Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2026: visit

Baoyi, Fengjia needs disciples like you, and you also need the inheritance and cultivation resources of Fengjia. Only when you return to the family can you become stronger. ”

Baoyi looked up and looked at the windy road: "Wind predecessors, you can be sure that I am a disciple of the wind, but how do I know that I am a disciple of the wind?"

"We are inductive between us, you can feel it yourself."

When the words fall, the whole body is full of blood and blood, and Baoyi looks slightly changed. At this moment, she felt a touch of kindness, which was kind from the blood.

“How?” The windy smiled at Baoyi.

Baoyi looked at the piano pair and his face was hesitant. Qin double smiles:

"Bao Yi, do as you like."

Bao Yi focused on the key: "Boss, I am too weak. This long street kills, only I fainted. I don't want to be the one who dragged my legs, I want to be stronger. I want to be able to help the boss. Boss, I think Go back to the family."

He was very popular, and his eyes jumped with joy, and his eyes looked at the piano. Qin double nodded:

"You are sitting here with the predecessors, I will come when I go."

Qin double returned to the lotus space, returned to his own cave house, entered the town demon tower, and after thinking about it, he began to refine alchemy.

In Taoyuan, it was popular to ask Bao Yi's life experience, and then he told Bao Yi about the wind home. After about half an hour, the figure of Qin double appeared on the pond and then came to Taoyuan.

Put the two royal bags in front of the wind: "700 million top grades."

When the gods were swept away, they saw two storage bags containing corn seeds, beasts, bigmouth fish, fragrant fruit, and a fragrant tree. When even removed a storage ring on the table. When the piano was swept away, the storage ring was closed. Then take out a storage ring and hand it to Bao Yidao:

"Here are some of the medicinal herbs I have prepared for you, Fu Yan, and some fairy crystals."

"Thank you boss!" Bao Yi took it without any resignation.

Qin double nodded: "In a few days, you will be able to recover before going public. At that time, you can choose to break through. The predecessors of the wind are at your side to protect the law. I am also assured. Let me go, I will send you."

Baoyi’s eyes became wet: “Boss, I will definitely come back to find you.”

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "I also expect to see you strong."

"Strongly they are still healing, I will not leave with them. Tell them, wait for me to come back, they must be stronger than them, take them down."

"Good!" There was a smile on the corner of the piano.

Three people walked outside the Taolin, and the piano passed through the secret road in two directions:

"Bao Yi, I have left you two Li Wu in the storage ring. This kind of medicine can increase your comprehension three times and last for ten days. When you meet the level in cultivation, you can take it. But remember, no matter what, I can't let others know. Also, in the storage ring, I have left you ten green fruits, and the corn is also brought to you, as well as the beast meat, bigmouth fish. , and Baitan Monkey Wine. Don't talk, don't change your face, these things can't let others know."

"Thank you boss!" Bao Yi passed the secret.

Standing in front of the fence door, Qin double looked at the back of the two people disappeared into their own vision, eyes swept around, she knew that someone must be monitoring myself, but did not care, turned back to Taolin. Sitting cross-legged, running and repairing, began to impact on the second floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

It was really a matter of course, and it was easy to rush to the second floor of Xuantian. Tiandi Yuanli began to gather toward the Qinfu, forming a vortex in the sky above Taoyuan, plunging toward the piano.

"Breakthrough!" Outside the piano house, one person who is concerned about the piano house secretly said: "I don't know which one?"

After three hours, the piano double converges, and the breakthrough is the second floor of Xuantian. Returning to his own Dongfu, he did not enter the town demon tower, bathed, ate, and rested for one night. After the piano doubled out of the big array, the figure was slightly vertical and jumped onto the back of the crane, and the crane spread its wings. Flying into the air, flew to the family of Xu family.

Countless eyes looked at the Qin double, and there was no shortage of Xianjun in these eyes. But at this time, there was a hint of helplessness in those eyes of Xianjun.

They all know that the crane is a fairy scorpion, although it is only the first layer of the celestial scorpion, but it can block them from a blow, for the piano to fight for a trace of time, just this time, you can let the piano double Return to the piano by shifting the character.

Moreover, in the long street killing, the 34th House of Tianzicheng unexpectedly dispatched Xianjun to maintain the piano double, which also made them feel scruped in their hearts, and easily dared not to play on the piano. Only they will not give up, everything depends on opportunities.

Under the attention of the monks, Qin double fell outside the door of the Xu family. Soon, Xu Fang walked out of the gate and smiled:

"Qin double, how come you? You don't know if you are dangerous now?"

"Let's uncle, I have something to ask for the patriarch."

"The patriarch is what you can see when you see it?" A faint voice came out of the gate. When the piano looked up, he saw a tall figure coming out of the gate, revealing the natural pride in his eyes:

"If anyone can see the patriarch, the patriarch will have to die when he meets you every day. Where is the time to practice? Uncle, don't ask anyone to see the father, you have to report it. The father is also very busy."

Xu Fang's look can't be seen for a while, then he will pair the piano: "Qin double, you also have the affiliation of the patriarch, or do you contact the patriarch?"

"Qin double!" Xu Luoxue looked at Xu Fang's eyes and flashed a bit of dissatisfaction, and then looked at the piano double: "I have something to tell me, don't bother my father."

Qin double looked at the snow and sank for a moment, nodded and said: "I want to ask, when the **** battle in Long Street, Xu family helped me to peg the immortals who want to kill me?"

Xu Luoxue nodded proudly: "Not bad!"

Qin double took out a jade slip and handed it to the Xu Xuexue: "This is the recipe for the monkey wine. Today, I sent it to Xu Jia, thank you for your help."

Xu Xiaoxue looked a glimpse, and then his face was reddish.

Has Xu family helped?

Of course it is help.

But is it so important?

Xu Luoxue understands that even if there is no help from the 34th Xianjun of Tianzicheng, Qinshuang has a move and can escape. In fact, after the incident, all the monks understood it. The reason why they were strangled in the long street, instead of being blocked, was to open the move and escape, which is the idea of ​​honing themselves. Since this idea has been saved, there must be a moment for them to fight for a trace, and to move away from the move.


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