Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2017: Break

When the piano doubled up, the gods came in and then closed their eyes for about two quarters of an hour. Only then did they get two jade slips and began to transport them. At this time, Lei Xing has forgotten that he thinks that the piano pair will not have any good exercises. He looks forward to the piano pair with a look of hope. Others are also curiously looking at the piano pair, and they all have the same for the ancient stars. Curious, the idea of ​​finding an opportunity to go to an ancient star is emerging.

"Lei Xing, this jade is a kind of mine attribute method, this is a set of lightning whip method, and a mine attribute method."

Lei Xing took over two jade slips, and the gods swept in, and suddenly they were intoxicated.

Qin Bin looked at Baoyi, and saw that Baoyi is now the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. He nodded with satisfaction, then took out a jade slip. After inputting a dozen interest rates, he handed Yu Yu to Bao Yidao:

"This is because I have prepared a set of double-practice exercises for you. You take it for cultivation. The exercises and Taoism have already been given to you, and you have to cultivate."

"Yes! Boss." Bao Yi hid the jade Jane, and the gods explored it and seriously explored it.

Qin double looked at Chu Dali and iron softly. Qin double has already given the inheritance of these two alchemists and refiners. He also gave the exercises of these two people, and thought about them. Yu Jian, looking for a boxing method and a hammer method in the **** heritage, delivered it into two humanities:

"You two should not spend too much time on the refining and alchemy. The practice has already been given to you, but the cultivation of the two of you is not very big. Baoyi is the fifth floor of the Luojinxian. You The two are still only the eighth peak. When the cloud is closed, it must enter the nine-day Xuanxian. Do you have two faces?"

Chu Dali and iron soft face color red, Qin double continued: "This is a set of boxing and a set of hammer method. Look for time to study."

"Yes, boss."

"Yes, Miss Sister."

Silent in the middle of the Taolin, everyone is comprehending the inheritance that Qin double gave them. Qin double looked at everyone.

Waiting for the land, the sixth floor of Xuantian.

Yu Guanting, the third floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Lei Xing, the second floor of Xuantian.

Chu vigorously, the eighth floor of Da Luo Jinxian.

Iron is soft, the eighth layer of Da Luo Jinxian.

Baoyi, the fifth floor of Da Luo Jinxian.

This combination, placed in the ink star has been very powerful, but placed in the Purple City, it is not conspicuous. His eyes were swept away from everyone else.

There are no weapons, no weapons, and his skills are all on the raft. As far as the Qin is known, his storage ring has two 天 玄 玄 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡But you can't always count on you, you have to have a self-defense thing.

Qin double thought about himself, there is really no treasure, he is not enough, where is there to wait for the place?

The eyes swept in a circle, and the look could not help. At this time, the people sitting here, the weapons did not have the same.

Waiting for the land is the shackles, the jade crown court is the moon fine wheel, the thunder star makes the thunder whip, the Chu vigorously makes the fist, with a pair of gloves, the iron is soft and the hammer, Bao Yi makes It’s a pair of short squats.

"A few days later, I am going to attend the wedding of Wei Qingjue's friends. Looking at the current situation, those Xianjun will definitely be killed outside after a long period of attack. I have to prepare some things for self-defense and escape."


Everyone was fretting in their hearts, and they all looked up at the fence.

I saw an old man with a white hair in a dagger, carrying a walking stick and walking towards the fence. The old man stepped forward to the fence, pushed the fence door open and walked in. Then stood in front of the magic array. It’s just that I’m not standing for ten minutes. When I raise my hand, I have a flag in my hand and beat the flag. When I saw the peach forest in front of me, it was like a mirage.

It reveals the real Taolin inside, and the defensive shield that covers the Taolin.

At this time everyone’s eyes were on Taolin. They saw a table in Taolin, sitting around the table and playing the doubles. Those people were drinking while they were facing the raft. The old man with a walking stick pointed and seemed to be talking about something, but his face did not have the slightest tension, but a smile.

The old man also looked at Qin Double and others in Taolin, slowly cracking his mouth, revealing a kind smile, and then took out a flag and threw it toward the front.

Just like a mirror was broken, the defensive shield disappeared in front of everyone, so that everyone could see Taolin more clearly. Let the face of the 34th Xianjun become nervous and ready to rush at any time.


The old man in front of Taoyuan did not go further. Instead, he walked back and forth with a cane, as if he was observing something, his fingers were still swaying fast, and he seemed to be calculating something.

Thirty-four Xianjun’s hearts jumped.

"There is still a big array there, that is the real big array of Xianjun two days before the death."

A pair of eyes are focused on the old man, want to see if the old man can break the big line.


A figure fell outside the fence door, looking at the back of the old man, his look changed, but the old man did not see him, still swaying his fingers and thinking about words.





As soon as an hour passed, the old man still paced back and forth before Taolin, but behind him, outside the fence, he had already battled thirty-two cents. These Xianjun are standing there silently, no one is talking, and no one is the first to enter Taolin.

The old man knows that he is a famous fairy sect who lives in the North District. He has not broken this battle. The thirty-two princes naturally know that there is no one to dare to take risks.

At this point, the old man's body became more and more embarrassed, his body began to tremble slightly, and the drops of sweat on the forehead dripped down.


He squirted a blood, his body swayed, and then he gave a deep ritual to the piano and other people in Taolin, then turned and walked on crutches and left with trepidation.

When he stepped out of the gate, a monk prayed to the old man: "Oh, how is this law?"

"Going in is death!"

The words fell, the old man left with a walking stick. It seems to be twitching and slow, but it is shrinking into the inch. In the blink of an eye, it disappears.

Twenty-two celestial princes outside the fence, all looking at the piano and other people in Taoyuan with a sullen face, while Qin Shuang and others are no longer concerned about this side, where they laugh and cheer.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (200), seaphay (100), serious study and serious study (100), cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (100) reward!



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