Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2027: Strength comparison

For example, the white lion and the crane scorpion, as long as the two pairs of Xianjun 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡 傀儡Therefore, thirty-four are indeed helping, but they are not the help of life.

Of course, he also knows that thirty-four Xianjun shots are a shock to those monks who want to kill people and win treasures. They have great benefits for Qin and others. However, this kind of advantage, the person who knows the truth will remember, the person who does not know the truth, do not say, thirty-four are also embarrassed to mention.

In this way, the piano double sent the recipe of the monkey wine, this gift is a bit more, it can be said that the piano double minimum, no longer owe their family, and will get the friendship of Xu family.

Friendship is the accumulation of people's feelings. People who don't pay in the four neighbors will not get the friendship of others.

Originally thought that Qin double is because he is in a dangerous situation, but also to ask his father to take care of, so Xu Xuexue did not give the piano a good face. Nowadays, it is not the same thing at all. This is not to let Xu Luoxue feel guilty. For a time, looking at the jade in the hands of the piano, it is not the same.

The double look of the piano still smiles: "There are only five apes in the piano, so you can't give it, only the recipe. And..."

Xu Luo Xue's heart is moving!

Come, and sure enough, there is still something to follow. Then he took the jade and said: "What is the matter of Qindaoyou? Wherever he can, Xu family will help."

Qin double arched: "That would thank Xu Daoyou."

Xu Luoxue's gaze is miniature. Before Qin Qin called him Xu brother, now called Xu Daoyou, the sense of alienation is obvious. But he doesn't care in his heart. There are not many people in the spiritual world who can care for him.

"I want to ask, who else was the predecessor of the piano?"

As the eldest son of Xu Jiaxuan, the status is detached. These things are naturally known, so I will be happy:

“There are a total of 34 homes including the Xu family.” When it comes to this, the heart is moving: “Do you want every family to send a monkey wine recipe?”

"Yes!" Qin doubled again and again: "Can you tell Xu Daoyou about the other 34?"

Xu Luoxue took a deep look at the piano, and his heart was a lot less. Nodded, took out a jade slip, transferred the situation of 34 homes, and handed it to the piano pair.

The piano and the gods were swept away, and then they shrugged at Xu Xuanxue and Xu: "Thank you, Qin doubles."

"Voice is great!" Xu looked at the back of the piano, and sighed softly.

Xu Luoxue withdrew his gaze from the double back of the piano and turned away.

Qing family.

The piano double came down from the crane, and the red building was standing at the gate. When he saw the piano, he handed it:


It is not surprising that Qinqin is now normal when the Qinshou’s behavior is seen. It is strange that it is not monitored. Therefore, when Qinqin left Xu family and flew toward the nearest Qing family, the Qing family must be prepared, otherwise it would not be the Qing family. With a smile, he also said:

"Red House, I want to meet the Qing family."

"Come with me." Qing Honglou walked with the piano in both directions, leaning over his head and looking at the piano. "After seeing my father, you and I will learn about it, how?"

Qin double shook his head and refused: "I have to visit other families."

Qing Honglou nodded, no longer entangled, two people silently move forward. Qin double has several times to ask, Qing Qiuqiu is not a Qing family, but eventually he has to endure.

The two men were silent for a while, and Qing Honglou finally said again: "When you were killed in the long street, I watched it from a distance."


"Although you are only the first floor of a nine-day Xuanxian, oh? The second floor?" At this time, Qinghonglou was surprised.

"More than a long street killing, naturally broke through." Qin double smiled.

“It’s also true.” Qing Honglou nodded. “When you were killed in Long Street, your real combat power reached the late nine-day Xuan Xian, which is equivalent to the seven-day Xuan Xian seven or eight layers. I’m right? ”


"Even if you are now the second floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, it is estimated that your current strength is the appearance of the eight-day to the nine-story of the nine-day Xuan Xian. And now I am the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, you will not think that I am real. The strength is only the sixth floor of Xuantian for nine days?"

"How come?" Qin double shook his head.

Qing Honglou is satisfied with the attitude of Qin Double, and his face is also smiling: "We have talked about you these days. With your strength, it is worthy of our pay. But the more span of your step is not unusual.

Here is Tian Zicheng, a place where brilliant families gather. It is said that these thirty-four families, each family's inheritance have more and more ability. Of course, there are strengths and weaknesses. With your ability to be more capable, you can also be in the middle. ”

Qin double can not help but admire, even if he is now sleeping with the **** of the gods and the sun, the ability of the more order is reduced, but it is absolutely amazing. I did not expect to be able to occupy the middle position.

Of course, this is because of the reason why the gods and the gods are sleeping. When your own gods and yang gods wake up and recover the ability of a larger order, do not know at that time, compared with the Tianjiao of these purple cities, what will happen?

She and Xu Luoxue briefly handed each other once, although it was only a trick, but knew that she was definitely not the opponent of Xu Xuexue. At that time, his own gods and yang gods fell into a deep sleep, but Qin double was not sure, after his own **** and Yang Shen awakened, they were able to overcome Xu Luoxue. And the piano double heart speculates that most of them are not the opponents of Xu Xuexue.

The fourth layer of Xu Yunxue’s nine-day Xuan Xian is higher than himself, and is the root of the five attributes. I have no advantage in the face of Xu Xuexue, not the opponent is not strange.

"Well?" The piano suddenly moved in a double heart: "When the Yuanshen and Yangshen wake up, they are the gods and the gods, and they can give birth to the mystery. This is not a spirit, but a mystery with attributes. Knowledge, that is, the qualitative change of the gods, at that time should be able to compete with Xu Xuexue?"

This is not a piano to look at yourself, because the gods and the gods have given birth to the mystery, and may not be able to defeat Xu Xuanxue. Ever since she heard Xu Mo’s explanation, she knows that although she is now four spiritual roots, three of them are derived. But Xu Xuexue is different. The four spiritual roots of the people are innate, and only one spiritual root is derived from the day after tomorrow.

This was originally weakened by the snow, and the four spirits were weaker on the five roots of the snow. The second layer of the nine-day Xuanxian was on the fourth floor and weakened, although he had some blood. The legacy of the legacy, but the inheritance of the first family of the spiritual world may not be weaker than the **** heritage. It’s just that the gods and the gods have given birth to the mystery. It’s not necessarily the opponent of Xu Xuexue, or even the opponent of the top ten disciples of Tianzixing.


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