbors of this street, although not happy, but no one is jealous, but also hurriedly left.

People who can live in the Purple City are not simple. Even if they don't figure out the real background of the piano, even if it is a small cockroach, it will not easily drop the face for others and bring trouble to their own family.

To be honest, the attitude of iron softness is really a different kind, or it can be seen from the soft attitude of iron, the foundation of the piano is very shallow, causing jokes and contempt, if not seeing Xu The family respects the piano, I am afraid that I don’t know how many people have come up and bite this fat.

Besides, the twenty or so people returned to their respective houses and placed the food boxes in front of their respective masters. One master opened the food box and saw that there was only a small meal, a dish, a soup and a bottle of wine, which could not help but frown slightly.

With regard to this thing, it is worthwhile for Xu to come to the queue every morning to buy? And is it still 200,000 top grades? Is the piano to steal money?

In the third door on the left side of the piano, the owner here is called Hu Yanmei. At this time, she picked up the bowl of rice and took a bite, and her face changed, and she closed her eyes. Then opened his eyes, took up the rice bowl, and ate the rice with a big mouth, not even a rice grain, and closed his eyes again, feeling fine.

After about half an hour, he suddenly opened his eyes and his eyes were filled with shock.

“Is it possible to improve my talent?”

Looked at the fragrant beast meat, put a piece of fragrant meat into the mouth, then the eyes suddenly glare, eat all the savory meat in a big mouth, close your eyes and feel it, open When I look at my eyes, my eyes are shining more.

“I can improve my mood!”

He took the jade bottle with the bigmouth fish soup, and he had a look in his eyes. He opened the lid, and a fresh scent came over him. He looked up and drank a net light, and then closed his eyes and felt his eyes open. It was a slight disappointment.

"It's just a pure force. I hope this wine doesn't let me down."

Picking up the monkey wine, sipping it into the mouth, then closing his eyes, just the time of three moments, her body actually floated, and it took another two quarters of an hour, the floating breath suddenly A jump, Hu Yanmei actually broke through.

Originally she was the repair of the seventh layer of Xuantian in the 9th day. In fact, she was not far from the breakthrough and had reached the critical point. It is estimated that after three months of polishing, it will be able to break through. However, she did not think of this meal, a dish, a soup, a wine, all of which played a role in promoting her, let her find the opportunity to break through.

After her breakthrough, the eyes opened were full of burning light.

"Come on!"

"Master." The butler came in.

"Get up early tomorrow and go to the queue and buy a box to come back."


The next day.

The Xujia disciples had arrived two quarters earlier than in the past, but found that there was still earlier than them. In front of the fence, the dozens of small cockroaches yesterday were already there. One of the Xu disciples could not help but sigh:

"It seems that it will be earlier tomorrow."

Iron soft wood came out with a face. After a quarter of the time, after selling a hundred boxes of food, he shouted like a normal one:

"Today's food is sold out, please come early tomorrow."

Then he turned over into the Taolin.

People outside the fence are also accustomed to the soft style of iron, naturally they are scattered. However, there were more than twenty figures on this street soon, leaving quickly. These twenty figures are not others. It is the master of the twenty-small shackles of the genius, that is, the master of the two pairs of neighbors in this street.

In fact, the monks living on this street are only the masters of the residences here, not the masters of the families, and even their status in each family is not high, otherwise they will live in the family and will not live. outside.

Yesterday I ate a dish of Qinfu, a meal, a soup, a jug of wine, and immediately knew that this was a chance to enter. As long as you send this box of food to your patriarch, you will be promoted in the family and improve your chances of practicing the environment and resources. As for how the family will target the piano, it is not their own, and they have not thought about going to the piano. They just sent the food up, neither risky nor affordable, enough for them to enjoy.


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