Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2023: Escape

On the right side, Lei Xing whips and waves, releasing his inheritance from the Qinshuang, Leihe roaring. Every time the thunder whip is waved, it pulls up a thunder, like a long river, flooding the monk used for it, and smashing it in the air, the air is filled with the smell of burnt smell.

In the back, the iron soft sledgehammer has turned red-red, and each hammer is swept away, dragging a magma river and drowning toward the rushing monks.

And around them, a hurricane is forming, where is Baoyi's figure, where is a hurricane.

The piano double walked through it and looked up into the air.


A thunder, water and water, turned into heavy rain, dense raindrops, so that the piano double can barely see the figure of the monks in the empty, only to see a flaw.

The piano doubles up and the cold rain hit her face. She took a deep, damp, cold air, and her eyes burst into a bright light.

In the sky, a burst of dense clothing and slamming sounds suddenly sounded.


In the rain.

The monks in the air were like the Tianhe River hanging upside down, and they poured down toward the Qinshuang.

The piano double squinted, through the rain curtain, looking at the intensive figures swooping down in the sky, his hands constantly moving the handcuffs, and then stretched out into the air.

Stir the wind.


The raindrops that fell vertically in the sky suddenly changed, not the shape of the raindrops, but the sword-shaped shape, which was no longer vertical, but criss-crossed in the air.

"Oh ah..."

In the sky, countless monks screamed, and the body had been shot into a sieve, and the body fell from the air.


Long street.

Like an endless ocean, the six people of the piano are like the same boat, but they are moving forward.


The invincible momentum that suddenly broke out of the six pairs of Qinqin, in less than half a quarter of an hour, was drowned in the endless way.

Six people have given up the whole body, like the six ants who are heading for the flood. Everyone's body is full of blood, and there are enemies' blood and their own blood.

At this time, Qin double and others have been unable to move, they can only pause in place, and continue to fight back. It's not that they don't want to go forward, but countless monks, releasing endless ways, converging to one place, not being killed immediately, it's not bad, still thinking about moving forward?

Including the doubles, everyone is bruised and bruised at this time, but they are still supporting them, but anyone can see that the six people are not far from death.

High in the air.

The immortal monarchs of the thirty-four families and the immortals who came to intercept the piano doubles were completely over.

Originally, thirty-four Xianjun stared at the immortals who intercepted the piano and did not let them intercept the piano. But now it is the Xianjun who intercepted the piano and stared at the thirty-four Xianjun. Do not let them go to the rescue double.

I think everyone can see that the six people in the piano double will never insist on the time. As long as the piano is dead, let alone them, that is, thirty-four Xianjun will also go to grab the space fairy left by the piano.

At that time, it was the time of chaos, and it was when they snatched it.


The six people of the piano are constantly shooting blood, and they are bruised and bruised.

"Puff puff……"

Qin double six people were injured, nose and nose spurting. The body has begun to shake, and bones are exposed in many places.


Qin double suddenly passed to the other five people, and six people took a symbol from the storage ring and took a shot on himself. At the same time, it explodes all the potential that everyone has left, and releases their strongest power.


A fairy in the sky suddenly changed his look, and the palm of his hand was sent to the six people of the piano. At the same time, there were many reactions to the fairy, and also to the piano double six people or fists, or palms, or feet. , attacked the past.


At the same time, thirty-four Xianjun also decisively shot, intercepting the attack of those Xianjun. During the time, in the sky, there was a roar of the earthquake, shaking the earth, countless buildings collapsed, and the earth became a divide. The countless monks below were shocked and even the monks bleed and fainted to the ground.


Six figures fell in the peach forest of the Qin Dynasty. There were no other people here, and they all shouted. It is the piano double is no exception, but the piano double just shouted, then the look changed, looking toward Bao Yi, but saw Bao Yi lying there motionless, blood spread from the body, has been red A piece of land.

"Bao Yi!"

The other people were hurt too much, and finally they tried their best to make a whole effort. At this time, they couldn’t stand up even and stood up to Baoyi one by one. Only Qin double can stand up. After all, she has the body strength of the first layer of Xianjun, and she swayed to the side of Baoyi. She snorted and sat down on the ground. The gods swept over and hurriedly took out a Vientiane fruit. Bao Yi's mouth opened, and then squeezed the juice of the Vientiane into the mouth of Bao Yi.


Two figures appeared from the lotus space and flew to the side of the piano.

"the host."


It’s just that there’s two places, the cockroach and the fragrant flower. The piano pair is fragrant to the flower: “Hold her, come with me.”

Then I took out four other fruits and handed them to the waiting place: "One for each person, let them eat immediately, and then you can heal them."

"Yes, master!"

The piano double enters the lotus space, behind her, the flower is too fragrant to hold Baoyi. Behind it is the Houdi 煞 condensed a Yuanli big hand, holding Yuguan Ting four people.

In Baoyi's Dongfu, Qinshuang rushed out of Huaxiang, and Vientiane had already played an effect in Baoyi's body. Her breathing has begun to gradually stabilize. Qinqin personally cleaned the body for Baoyi, and smeared the drug for her. After the bandaging, it returned to her own Dongfu and went to the town demon tower to heal.

Ten days after the town demon tower, the body of Qin double has been healed, and the repair has also reached the critical point of breaking through the second layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and the foundation is very solid. However, Qin double is still suppressing the breakthrough. If you go out and break through now, it will really surprise Yu Guanting.

On the tenth day in the town demon tower, has it been more time in the outside world?

Therefore, Qinshuang once again began to understand the time in the town demon tower, naturally three meals a day is a must eat, this three meals a day, is also gradually improving the qualifications of Qinshuang, talent, understanding...


The piano double pressed the strings, and the gods said: "What happened?"

The sound of Hua Taixiang came from the town demon tower: "An old man asks to see his sister."


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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