Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2022: Blood washed long street (fifth)


It is fierce and dense, and it is the sound of countless clothes and plundering.

In front of the street, there have been countless figures. Under the moonlight, I saw only people and people, I couldn’t see the face, and I couldn’t see the end.

Behind the street, there are also countless figures, and you can't see the face and you can't see the end.

On the ridges on both sides of the street, they were already full of monks. Their shadows fell on the street under the moonlight and landed on the six people of the piano.

In the sky, like a cloud of rapid clouds, covered in the entire street, it is a dense monk, the bright moonlight is obscured by the monk's figure, and the whole street instantly becomes dark.

Suddenly, the sounds of the four voices must be fixed. The monks on both sides of the street, front and back, and over the sky stopped their bodies. All eyes converge on the six people in the middle.

It seems as if everything between the heavens and the earth is still, only the six people are still moving, and the footsteps are sounding regular.

The murderous murder from all directions shrouded the six pairs of pianos. If the ordinary monks were covered with so many murderous eyes, they would sweat and sweat. Where can I still have the ability to kill?

Fortunately, the six people in the piano double experience too much!

In the spiritual world of today, who has experienced a fierce battle for tens of thousands of years?

Ink star!

Only the ink star!

Only the ink star has experienced the avenue of the road that has not been seen for nearly 100,000 years, and the fierce avenue of the road.

The piano doubles are all the ink star monks, all of them are monks who have experienced the avenue of the road from beginning to end, so what will make them fear?

There are countless hurdles in the hearts of the people. It is a new world.

The Qinshuang six people are the ones who came from the avenue of the avenue, so they experienced the scorpio of the Scorpio, the half-step fairy king of the Mozu and the edge of the life and death of the Grey Mountain Range.

"Treading step..."

The six people’s footsteps kept going, and they were not ill, and they walked fearlessly toward the front as a layer of people.

Above the ridges on both sides of the street, the monks in the air are still in the air.

Between this movement, let the atmosphere be more chilling, murderous and overflowing!

This movement is extremely simple, just monotonous footsteps.

That quiet but still dead, as if the boundless pressure gathered.

"Treading step..."

On the long street, the monks behind the piano suddenly moved up, and they approached the piano pair, and at this time the six pairs of monks were only a hundred meters away from the monks in front.

The sky became more gloomy, and it was not because there were too many monks floating in the sky, or because the weather began to become dark.

"I come!"

Chu vigorously stepped up and walked to the front, wearing gloves on both hands.

"I am behind the temple!"

Iron softly slowed down, and when he turned around, he had already held a giant hammer in his hand, and stepped back, followed the steps of Qin and so on, and looked at the monk who was forced up from the opposite side.

On the left side, Jade Crown Court sacrificed the Moon Fine Wheel, which was like a snow elf, coiled around his body.

On the right side, Lei Xing sacrificed the whip, and the long whip in his hand faintly thundered and uttered a slight squeak.

Qin Shuang and Bao Yi walked in the middle, but there was no footsteps at the foot of Bao Yi, but her feet were clearly stepping on the ground, and the whole person was as light as the same gust.

Qin double looked up to the sky.

The eyes of countless monks in the sky also gathered on her.

The former gaze passed through the monks and looked out over the monks in the air, where she saw the immortals who exuded a strong atmosphere.

Those Xianjun were divided into two camps, and the piano eyes were slightly moving. Although she did not know the immortals, one of the camp’s immortals, wearing clothes on her body, wore the logos representing the families without any disguise. Let her understand that this is the family that sells her love, and the people opposite these families are the immortals who killed her to win the treasure today.

There was a smile on the corner of Qin’s mouth. With these families, Xianjun helped to keep the immortals, and they could let go of it.

Her gaze passed through the confrontational princes and looked at the moon in the sky.

The moon became blurred, as if there was a layer of water in the sky, which made the moon become awkward, and the water became more and more intense, turning into a dark cloud, blocking the whole month.

The sky has become darker.


Chu vigorously shot, and the double fists were blown out, and the fists were bombarded on the river like heavy rain, constantly stirring up the water.

Do not!

That is blood!


The monks behind Qin and other people rushed to the piano and others. The monks on the sides of the roof also swooped down to the piano in the middle of the street. The monks opposite the Qinshou and others were like the tides. Collided with Qin and others.


In the soft hand of iron, a black light was drawn, which was the light of a giant hammer in the sky. The giant hammer waved a huge hammer shadow, like a mountain peak, and the monks who chased the other side of her face bombarded the past.

A sharp voice rang on the left side, and the Yujing Ting's Yuejing rim turned to the monk who jumped off the ridge. It was only an instant, and the fine wheel of the month turned into a layer of moon-shaped wheels, hovering like a huge one. Snow flakes with the ultimate frost.


Lei Xing’s thunder whip violently, like a thunderbolt, killing any creature who dares to approach it.

Bao Yi's figure disappeared, disappearing silently, like a hurricane around, can't see where she is, just the breeze smashed, leaving a blood flower.

The roar of the roaring sound is endless, and the sky is so smashing. It is the release of various Taoist methods. The buildings that have not yet been able to depict the symbols are instantly collapsed. The flat streets have no original appearance and become gully.

Chu vigorously punched out every punch, and blasted a big volcanic fist, and learned the shock of the Qin double, and did not know how it fits the power of his cultivation. This is twice the power. This has quadrupled. What is even more shocking is that I didn’t know how many punches I could blast, and I was able to make a big move and turn the power ten times. Today, every ten punches, a punch is made.

In front of Chu’s vigorously, a series of mountains built by red and huge fists have been formed, which are colliding toward the opposite side.

On the left side of the Jade Crown Court, these days have been in the ice of a large array of ice to understand the meaning of ice, and now his ice is more and more pure. In the space on the left side that he is responsible for, it has already become a snow and ice world. The spread ice sheet sees everything and freezes it. The snow that hovering in the sky is the moon wheel, which will be frozen and stiff, even Become a monk of the ice sculpture to kill.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (3000), the quasi-copper (1000), the seaphay (100), the Baizibing (100), the serious study and serious study (100), the cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (100) reward!



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