Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2030: Three tribes killed the first round


The monks were stunned and talked about it. The heart of Qin Double was a sinking. Wei Qingjue saw the look of Qin Double and asked:

"what happened?"

"I am afraid it will be extremely fierce."

The piano double whispered, Wei Qingjue looked a glimpse, and then awe. The people around them are also serious. Since they are related to the three tribes, I am afraid that it will be a battle between life and death. More than forty thousand people are talking about it, although everyone's voice is very low, but when added together, it is absolutely noisy.

"be quiet!"

Shen Chongguang snorted and everyone was quiet. They all looked at Shen Chongguang with dignity. Shen Chongguang continued to say:

"If I say something below, you should listen carefully, because it is related to your life."

The hearts of the people are even more dazed, and they are not absorbed.

"Everyone knows that our Terran has Tianziyuan, the Mozu has Tianxueyuan, and the Yaozu has Tianhuiyuan. And the time for recruiting students in each of the three hospitals is the same. So the monks who are assessed by the three tribes are also quite. It is the elite of the three ethnic groups, the elite of the elite, and the most capable of visually testing the ranks of the three tribes. It can be said that these celestial gloos represent the future of the three tribes. If the genius of this level is killed, which A family will have a fault that will directly affect the future of the family. Perhaps it is because of this war that it will lead to the future of the three tribes.

Therefore, the result of the deliberation is to put the monks to be assessed by the three tribes in a secret situation, and the tribes of the three tribes killed each other for three months. The monk who can live alive after three months is the monk who passed the first round of assessment. ”

No one was speaking this time, everyone was very dignified, and of course there was excitement.

“Because the assessment of the three tribes had been intercepted before the assessment, the number of monks was greatly reduced. But even so, the tribes of the three tribes each had about 40 million, plus 120 million together. Left and right, this is an extremely fierce scuffle. After you enter the secret world, you are always facing the danger of death. Now you are allowed to withdraw from the assessment. Is there any exit?"

The monks were silent, and at the time of the three interest, Shen Chongguang’s face showed a color of appreciation:

"Good! It is not the Terran arrogance. Remember me, after you enter the secret, you will kill, how much you can kill, it is best to kill the two demons. Remember?"

"Remember!" Everyone sipped and fought.

After everyone returned to calm, and quiet again, Shen Chongguang continued:

"Next, I will introduce you to the conditions for your upcoming first round of assessment. The secret that you want to enter is called empty space. This space has a feature that prohibits all space from entering, even if it is storage. Rings, even storage bags, can't be entered, let alone the space fairy, such as the fairy house. Once you carry these things, you will be bounced out and can't enter the empty space.

The reason why the three tribes choose this secret is because of fairness. If you let the three tribes bring space enchantments, if there are three tribes in the space fairy, or some immortals, or even half a step. Doesn't that completely kill a family without cheating? Isn't that family completely broken?

Therefore, the result of the final discussion of the three tribes chose this secret, and even the storage bag and the like could not be brought in. This makes your environment even more sinister, because the medicinal herbs you bring in are limited. Once you are injured, you will become a problem if you want to recover. ”

Everyone has become heavy in their hearts. This is more of a problem. This is definitely a big problem. They can also bring medicinal herbs, but they are absolutely limited. It is impossible to carry them in a large backpack. There are various kinds of medicinal herbs in the backpack. How can they fight? Even if it is not heavy, but it is bulky, it will affect the movement of the monk. In the battle of life and death, even a trace of influence is fatal.

A total of more than 120 million monks, into a small secret, I am afraid that if you go in is a fierce battle. It may be okay at first, because everyone will try to find some medicinal herbs to go in. But in this kind of fierce battle, and in the long-running fierce battle, the medicinal herbs will be consumed very quickly. Once consumed, the result is that once injured, it is fatal.

"Okay!" Seeing everyone's look dignified, Shen Chongguang's face was slow: "The hardships and dangers of the conditions have already spoken to you, now talk about welfare."

Everyone's eyes are bright, and the eyes of Shen Chongguang become burning.

As soon as Shen Chongguang raised his hand, he sprinkled countless necklaces and flew to the crowd. The piano double reached out and grabbed a necklace. Looking down, the heart was a move.


In addition to being strong and stubborn, the iron is actually a very cheap metal. Such a necklace is completely made up of stubborn iron, and even a piece of the next product is not worth it. So, what is there in the necklace? At this time, Shen Chongguang’s voice sounded:

"There are three drops of longevity in this necklace, which is the welfare of the Terran Alliance."


The surrounding area immediately remembered the excitement of the argument, but the piano double was a stunned, and did not know what the longevity liquid was. However, she does not feel that she is ignorant. It was not long before she just flew up. Is it strange to be ignorant?

"Crested, what is this longevity liquid?"

Yu Guanting explained to Qinqin: "The longevity liquid is a kind of treasure developed by Xujia. It is how to refine it. No one knows. But no matter how many injuries you have suffered, as long as you don't die, a drop of longevity , you can heal."

"so smart!"

The piano was shocked, and the effect was much stronger than the Vientiane. She carefully opened the necklace and saw three wax **** of the size of the soybeans. The wax pills contained the longevity liquid. At this time, Shen Chongguang’s voice rang again. Everyone hurriedly covered the necklace and put the necklace on his neck and looked at Shen Chongguang.

"And, the monks of the Mozu, each also brought three drops of magical water. Maybe some people don't know what the water of the demon is, and today the king tells you that the water of the demon is the treasure of the demon, a drop of water It is possible to instantly restore the power of the lost god. Of course, after the magical water is served, not only will the power of the gods be restored in an instant, but also the artistic conception of brutal bloodthirsty and killing will affect the mood of the monk.

However, if you can use this kind of artistic conception to sharpen yourself, it will make people's state of mind improve. ”

"Boom..." The monks were excited again.


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