Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2025: Wind home blood

In the heart of the piano, he sneaked a sigh of relief, sat gracefully across from him, opened the food box, and took out the bottle of monkeys:

"Predecessors, please!"


The meal was not eaten for a long time. After the last grain of rice was eaten, it was popular: "It is indeed a good thing. Can you give me a copy like Xu Jia?"

Qin double thought for a moment, although the face has a dilemma, and finally nodded: "Yes! Seniors, or talk about your purpose here? Is it not to buy seeds?"

The popular look became serious: "I want to see the monk of the windy roots among you."


"Do you know the Winds?"

"I don't know." Qin double shook his head: "But the family of the wind predecessors?"

"You are also ignorant." Popularity said rudely.

Qin double is very serious and nodded: "Predecessors said that it is good, I am from the middle star domain, the original division of the power of the spiritual world is very vague. But the wind should not be the family in the purple city?"

"of course not!"

He is very popular and shakes his head, and his look does not have the slightest inferiority, as if his family is not weaker than the Tianzicheng family, which can not help but make the piano curious.

Shouldn't the strongest family in the spiritual world be in the Purple City?

"Do you think that the strongest family is in the Purple City?" The wind said faintly.

"Is not it?"

"Of course not!" said popularly: "There are many families that are not weaker than the family of Tianzicheng, and even better than most of the family of Tianzicheng. It is not suitable for living in Tianzicheng because of the blood heritage. .

For example, I am a windy family, every family disciple speaks, they are all winds and roots. The most suitable place for our family to settle is naturally the planet with the most wind properties. My family settled in Stormstar. The wind property there is extraordinarily rich, of course, for the monks who are not the wind roots, there is a bad environment, the storm continues.

The reason why I came to visit you today is that from your friend's body, I seem to see the atmosphere of our Feng family. The wind family is somewhat sensitive in terms of blood. Of course, it is difficult to sense it at ordinary times, but when it is beaten, it will be more inductive. ”

"You mean that Baoyi is a wind family? But she is not a surname?" Qin double surprised.

"We have a lot of people going out to travel every year. People who have not returned to the family are not without it. This is a tens of thousands of years. I don't know how many Fengjia disciples are living outside, and I don't even know that I am a disciple." If the disciples are not met, they will be taken back."

The piano nodded, and it was not surprising that a large family had been left behind for various reasons and did not know the disciples of its family.

“Where did the predecessors come to Tianzixing?”

"Nature is to take the assessment with the storm star disciples."

Qin double thought for a moment: "If Baoyi refuses to be a family?"

The popular is also silent for a moment: "I will try to persuade Bao Yi to return to the family."

Qin double looked at the windy road faintly: "As long as the Fengjia encounters the disciples who are living outside, will they bring it back?"

It’s said calmly: “Actually, you already have the answer in your heart. The competition within each family is extremely fierce, even the first family in the spiritual world. Resources are never enough for any family. Therefore, when we encounter a disciple who is living outside, if the qualifications are ordinary, we will not ask questions at all, and will not let him know that it is a disciple of the wind, let him die. If the qualifications are still decent, there is cultivation. The value, when we meet, will meet him and tell him the identity. Of course, whether it will be a wind home, completely by himself. We just give him a chance to return to the wind home. If he does not want to return Family, that's it.

However, if it is a well-qualified disciple, we will try our best to persuade him to go back, even if he will take him back. ”

The piano eyes are slightly cold and cold: "Do you want to take Baoyi away?"

The prevailing demeanor said: "Qin double, the wind family has the completion of the inheritance, Baoyi back to the family only benefits, no harm. Staying with you is a waste."

Qin doubled and raised an eyebrow: "It seems that you think Baoyi's qualification is good?"

"I saw you killing in Long Street."

"You also want to kill me?"

"Oh...just have this thought. If there is a chance, naturally he will not hesitate to take it. If there is no chance, it will be." The calm look said calmly, as if to say that it is as common as eating and drinking. Things.

The piano is not annoying, this kind of thing was originally an extraordinary thing. There is no such thing as this kind of psychology. I thought about it:

"I invite Bao Yi to come out, you talk. Of course, if Baoyi is willing to go with you, I will also be happy. If you don't want to go back, you can't ask for it."

The two people no longer spoke, and they looked at each other coldly, their eyes colliding in the air, and they showed their determination.

There is a full time, and a confident smile appears on the popular face:

“Baoyi will not refuse, Fengjia has a strong appeal to any monk.”

The piano nodded and stood up and said: "Please wait."

After half an hour.

In the Taoyuan.

The wind and Bao Yi are sitting opposite each other, and the piano doubles in the middle. The wind took out a small bowl and placed it in front of Bao Yi. The piano looked down and saw the small bowl filled with plaids. Looking at Baoyi Road:

"Drip a drop of blood."

Baoyi cut her finger and dripped a drop of blood into the small bowl. Three people looked at a drop of blood in the small bowl. The drop of blood dripped into the small bowl, and it began to gradually become bloody, and then formed a **** tornado in the small bowl. Popular and happy:

"Sure enough, it is the blood of the wind."

Put away the small bowl, and took out a measuring ruler and handed it to Baoyi. Baoyi took over the measuring ruler and sent Yuanli into it. The measuring ruler broke out with dazzling light. Popular eyes suddenly stunned.

“It turned out to be the best spiritual root!”

Bao Yi glanced at the piano double, and her eyes flashed gratitude. If it is not the net spirit of Qin double, how can she have the best spiritual root?

The wind took away the measuring ruler, and said the things that Fang Cai and Qin Shuang said again, and once again said with Bao Yi. When I saw Bao Yi’s silence, I was very popular:

"Baoyi, with your qualifications and talents, as long as you return to the family, you must become a core disciple of the family, and even become the future patriarch of the family. The core disciples of the family have resources that you can't use, and the family has a complete inheritance, only As the inheritance of the blood of our family, as a disciple of the wind, only the inheritance of the wind home is cultivated, and the cultivation will be more effective. The family also has a practice for the birth of the disciples of the Feng family.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (12000), such as jade ^_^金屋 (10000), Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100), earnestly study and study hard (100) reward!



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