Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2024: Popular

"What can be said?"


Qin double thought: "Tell him that I need three days to heal."

Outside the piano.

An old man stood up with his hands and looked forward to the piano.

A figure came out of the Taolin, followed by white lions and cranes. Waiting for the old man to stand in the fence and bow to the old man:

"Predecessors, my home owner needs three days of healing."

There was no accident on the old man’s face. He nodded. "Then I will come back in three days."

Inside the town demon tower.

The piano double frowned and thought, not knowing what the fairy priest came to see himself, for what. Waiting for the repair of the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, when he can't see the other side's cultivation, the other party can only be Xianjun, or a half-step fairy king. Presumably, a half-step fairy king will not come to see himself, so this is a fairy.

In the Long Street War, I did not expose my many cards, but only exposed my own fire attributes and water attributes, and because of the reason why the gods and the gods were asleep, although she did her best, she barely reached the nine-day Xuanxian. The level of the later period did not reach the power of the half-step Xianjun.

What is the reason for it, will a Xianjun come to see himself?

The key is very polite!


and also……

She naturally saw the help of thirty-four Xianjuns. This sentiment was owed, and she also knew the 34 things that helped her, but she did it right, and the atmosphere was magnificent. This is a conspiracy. . Let the piano do not return this person's feelings will not work.

Then let's go!

Qin double sighed, and already had an idea in his heart. After calming down, I started playing again.

On the 3rd outside, the town demon tower has been in the vicinity for nearly nine years.

Qin Double finally fully comprehend the sixth chapter of the time and played it. This sixth chapter before and after, spent her nearly a hundred years, so that the piano can not help but express the mystery of time and meaning, no wonder the spirit of the world, time and space is the most mysterious attribute.

Maybe because you don't have time to root!

Qin double bathing and changing clothes, after eating a meal, this quietly left the town demon tower, out of the lotus space, standing in the peach forest, holding hands and thinking about future plans.

After about two quarters of an hour, the piano looked up at Taolin, and an old man was slowly coming. The piano doubled out of the Taolin and pushed the fence door open. The old man also happened to walk three meters in front of the piano. Qin double arch hand:

"Qin double has seen seniors."

"The old man is popular."

"Wind seniors please!"

There was a slight appreciation in the popular eyes, followed by the piano double into the fence gate, through the magic array, the defensive shield, the mile of ice, and went all the way to the depths of Taolin, where a table had been placed. There are also two jade boxes. It is natural to know what is inside the jade box, and the piano doubles the hand:

"Wind predecessors, please."

The popularity did not fall, but looked directly at the piano double, like laughing and laughing: "Qin double, the old man is the ninth floor of Xianjun."

"Oh?" The piano looks faint: "What about that?"

The prevailing momentum suddenly became very sharp: "You are not afraid that I am killing you now, grabbing all your chances?"

"Oh..." Qin Shuangyun said: "You can try!"

Qinqin is not a stupid person. How can I not know that when I don’t know the depth of the other person, I will bring the other person here. In the eyes of others, is this the act of finding death?

The first layer of a nine-day Xuanxian, even if the real combat power is extremely strong, it is not likely to be an enemy of the ninth layer of Xianjun. It can be said that it is a popular move to shoot a dead double, even if it is a double. Yuanshen and Yangshen wake up, the more large-scale, with the cultivation of the first layer of her nine-day Xuanxian, that is, the ability to play the first layer of Xianjun, even if the fellows of the same demon, they will reach the most At the beginning of the Jun, how is it a enemy of the ninth floor of Xianjun?


Is this really the case?

This was indeed the case before. In front of a ninth floor of Xianjun, Qin double did not have the power to fight back. Even Qinqin now has seven Xianjun water lines.

However, when the piano double will be one hundred and eight holes, Wen Yang Jian gas reaches the peak of the gas state, and when it reaches the critical point of liquid state, it is different.

The piano doubles in the sword of a hundred and eight points in an instant, and together with the seven Xianjun waterline, it will not cause any harm to the wind, but it can resist the other side's trick. .

Of course, after this move, Qin double will not resist the ability of the other side.

But don't forget, there is still a large array of ice. With this instant, the piano pair can escape into the ice-filled array. At that time, in the big array, she moved a little bit, and she could cover each other in a large array. The method of moving is to move an ice core.

Therefore, the piano has a sigh of relief.

Qin double does not want to entertain each other in the ice-filled array, so too small. Qin double is a proud person, as long as he has a self-protection ability, he must be right and right.

The opposite of the popularity of seeing the piano double so calm, can even say that you try it, can be described as strong and compelling. She did not say the consequences of the trial, and then fell into a small family, this is self-confidence, but also a strong.

The popularity of the eyes slightly raised, he knows that he can shoot, but once the shot, it is the battle of your life and death.

The faint flow of anger in his eyes, the ninth floor of a fairy, is so strong by a nine-day Xuan Xian, which is simply not tolerable by Xianjun. It’s just that this time I’m not looking at the piano, but I can’t stand this breath and try to calm down my mind:

"Qin double, how do you learn from me?"

Qin double shook his head and said very seriously: "Predecessors, younger generations have cards. But this card can only be used once. After it is used up, it becomes the lamb to be slaughtered in front of the predecessors."

The popular gaze is a shrink: "Can you kill me?"

"Can!" Qin double nodded calmly.

The popular gaze narrowed again, and watched the piano double seriously, but how to see it, the piano pair is full of confidence, and the heart will appear taboo.

He does not think that the strength of Qin double can kill him, but that he has any treasures on Qin double. Think again, Qin double can have four treasures, must have been a big chance in the ruins of somewhere, and her card that can kill Xianjun is obtained with the four treasures. It should be a one-off, so he will test the mind of the piano pair, not to mention that he is not for the four treasures. Immediately seated, opened the food box road:

"You haven't eaten this colorful food. I have to taste it today. Is it worth the reputation?"


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