Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2036: Magic water

"The power of the power of the devil is huge and invincible, but the **** is weak, you can use the sound."


The double mouth of the piano gave a shout to the power rushing across.

Burning soul!

The giant axe lifted by the force magic is a meal, the body trembles fiercely, and the extreme painful color appears in his eyes. The soul in his body seems to be burning.

Do not!

It is burning!

The piano doubles the mind and moves, and the thirty-six-handed swords are whistling out, forming a small Zhoutian sword array around the force magic.


A loud sword, the thirty-six handles of the sword, turned into a powder in a flash, the entire small Zhou Tianjian array of swords like a dragon, criss-cross, and the body of the magic is twisted into powder.

Qin Xuan's mystery blew out from the heart of the Tao, turned into a hand, took out the last drop of longevity in the necklace to swallow. Just finished this, the face of the piano double changed. Take one step at a time.

Close to the horizon!

Manicured in the distance, but just started, he was hit hard, the blood was broken, and his body was hit hard.

"I was able to kill the power, I don't know if you still have the strength to kill me?"

The body of the piano double rolled in the air, and it was hard to stabilize the figure. It could not help but spurt a blood. Under the treatment of the longevity liquid, the two arms of the piano double healed and stared at the opposite side. I saw a big demon appearing in the air and looking down at her.

"It is also the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian!"

The piano double could not help but complained. At this time, the state of the piano double is not good. Although the arms are restored, the physical injury has not healed.

Qin double spit out a blood, stretched his hand on the belt, and took out the wax-sealed Vientiane, quickly unblocked the seal, removed the wax shell, stuffed it into the mouth and swallowed it, which opened:

"How are you more powerful?"

"You will know if you try!"

The monk monk rushed toward the piano double, the magic gas swayed, turned into a magic cloud, shrouded toward the piano double, the piano double moment is like falling into a dark space, everywhere is full of magic .


There were countless fists in the boundless magic cloud, all of which were transformed by the magic cloud, and the fists slammed into the piano pair. Although the piano double stopped the vast majority, the fists that were still unpredictable were bombarded on the piano.

Only in an instant, the Mozu monk has an advantage. As long as he gives him time, this advantage will be turned into a victory, and eventually the piano will be killed.

Suddenly, the body of the piano double broke out with bright light, and the piano doubles like a sun. The light dispels the darkness and expels the magic. It is the light attribute method of Qin double comprehension:

Great day!

The magic cloud was penetrated by the light, gathered toward the middle, and gathered into the shape of the demon monk. The brow was slightly wrinkled, and the gaze of the pair was slightly a little taboo.

"I didn't think you were a light root, but unfortunately you are too weak."

The Mozu monk took out a magic knife and slammed it toward the piano. The magic knife flashed through the air. Like a black lightning, it instantly came to the front of the piano.


The shape of the piano double flew out, although still using the shock and a little starlight, but still can not stop the other side's strength. The figure fell back, but the heart of Qin double was put down, the real strength of the other side is not as good as the power, only the power of the second layer of Xianjun.

Qin double raised his hand and threw two symbols. These two symbols are ordinary symbols, but they all have the power of Xianjun. Once released, they drown the magician monk.

The piano doubled the moment when the Mozu monk was covered, and he also presented six Fusongs to build a symbol of Liuhe.


The Liuhe killing broke out, and the body of the Mozu monk was killed into pieces. The piano doubled out and grabbed two necklaces, running the world and escaping.


The shape of the piano double fell in the narrow gap of a cliff, lying there, screaming and gasping. She does not have to heal, and Vientiane will heal her body, as long as she does not encounter the demon monk during this time. Stretching his hand to his chest, taking out the hidden array and activating the front, the body shape of the piano disappeared.

"Too amazing! The Mozu is so powerful! This battle lost two **** refining symbols of the Xianjun period, eight ordinary symbols. 36 swords, three drops of longevity, one Vientiane. If each The Mozu are so powerful. The disaster of the Terran is here, and maybe it will be killed by the Mozu. I don't know if I can live for three months.

Not every demonic is so powerful! ”

Qin double thought back to the Mozu who had killed before, only the power magic that he encountered later and the Mozu monk who was killed by Fu Xi, the rest were not so powerful. For example, the monk who sacrificed the gate is not his opponent.

Thinking of this, the piano double sighed a little, but reminded myself that I should be careful later. Whether it is the demon or the demon, it is the arrogance of the demon and the two. Not to be careless.

The piano doubled up and sat up, and took out a necklace from his arms. These necklaces were obtained from the killed monks and demon monks. In fact, the piano pair not only killed these Mozu monks and demon monks, There are a lot of necklaces that have not had time to take the demon monk.

Qin doubled a bit, a total of twenty-three, Qin double could not help but spit out a breath, she killed absolutely more than twenty-three, eighty-three.

"What a pity!"

Qin double sighed, opened a necklace pendant, and distinguished it, a total of thirteen demons, ten demon.

The piano double took out a drop of the demon soul water, thought about it, swallowed it in, and prepared the tempered state.


After the magic water swallowed, the energy was instantly absorbed by the heart, the sea and the soul space. The artistic conception of killing bloodthirsty was instantly absorbed by the magic heart, and it did not give the piano a chance to sharpen the state of mind.

Qin Qin was shocked by the heart, and could not help but feel the magic, his face became dignified. After absorbing the artistic conception of killing bloodthirsty, she can perceive that the magic is strong, although there is only one trace, but if the piano double continues to take the magic water, do not know how strong the magic will be?

Will it be strong enough to take the lead?

Qin double went to perceive the spirit, the gods and the gods, and the eyebrows were picked up, and there was a hint of joy in the eyes.

Sure enough, it is the water of the demon soul. It is regarded as the magic water of the treasure by the three tribes. It is only this drop of the magical water that makes the spirit powerful. The gods and the gods also fully absorb the energy of the magic water. Doublely aware that Yuanshen and Yangshen are close to awakening.


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