Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2005: Hero club

It took a year for Qin to practice a practice of soil properties. The soil attribute method is the most suitable defense method. There are many exercises left by the blood piano. Many advanced gongs and pianos can't be cultivated, so they carefully select a method called the earth armor. The law is also found in the realm of the world, but at the level is completely different from the practice of the piano. The earthen armor of the piano double cultivation, as long as the feet do not leave the ground, will rely on the power of the earth, and the defense is extremely powerful.

Of course, if the piano has a soil attribute god, and then released by the soil attribute god, it will be even stronger. The ability to fight with the double-level piano can definitely release the power of the first layer of Xianjun. However, if it is released by the spirit, it will be 20% weaker than the earth attribute. Even so, it has the power of nine days of Xuanxian.

In the second year, Qin double began to practice the light attribute exercises. The light attribute method is all evil nemesis. For all evil methods, there is no advantage in encountering ordinary exercises, but once it encounters evil exercises, it is powerful and amazing.

The piano is carefully selected as a way to call for a big day, and it can be attacked and defended.

In the third year, Qin Double began to practice the dark attribute method, and carefully selected a Taoist method called the shadow. This technique is so secret that it can be hidden in all shadows. In particular, it is able to hide in the shadow of the monk and launch a strange attack on the enemy.

In the fourth year, Qin double began to practice the wind attribute method. The wind attribute pays attention to a fast, the piano double cultivates a way to call the wind wind, and attaches the wind wind to the ten swords, which makes the sword silk sharp and concealed, and has a quicker , so that the power of the sword silk doubled.

In the fifth year, Qin double began to cultivate the properties of mine. The double selection of the piano is the technique of Thunder and Thousands. It is released in the state of the piano, and the power is slightly worse than the thunder in the Confucianism and Taoism, but the speed of release is much faster than Confucianism.

In the sixth year, Qinshuang began to practice the space method. Qin double did not learn the new way. He only went to upgrade the four ways that he had learned to shrink into the inch, the world, and the space step. The release of these four methods in the past was released by the Yuanshen. However, just as the spirit goes to release the Yuan Shindo method. The four gods of Qinshuang are not the space gods. They do not say that the understanding of the space magical power can only reach the extreme of the fur, and never get started, that is, the power released is also 20% worse.

But nowadays, with the spirit, the piano can understand the space law, and with the spirit, the power of the double release of the space method has turned several times.

It is said that the space blade, now Qin double has been able to release a long space blade, which was unimaginable before. Of course, if the piano has a space god, then the power will be stronger.

In the seventh year, Qin double began to cultivate the time method. First of all, she cultivated the time, but the second half of the time was obscure. The piano was practiced for two years, and it was only able to play to the lower part of the time. The fifth chapter.


This day.

Iron soft has just sold a hundred boxes of food. After finishing the usual case, he has to turn around and leave. He will see a young man come up. The young man’s face is slightly pale and ordinary, but it gives a kind of indifference. The feeling, the iron is softly called, handed an invitation:

"Tiedaoyou, in the cold scenery, tomorrow will hold a Tianzhi hero meeting in Xiyunge, invite the world's best, and also invite Qindaoyou and other Junjie to attend."

Iron softly took the invitation, cold arch arched hands, then turned and left.

Iron softly went straight to the Dongfu of the Qinshuang, touched the formation, the piano double appeared in front of the door, and the iron softly handed the invitation to the piano double, and said things again, the piano nodded:

"I will go to dinner, can't you go?"

"Go!" Iron said softly: "I would like to see how the handsome of the purple city this day?"

"You go to ask them, if they want to go, let's go tomorrow."

"Good!" Iron nodded softly, turned to inform other people, and soon everyone else came to the Dongfu of Qinshuang, and Yuguanting entered Dongfu, and said:

"Qin double, what's the matter? Is it the food we sell, it's dazzling?"

Qin double smiled and nodded: "It should be like this, but it should not be dangerous. Before I asked the uncle to enter the drug garden, I should have told them about it. So they will not see my broken medicine garden, just for us. Interested in the food. This feast may have the meaning of letting us know the true name of the so-called Tian Zicheng, to suppress us. The real meaning, I am afraid to buy us the seeds in my hands, the beast, the bigmouth fish Even apes."

"then you……"

"Seeds, beasts and bigmouthfish can be sold to them naturally. The price is the price given to Xu. I am afraid they will not raise objections. These families will not care about those Xu Xianjing. Just a monkey is a trouble, but no matter what. I will not sell the apes to them. The Xu family did not give them. How could they be given to them?"

"That... if they are forced?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head and said: "Because it is not worth it, after all, Xu family has no persecution. They are not as good as they are. Of course, if they can suppress us, let us be scared, take advantage of me. The apes are not impossible. At that time, even Xu will not care for me who is not responsible.

In fact, our danger is not from these families, but other people in the Purple City, especially the North Zone where the dragons and snakes are mixed. ”

When you listen to the piano, everyone looks a little tight. Qin double smiled and said: "Don't think so much. I will go to the party tomorrow. I will see if Junjie of Tianzicheng is better than us? Or is it better than where we are?"

Xi Yunge.

A man sat on the fifth floor with a seat on the window, slightly facing his face, looking at the window lazily. At this time, there are already dozens of young people on this level, and from time to time there are monks who come in and give each other gifts, and then gather together in twos and threes. On the opposite side of the man, there was also a monk who looked at the opposite side and looked at the man on the window:

"I didn't expect Xu brother to come."

The stabbing man was making snow, and he took back his eyes from the window and looked at the man who was quite out of sight. He smiled slightly:

"Ren Pingsheng, no matter what your purpose is today, but since I named this banquet the Tian Zi Hero Club, I can't help."

Ren Pingsheng showed a smile, such as a flower bloom: "Yes, if Xu brother is not a purple hero, who else in this world dare to call a hero?"


Thank you very much for the cloud dance flying silk fairy (100), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), the ice of zero (100)!



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