Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2004: Surprise new discovery

Hu Yanmei soon came to the Huyan family and asked to see the owner. After standing outside the garden for an hour, he was brought into the garden.

Hu Yanmei took a deep breath and followed an old man toward the garden.

In the blue sky, the thin white clouds slowly flowed, and the sun shone down as if it had entered the heart of Hu Yanmei.

As long as you can talk to the patriarch today, your cultivation environment will change, and you will have the hope of breaking through the immortal. Once you break through to Xianjun, the status of the family will be greatly different.

On both sides are lush ancient woods, in the middle of a bluestone road, surrounded by quiet, no interpersonal, only Hu Yanmei two people, walking one after the other.

Going to the end of the woods, the eyes suddenly open, it is a lake. In the middle of the lake, there is a pavilion. At this time, I saw the patriarch of the Huyan family. Hu Yanshi is holding a fishing rod and sitting in the stone in the pavilion. On the bench, coveted fishing.

"Master, people brought it."

Hu Yanshi’s gaze still looked at the lake and asked faintly: “What is it?”

"The prostitute meets the patriarch." Hu Yanmei first respected the gift, and then took out the food box from the storage ring: "The patriarch, the day before the prostitute found the neighbors selling food, only a hundred boxes a day, each box of 200,000 top grade Xianjing. ”

Having said that, Hu Yanmei quickly glanced at Hu Yanshi, but saw that Hu Yanshi did not have the slightest reaction. As if she had not heard her, she hurriedly continued:

"And the prostitute found that the one hundred boxes of food were sold out in less than a quarter of an hour. This is the case where everyone is allowed to buy only one box. If everyone is allowed to buy it at will, I am afraid I will be bought in an instant. What surprised the prostitute most was that Xu had sent a hundred disciples and went to the Qinqin early to line up and buy the food sold by Qin."

Hu Yanshi is no longer the appearance of a statue, put away the fishing rod, turned to look at Hu Yanmei Road:

"go on."

Hu Yanmei is a spirit, and his mouth is clearer and clearer: "Yesterday, the prostitute sent a small and medium-sized squad to go to the queue early to buy a box. I didn't think of a meal, a dish, a soup and a jug of wine in this jade box. Actually, they can enhance the qualifications of the monks, the state of mind, Yuanli and Yuanshen."


Even the calming Huyan stone, at this time, the eyes were shocked, and the eyes fell on the food box in the hands of Hu Yanmei. Hu Yanmei quickly placed the food box on the stone table in the pavilion:

"Today's prostitute sent someone to buy a box early and gave it to the patriarch."

Hu Yanshi stood up and came to the stone table and opened the jade box.

After half an hour.

Hu Yanshi's eyes burned and looked at Hu Yanmei. "You mean, the first person to buy this kind of food is the Xu family?"


Hu Yanshi turned his eyes to the old man: "Check it out."


This kind of thing happened in a family in Tianzicheng, and Xu Jie’s external management was suddenly put up, and these days suddenly became busy. Many people asked to drink.

As a foreigner of Xu’s family, Xu Fang’s status is respected, but there is no shortage of guests, and no one can invite him, but it has never been as dense as the recent two days, and the status is not low. Even the status is higher than him.

After eating a drink, Xu Fang understood the reasons for these people to treat guests. As a foreign affairs steward, it was a shrewd person. Since Qin double let him visit the space fairy medicine garden, he I know that Qin double does not mean to hide, but also has the meaning of letting him spread the matter.

The husband is guilty of sin!

If the piano double is always concealed, it will definitely be thought of by others.

Where are the nectar, corn, beast, bigmouth, and monkey wine? And can it be sold continuously?

What does this mean?

This shows that Qin double has a top Xianfu!


Even if it is a half-step fairy king, it will be a treasure of extreme redness.

To know that the Qin double that medicine garden can not be called a fairy, is a space fairy, can be called Xianfu must be Xianbao, the worst is also the aftertaste.

If you are suspected that the piano has a fairy treasure, the piano double will not live for three days.

But it is just a space fairy, although it will be dazzling, but it will never let the half-step fairy red, or even make Xianjun jealous.

I felt through the double-mindedness of the piano, and naturally I wouldn’t hide it for the piano. I said that Qinqin had photographed a medicine garden in the Blu-ray field, and said that he had gone in and visited it. Of course, there is no concealment of the purchase of some nectar corn seeds, fragrant beasts, fragrant trees and bigmouth fish.

Then these people quickly learned from the mouths of the monks in the Blu-ray field that Qin double took a medicine garden in Blu-ray, and the news quickly returned to the ears of the various patriarchs.

And just in the days when they probed the news, the disappearance of the magical food sold by the Qin Dynasty spread in the Purple City. This can't be spread. So many people are listening to the news, and they are doing it secretly and spreading it. Are you really eating in the purple family on the same day?

Therefore, every morning, the fence is lined up with a long queue, and then the iron is soft and it is sold out in less than a quarter of an hour. Some people have suggested selling more, but the iron is soft but it is a wooden face. When you say "Please come early tomorrow," you will turn and leave.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin double is constantly releasing the Tao, and after more than eight years of hard work and hard training, Qin double has been used to control the body and fight with the spirit. Nowadays, her weak aquatic plants have been eaten up, but the Yuanshen and Yangshen still do not wake up. Fortunately, the Qinshuang discovery spirit can replace the Yuanshen release Tao. But the spirit has no attributes. Although the Tao of any attribute can be released, it is a bit worse.

However, there is also a place where the Qinqin double surprises. At the beginning, Qinqin tried to use the spirit to release the fire attribute method. When it was discovered that it could be released, Qinqin tried to release the three attributes of Jinmushui, and even released it. This is not to make the piano double heart, try to release the Tao of other attributes.

Qin Dao’s Tao method is not lacking. At the beginning, the blood piano left her with various attributes of cultivation practice and Taoism. Therefore, it took only half a year in Qinqin to let the spirit proficiently release the four attributes of Jinmu Shuihu. Then began to try to comprehend and release other ways.

Soil properties, light properties, dark properties, wind properties, mine properties, time properties, and spatial properties.

Qin double thinks that if he can release all kinds of attributes, although the power is not as good as the gods, but the various attributes are different, and they can complement each other with some weaknesses without the gods.


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