Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2015: Raise a sword

Weiyang silently said: "I gave you the cultivation method of the soul, what did you give me? Is this your transaction?"

"I gave you a glory space."

"Well, in this case, the space that I gave you before is already the end of the deal you gave me. Later, if you want further cultivation methods, you need to take things to trade."

Qin double no longer speaks, and Wei Yang no longer speaks out and is silent.

Nothing in the night.

Eighteen Xianjun died in the Wanli Iced Array, and eighteen Xianjun, let the Qinshen and the Yuanshen of Qinqin take a step closer to the wake. The sword shape in the one hundred and eight holes of the piano pair is no longer illusory, and it looks a lot more real. Let Muling take a step closer to the Chinese product.

"Go, continue tomorrow!"

Qinqin stood up and returned to Dongfu. He entered the town demon tower and threw the 18 storage rings that Muling secretly gave her to the town, letting the old town sort and store. She began to play the time again, hoping to play the full sixth of the time.

The time of cultivation has reached this level, which makes her feel a sense of time. She feels that time is like a key to open the time method. As long as the time is up and down, the door can be opened. .


Thirty-four of the immortals hidden in the piano, the heart was hung up. From midnight, he entered the Qin Dynasty a total of 18 Xianjun, but after the 18th Xianjun entered the Qinfu, it disappeared silently and never saw them out.

Is this the Qin double they won, or is the 18th Xian defeated?

Their heart's tendency is that the piano wins, because if it is the 18th Xianjun won, it should have come out at this time.

"The piano's formation is so powerful?"


A white lion and a crane came out from the inside and glanced at the monk who had lined up in front of the fence. The white lion came to the right side of the fence door and squatted on the grass. The crane came to the right side of the fence door and stood there. A statue.

Then, the iron came out softly, stood in front of the fence and began selling food.

Forty-four Xianjun, the heart is not complicated.

I didn't think that it was really the Qinfu won. Fortunately, before I waited for others to go in, they were deeply jealous of the Qin Dynasty.

The second night.


Qin double and others sat around again, everyone was laughing and talking, last night, 18 Xianjun's fall here, let them relax a lot of nervous mood. Only the piano double squinted, one hand on the table, the fingers continued to jump, immersed in time.


Jade Crown condensed the voice, and the piano double lifted his eyes and looked out.

I saw a strong man coming towards the Qin House.

Not bad!

It was a big swing and walked down the street toward the Qin House. A huge axe was on the shoulder and strode. The footsteps were particularly loud in the silent night sky.

"Treading step..."

Every sound seems to be on the human heart.

"Autumn! It turned out to be him!"

The hidden thirty-four sages, the heart can not help but jump, even among them, there are many people who think that this is not the opponent of this madness, this is a master of the eighth layer of Xianjun, and sternly abnormal, not knot Help, not to send, to disperse one, but the heart is hot, and there are countless human lives. Even the 34 people in Tianzicheng have been killed by him, but they have not caught him, but they are not here today.

Appeared outside the gate of the piano house.

Silent and silent.

But the atmosphere suddenly tightened.

It is the hidden thirty-four sages, and the string in the heart seems to be tightened in an instant, and the hair is standing.

The other hand of the mad slaughter was also held on the handle of the axe on his shoulders. Hold the big axe with both hands and lift the big axe high.


The big axe trembled, and Guanghua suddenly soared, forming a huge axe in the air, then slamming down to the opposite Qinfu.


The fence was instantly turned into a powder, which originally showed a magical array of Taoyuan. It was like a picture scroll. It was suddenly torn open with a crack, and a layer of peach garden was seen from the crack.


The defensive shield was opened with a huge crack.


In a very embarrassing gesture, the madman rushed into the piano house. All the eyes outside followed the maddening gaze and watched the madman rush into the piano house.


Then I saw that the madman had just rushed into the crack, and suddenly stunned the figure, the defensive shield closed, the phantom recovery, blocking the outside line of sight, everyone had a question raised.

The madman rushed in with a mad gesture, why did he suddenly stop his body shape?

This night.

Until the dawn, a total of twenty-six sages were entered, but none of them were traced. Until the iron soft again appeared in the doorway, thirty-four Xianjun could not help but take a breath, it seems that the twenty-six celestial monarchs have fallen.

A great big fight!

Qin double sitting in the town demon tower, at this time she did not play the time, but sitting cross-legged, trying to refine the power of twenty-six sages into the sword shape.

Twenty-eight celestial princes, there are too many, so that the body of the piano doubles like a balloon, and the body lights up one hundred and eight light spots, like the river.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The one hundred and eight light spots gradually disappeared, and the body of Qin double returned to normal. In the one hundred and eighteen squats, the sword of the top of the stalk in the top of each hole has been completely formed, and the sword is swaying and sharp.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, opened his eyes, and there was a trace of joy between the eyebrows.

It is the most difficult to complete the formation. Now the sword shape is finally stable, and the gas has been rich to 50%. As long as it is rich to 10%, she can start to compress the sword shape and make it liquefy.

After getting up and taking a shower and eating a meal, Qin double will continue to play time. She feels that she will retreat in the town demon tower. Before the darkness, she should be able to complete the sixth movement.


The fence of the piano has been restored. Inside the Taoyuan, Yuguanting and others are putting good food on the table. Chatting while chatting.

"Chou Ting, did you see it yesterday? The boss’s body suddenly lit up a dazzling light point. What is the boss’s practice?”

"I don't know, it's a sharp and persecutable person. Let me burst into my hair and feel a tingling sensation."

"You said that the boss is only from a wilderness, and where is the inheritance? It is amazing."

"Take her where she gets it, I just know she is my young lady."

During the talk, everyone turned to the first place, and they saw that the doubles were coming, and they stepped on the shore and walked toward it.

"Piano double you are coming."

"The boss is coming."

"Miss sister is here."

Everyone greeted them, and Qin said with a smile: "Sit, today we continue to watch the show."


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