Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2029: Assessment message

Yuguan Ting broke through to the fourth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and Lei Xing broke through to the third floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Chu Dali and iron softly broke through to the ninth floor of Da Luo Jinxian. There is no breakthrough in the waiting area, and it is still the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. These days, he has been grinding the piano double, let her go to get more of the demon or the demon's god, his ideal is to make a huge army.

Qin double only went out to buy it for him. The Yuanzu of the Yaozu did not buy a few, because the lowest requirement is the Yuanshen of the nine-day Xuanxian level. Where are there so many?

On the contrary, the purchase of the Mozu is quite a lot, thanks to the recent war between the Terran and the Mozu. The Terran is dead a lot, and there are thousands of monks who have fallen, but the Mozu has died a lot, and there are more than ten million. Therefore, it is quite a lot to get the Yuanzu of the Mozu. Many businesses have a sale. There are also many monks to buy, and they are not for making shackles. And use the **** of the Mozu to sharpen their own state of mind.

Tianzicheng was too big, and the piano doubled for a full seven days. The Yuanjun-level Yuanshen did not buy it. He bought five hundred nine-day Xuanxian-level Demon gods, and eighteen demon people’s nine days. The **** of Xuanxian. It is also the purchase of a large number of monsters that have survived in ancient times. These monsters are not powerful, but they can extract divinity. Since it is ready to refine the divine nature, Qin double went to buy a thousand demon slaves of the great Luo Jinxian and eight demon slaves of the nine-day Xuanxian. These seven days cost him to spend five billion yuan on the top. Fortunately, before the piano double earned a sum, there are more than 5 billion people, and there is income for selling food every day. It doesn't hurt either.

Returning to Qinfu, Qinshuang handed over five hundred Mozu gods and eighteen demon gods to the waiting place, and no matter where the land was, they returned to their own caves and entered the town. Inside the demon tower.

Entering the town demon tower, the piano double began to extract the divinity, and all the beasts purchased will extract all the divinity, let her accumulate a thousand two hundred and eighty-six silk deity. Then Qinqin began to take out a thousand and eight silk gods, and infused into the body of the thousand Da Luojinxian Yaozu and eight nine-day Xuanxian Yaozu. In the end, the nine-day Xuanxian explosion died one, and seven succeeded in inspiring the deity in the body and became Xianjun. The demon of Da Luo Jinxian died more, only lived 676, and all succeeded in becoming a nine-day Xuan Xian.

The piano double killed five hundred nine-day Xuanxian demon, blood and skin were preserved, used as a system, the meat was stored and kept. The Yuanshen handed over to the waiting area to make 傀儡, and also killed eight of the eight genius demon people, and handed the gods to the waiting place, so that the waiting place was so happy, and turned over in the air. I am glad that I have followed the piano pair, otherwise I will keep the ink star. Where can I find such a diverse god?

And there is also the **** of the immortal period! If there were so many celestial monks in Tuen Mun, where would it be destroyed?

Waiting for the land to be eager to make a smashing, Qin double told the waiting area, the material is not enough to buy, the sale of food every day, the crystal, the one belonging to the Qin double is placed in the waiting place, you can take the purchase of materials .

At this time, Qin Double has once again entered the town demon tower, she will make the remaining 176 nine-day Xuan Xian demon and four Xianjun Yaozu into a blood refining symbol.

After these successful productions, Qin Shuang began to refine alchemy. After alchemy, he began to refine the ware, and then began to study the production of the platoon. In the realm of her, once the production of the platter was successful, one foot entered the ranks of the great masters.

The advantage of the front is obvious. It takes time to set up the array with the bunting, but the array is different. As long as the sacrifice is made, the formation can be formed in an instant.

After rushing for fifty years, Qinshuang finally made into a battle, and one foot entered the ranks of the great masters. As long as the variety of the array was involved in the future, it was a real master.

After doing all this, Qin Shuang took the one-legged person out and began to study the array. After more than a decade, Qin Double still did not fully understand this character, and could not help but sigh the ancient symbol. Esoteric. However, the piano is not discouraged, and now has realized 90%, as long as she gives her time, she will be able to comprehend. Just as she was about to continue to comprehend, the voice of Hua Taixiang came from her consciousness. After listening to it, she appeared outside the town demon tower. When she walked out of Dongfu, she saw Yu Guanting and An Shicong standing outside the door. When I saw the piano double, An Shicong said:

"Qin Shuang, go to the Blu-ray Palace tomorrow, and announce the content of the assessment."

When the piano is bright, the calculation of the day, there will be 18 days, it is necessary to start the assessment, then asked:

"What news can I have?"

"I don't know, I only have to wait until tomorrow."

Qin nodded and turned to An Shicong: "Congratulations to the brothers to break through the third floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian."

An Shicong’s face also showed a smile, leaving An Shicong to eat a meal before sending An Shicong away. Yu Guanting said excitedly:

"Qin double, what do you say about this assessment?"

“I don’t know!” Qin’s double look is a bit serious: “But I have heard from Kaiyun that in the past, the content of the assessment was notified the day before the assessment. Now, many days in advance, I am afraid that the content of this assessment will not be simple.”

The look of Yu Guanting was not tight. The piano doubled his shoulder and said: "The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. It is not for us. Everyone is like this. I will know tomorrow."

The next day, Qin Shuang and Yu Guanting returned to the Blu-ray Palace very early, and saw more than 400,000 monks. They stood in the square at this time and talked about each other's assessment. Qin Shuang and Yu Guanting found An. Shi Cong and Wei Qingjue and others gathered to chat, but no one knows the content of the assessment. However, the eyes around the Qinshuang and Yuguan Ting are all different. The long streets are killing, so that these monks look at the eyes of Qin Shuang and Yu Guanting faintly revealing taboos.

Of course, there are also guilty and dissatisfied gaze, such as Zheng Lun, the stars, Ouyang patrol, Lai Wentao and the side of the penalty, these people's eyes, faintly revealing the killing.

So busy for about two quarters of an hour, the domain owner Shen Chongguang appeared with a group of immortals, and more than forty thousand monks immediately fell silent, and a pair of eyes gathered in Shen Chongguang's face. Seeing Shen Chongguang's face is serious, all the monks, including the piano pair, couldn't help but squint, and a heart hangs.

Shen Chongguang glanced over the monks and condensed his voice: "Everyone, this time because of the ethnic war between the Terran and the Mozu, even the half-step fairy king of the Yaozu also appeared, so the relationship between the three tribes has become worse and worse. The critical point of the war. After several months of negotiations, the three tribes finally reached a consensus.

This unanimous opinion is the first round of assessment of Tianziyuan. ”


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