Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2016: teach

Everyone has been seated, but it is still early in the morning, eating and chatting, and the people who are talking about it are naturally related to cultivation. Qin binoculars sweep across the crowd, these people who can always follow her, are her confidants or friends. In the future, perhaps you will have to shoulder the horizon.

Looking forward to the highest level of cultivation, now the nine-day peak of the 9th floor of Xuan Xian has been snarled:

"The cellar, I don't have any inheritance about the production of cockroaches. You need to study it yourself."

"Yes!" He said with respect and respect: "Master, I am very talented in this respect. When Master first praised me, if there is a day when the door is full, it must fall on me. Just..."

Having said that, there is a lost color on the face of the waiting area. Qin double smiles:

"You have this kind of thought, but now that the Tuen Mun is rebuilt in the ink star, but the resources in all aspects are very few, it has fallen into a tiny sect. You stay with me, you can't shorten your resources, want Just tell me what you want. When you are a great man, you will be an ink star and reorganize your voice."

The waiting face was amazed and he hurriedly stood up and said: "Does this master want me?"

Qin double shook his head and said: "I have been practicing since the age of thirteen. Now I am only forty years old. I believe that I will definitely achieve the king of the fairy and fly up to the fairyland. If at that time, you can also achieve the king of the fairy, and fly with me. That's natural. But if you can't, you will stare at the ink star, waiting for you to fly to the fairy world, and then go to me."

The face of the waiting area is not red, and the family piano is now only forty years old, and he is all four hundred years old, but still a sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, how can you not be ashamed?

"So, don't be too focused on martial arts, cultivation is still necessary. Otherwise, from the moment I fly, it will be our day."

The piano doubles, everyone is stunned, and there is a sense of urgency in the heart.

Qin double said it well. If they stepped down, the pianos will rise and rise, but they will never be able to take that level. Will it never be seen again?

"The cellar, you are the property of fire. I have a method for you, and there are some Taoists. I will pass it on to you today. I hope that you will be able to give up some energy to cultivate in the future."

When the words fall, the piano double takes out two blank jade slips, respectively, and delivers the exercises and the Dao, respectively, and then handed them to the waiting area. Waiting for the results of the two jade, the gods swept away, the eyes could not help but brighten, swearing:

"Thank you for your master. The cellar knows that his qualifications are too far from the owner, but the cellar will definitely work hard, and in the future he will surely fly up to find the master."

Qin double virtual support: "Get up. Sell food also has your talents, what resources you need to cultivate, buy it yourself, not enough to tell me. After some time, I will refine some medicinal herbs for you."

"Thank you, Master." Waiting for the station to stand up, then sit there excitedly.

Qin binoculars look at the jade crown court on the third floor of Xuantian in the 9th day: "Chou Ting, you and I will make friends, I will give you a kind of practice and some Taoism, I hope not to deny."

Jade Crown Pavilion Yan Yi smiled: "I don't know how much favored you have been, so I decided, as long as you send, I will."

"Ha ha ha..."

The piano laughed happily, and everyone laughed, and everyone laughed happily. It was because they had already linked one of their lives to the piano. From the battle of the Star Avenue, all the way to fight side by side, the relationship between life and death.

not to mention……

Bao Yi, Chu Dali, and the iron and soft heart all recognize the piano as the boss, and the place is even more.

Yu Guanting has his own pride. Although he did not serve as the boss, he also believed that it was a life and death. If the piano is difficult, he would not fight for life and death. And he also believes that if he is difficult, Qin double will save his life.

Life and death have always been two-sided. It is definitely not a unilateral effort. It is only the trust of these two aspects that will make this kind of friendship not disappear with the passage of time, but will be more intense.

Therefore, they do not account for what they give to them, and they don’t feel that they are guilty. The heart is also looking forward to the peace of the piano double life, no disaster.

If they are in trouble, they will use their lives to fight for the piano.

Lei Xing is also laughing, but there is a bitter bitterness in his smile. He and the piano double battle, and also played with the piano double, he is very admired in the heart of the double, willing to fight side by side with the piano, and die together. Therefore, he will be cheeky and live in the piano.

However, his heart always has a feeling that Qin double does not regard himself as a friend who can live and die. The heart is inevitably left behind.

At this time, Qin double took out two jade slips, respectively, and sent them into the Gongfa and Dao, and handed them to Yuguan Tingdao:

"This jade is an ice attribute exercise. This jade is a set of imperialism and an ice attribute method."

After Yu Guanting took over the jade, he opened his mouth and finally couldn’t help but open his mouth:

"Qin double, this is definitely not the practice and Tao of this world. It is too powerful. Where did you get it?"

"I have been to ancient stars." Qin said faintly.

"Ancient star!" Yu Guanting's eyes said: "I will definitely go to the ancient star in the future."

Qin double looked at the star of Lei Xing, and Lei Xing’s face showed a trace of tension. He is not nervous, the piano will not give him the exercises and the Dafa, although he knows that the performances and methods of the Qin double are very high, not even the world should have. If you can own it, whether it is repairing or strength, there will be a leap. And a good practice, in the process of cultivation, the level will be less, and the chance to take the road is much more.

But Lei Xing still doesn't care about this. He cares about Qin Bin's recognition of him. If Qin double will give it to him, it proves that Qin double really accepted him.

Of course, most of his hearts do not believe that Qin double can give him any good exercises and Taoism, this is because he cultivates the thunder property.

The practice and Taoism of the ancient Lei attribute are rare in the spiritual world, let alone a good practice.

"Lei brother, your cultivation is close to the second floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian!" Qin double smiled.

"There is no piano double, you are entering the country fast, although you are not as good as me now, but I think you will surpass me soon."

Qin double smiled and shook his head: "Lei brother, can you practice with me to practice?"

Lei Xing's eyes are bright, it seems that the hands of Qin double have a good Ray attribute method, and there is more than one. He wants to choose a method that can be connected to himself for his current practice. He didn't even think about the doubles of the piano and then took this opportunity. He was swearing at his practice. It can be seen that in his heart, the double has been regarded as the best of the same. Immediately did not hesitate, took out the jade slip and handed it to the piano pair.


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