Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2019: wedding

The piano double standing on the lotus leaf, the eyes faintly sweeping away from the outside of the piano, the corner of the mouth with a faint smile, lightly lifting the lotus steps, walking on the waves, between the shackles, then the shore, not as good as Taolin, the money Walking past the seventy monks, walked over to the defensive shield and reached for one.

A flag was broken and it was caught in the hands of the piano.


The defensive shield was broken and re-raised, like the water ripples, once again shrouded the piano. The figure of the piano double is like passing through the water curtain, passing through the defensive shield, going a few steps forward, and once again catching one by one, the flag appears again, and it is broken, and it is caught in the hands by the piano.

The entire piano is gradually unfolding like a picture. As the scroll unfolds, the piano is slowly covered, covering the Taolin, covering the seventy monks, covering the doubles, leaving only the front of the crowd. A blooming peach forest.

The piano was once again covered by the illusion.

The monks could not help but be disappointed. They could not see how the Qin government killed the seventy monks.

Inside the town demon tower.

The piano double inflated the body again, like a balloon, and even the blood leaked from the pores, and the muscles on the body trembled, showing that the pain reached the extreme. However, Qin’s face is calm, as if he could not perceive physical pain.

On her body, one hundred and eight light spots illuminate like a little sun. At this time, the piano pair is constantly injecting Yuan Li into the sword shape inside the hole. Every sword in each hole is more and more rich, and the sword in the sword is sharper.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

One month.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, and that breath formed a sword, rushing toward the front, shot to the opposite side of Xianshan, the mountain was actually shot by a sword-shaped breath.

At this time, the piano double has been restored to its original appearance, except that a **** stain adheres to the skin. Within one hundred and eight acupoints, one hundred and eight swords stood on top of the ground, and the swordsmanship inside went to the extreme, and the piano double could even hear the sound of the sword in the one hundred and eight points. sound.

"It seems to be able to compress the sword and transform the gas into a liquid. Just... this sword is ......"

Qin double could not help but smile, the old man stood in front of Qin double: "The master should not be anxious, take a bath first, then eat. Then finely polish, this is just the thing you just cultivated to the extreme, sword sharp. It’s normal to issue a blame. It’s natural to polish the sword for a while, and it’s usually not sent out.”


Qin double nodded lightly, stood up and went to the river to take a shower. The joy in the heart is abnormal. This point raises the sword and has already achieved initial success. Finally, there is another self-defense card.

After an hour, after bathing, after the piano doubles, I began to polish the sword rhyme, and in her sea of ​​knowledge and soul space, the five eggs became more and more vital, let the piano double feel the gods. And Yang Shen has a tendency to wake up.

Muling absorbed the life of the monk's body, and also promoted, so that the double sense of the piano and let the wood spirit swallow a few Xianjun, maybe break through to the Chinese goods Muling.


For a few days, no one came to attack the Qinfu. The Qin Palace restored its calmness, as if the monk of Tianzicheng had already recognized the status of the Qinfu.

However, Qin double knows that this is simply an illusion.

The monks in Tianzicheng are only a big fear of the Qin Dynasty, but they have no fear of them. And the heart is still full of killing and greed for them. If they leave the piano, I am afraid that they will encounter numerous arrests and interceptions.


They can't stay in the piano until they finally go out.

not to mention……

Promised Wei Qingjue to participate in the wedding of Fengqi...

Two days later.

Tian Zicheng Baijia, a small in Tianzicheng can not be small, just rising, belonging to the bottom of the family, there are some celebrations in front of the door.

But that is also some celebration.

Today is the day when Bai Jiazi’s Bai Keji’s big marriage, because it’s just a scorpion, Bai’s work is far from grand.

Inside the White House.

Eighty tables were placed, and eight chairs were placed around each table. Almost every table was filled with people.

The red lanterns lined up high and the ground was covered with petals. The atmosphere was already warm.

The cultivator is different from the mortal.

After the mortal has worshipped the heavens and the earth, he will send the bride into the new house. But the cultivator is not. The cultivator has no male or female lord, and the emphasis is on strength, and the cultivator regards the wedding as an opportunity to make friends. After all, there is a companion in the sacred sacred treasures. Therefore, when the bride enters the new house and just changes a suit, she will come out and toast with the groom and to the guests of Dahe.

At this time, the guests have already sat down, and the next people began to flow to the table to visit a variety of dishes. People who are familiar with each other sit at a table, or whisper, or laugh loudly.

In the corner of an inconspicuous table, sitting eight people, looking far away to the two people who are toasting Bai Keji and Feng Yu.

The eight men sat quietly there, occasionally whispering and unobtrusive, and the monks around the table did not pay attention to the eight men.

These eight people are the guests of Wei Qingjue, An Shicong, Qinshuang, Yuguanting, Leixing, Chu Dali, and the soft and soft Baoyi. The waiting area remains in the Qin House.

Wei Qingjue looked at the two people from afar. Feng Wei was wearing a red robes, and a hair was already on the plate, revealing a white neck, and his face was always smiling with a slight smile.

Her side is a plain-looking monk. The body exudes the atmosphere of the first layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but it is lower than the repair of Feng Yu.

Two people are toasting at this time, and the person at the table is talking to a couple of new people.

"The phoenix's Taoist monks are a little lower." An Shicong whispered.

"The White House has only one Xianjun, and it has just broken through less than a year." Wei Qingjue faintly replied.

"Only one Xianjun? And it has just broken through? I really don't know what Fengqi thinks." An Shicong shook his head in a strange way:

"Here is Tianzicheng. This kind of weak and newly emerging family without accumulation has relied on an unexpected breakthrough to support the ancestors of Xianjun, and that Baikeji is still a blind man. I can imagine how difficult their future life will be."

"It should be to give up the future!" Jade Guanting gently sighed a sigh: "Our road is too dangerous. From the scorpio, to the encounter with the demon half-step fairy king, and then through the gray mountain range, More than one million monks have died on the road, only over forty thousand people. Not to mention Feng Yu, that is, we can survive, and most of them rely on luck.

They all say that there is a big horror between life and death, and there is also a big chance.

If you don't get a big chance, just remember the big horror, then you will become a demons and endless fear of the future. Because of fear and not wanting to go against the trend, I only want to live a stable life. Everyone has different ideas and different living methods. ”


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