Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2018: Bound (first)

Those who can achieve Xianjun are not simple. At this time, I will not lead the way to try. But refused to leave like this. So, after a while, the thirty-two people began to whisper.

"Everyone, since you can't break this battle, the only way to break the battle is to break the battle. How do we join forces?"

"How do you get things when you get there?"

"Broken, I will catch the piano and say it."


The mouth of the piano double bends slightly, revealing a mocking smile. Putting a hand in the sleeve, pulling the handcuffs, forming a symbol, and then flexing a finger, the symbol fell into the ground and landed on an ice core. The ice core lightened slightly. Then the piano double stood up:

"Let's go back."

Everyone looked at the piano double and looked at it. I didn't understand how the piano double suddenly went back. I didn't watch the fun, but I went back to the lotus space with the piano. Those Xianjun saw that the figure of Qin and so on disappeared into the lotus space, and they looked at each other and joined forces to bombard the Taoyuan.


Thirty-two people are worthy of being Xianjun, and their control is very strong. All the power is concentrated in the piano, and there is no trace of it. At this time they also know that the movements here will inevitably surprise others, but they have gathered together thirty-two immortals, and there is nothing terrible.


There was no trace of destruction in the opposite Taoyuan, so everyone knew that there was still a big array in front of them. So they bombarded more intensively and wanted to break through the big battle in the shortest possible time. Anyway, delaying is not a good thing.


A figure walked across the air.

where is this place?

Tian Zicheng.

What is Tianzicheng?

Where the masters are everywhere!

Quite initially in the ink star, the Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu add up, there are no more than fifty Xianjun. Then look at the piano doubles, these two days of killing Xianjun are almost fifty, and now there are thirty-two immortals in the bombardment of the piano. Therefore, the master of Tianzicheng is really too much. It was only a moment of effort. On the streets outside the piano, on the branches, on the ridges, in the sky, there were countless monks.

As soon as these monks saw the situation below, they knew what had happened. It was really a matter of spreading the things of the Qin Dynasty in the past two days.

First, there are four treasures in the piano, and then more than forty centuries have entered the piano house, so they do not know life and death. Even Tian Zicheng, forty cents of immortals, is amazing enough. So, people at this time are very curious about what will happen next?

Will it be Qin double they were killed, or are these Xianjun killed, or the final attack can not break the big array, angry away?


I haven't waited for these people to speculate, I heard a crisp sound in my ear, and then I saw the Taolin of the Qinfu being bombarded.

"The big battle broke!"

This is the voice of all people, the thirty-four Xianjun, also appeared out, looking at the piano in a burning look.


At the moment when the big array was broken, thirty-two Xianjun rushed toward the piano house. Since the big squad broke, the momentum of the joint efforts of the people will end. At this time, whoever grabs the first mover is who. So, just in an instant, thirty-two monks disappeared in place.


On the streets, on the branches, on the ridges, in the air, more monks rushed toward the piano. Forty-four Xianjun faces are anxious.

At this time, don't say that they have no ability to block, even if they can block, they don't show up in the piano, they can't stop. The piano is not dangerous. What are you going to save?

However, just as the color of anxiety appeared on their faces, they saw the thirty-two princes who rushed to the front and suddenly stunned their bodies.


There were dozens of monks rushing in. The monks who went in immediately stopped their bodies. Then dozens of monks later, there were nine days of Xuanxian, and there were Xianjun, but no matter what it was, at this time It is the dignity of a face. Seeing the vision in front, the monks in the back couldn’t help but stop the momentum. Even some people rushed back, the atmosphere was silent and tense. Everyone looked at the more than 70 monks in the piano. . Before they all heard that more than forty Xianjun had disappeared in the Qin Dynasty in two days, but everyone did not know how to disappear, so the piano is full of mystery. Now the piano has lost the magic array and can let them witness it. The mystery unveiled the veil, one by one.

The world is not afraid of strong opponents. As long as you know where it is, there is a way to deal with it. As long as the mystery of the piano is unveiled today, they have the means to enter the piano and get four treasures.

However, at this time they found that more than 70 monks who entered the piano house stood there motionless, although they could not see the faces of more than 70 people from behind, but this was from flying. The state suddenly becomes a certain immobility, which is unusual.

At this point, we have seen unusual monks, where dare to lighten?

One by one, they stand on the street, stand on the branches, stand on the ridge, stand in the air, and look toward the inside of the piano. This situation has caused thirty-four Xianjun to be shaken.

When will there be a place in Tianzicheng that has been paid attention to?

Haven't you been in a hundred years?

Even the thirty-four families have not been so concerned in the past 100 years. No matter what the outcome of the night is, the Qin and Qin doubles will definitely become famous.

In this way, these people also looked at the piano intently and wanted to see how the Qin government killed the 70 people.

Before they were ordered to come to the double crisis, they reached out and rescued. That is the mentality of the seniors in the heart, overlooking the Qin and Qin. But now their mentality has quietly changed, such a place, such a person, has been able to rise to the status of family attention.

The reason why the thirty-four families can stand in Tianzicheng is not only the strength, but also the cautious heart and understanding of the forces of the parties. Otherwise, they will have passed away at any time.

Now Qinqin's Qinfu has been seen as a force that the family needs to understand.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, the seventy people have moved, and some monks kept turning around within a few meters of the square, and they kept looking around. Some monks seemed to have met. What horrible things are struggling to kill, but they have no enemies on the opposite side.


All the people involuntarily violently jumped, in their eyes, a figure suddenly appeared in the center of the lotus pond, standing on a lotus leaf, a flaming dress, set off the skin of white jade, It is like a summer flower. It is the piano double that comes out of the lotus space.


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