Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2037: Join hands

The piano doubled up with a happy smile, and the brows were wrinkled into two caterpillars, tangled for a long time, and finally sighed.

She didn't want to take the magic water anymore because it would make the magic out of control. However, after the battle with Limo, she urgently needed the awakening of the gods and the gods.

Now she is the second floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. If the Yuanshen and the Yangshen wake up, her cultivation will reach the second level of Xianjun. It will be a power magic, and it will not be as embarrassing as before. The hope of living for three months has increased greatly. Therefore, she still has to take the magic water.

"Let's eat!"

The piano doubles one by one to eat the magic soul water, thirteen Mozu necklaces, because just entered the no-empty secret, the tribes started the war, the Mozu monks did not have time to take the magic soul water, each necklace has three drops Magic soul water. Thirteen Mozu necklaces are thirty-nine drops of magic water.

The piano pair will soon take thirty-nine drops of the magic water, the gods, the gods and the spirits are absorbing the energy of the magic water, and the negative emotions of killing bloodthirsty are absorbed by the magic. Vientiane is also quietly recovering the body of the piano. At this point, the piano double did not have anything to do, think about it, take out a Yuan Liquan inside the demon necklace, take a drop.

Just a moment of rest, the energy consumed by the piano double body was completely restored, and the piano double also felt the strength of the body and condensed a trace.


Qinqin is not only surprised, this Yuanliquan is definitely not just a recovery of the consumption of power, although it is much faster to restore Yuanli than to Yuandan, but only by this, it is not possible to be regarded as a treasure by the Yaozu. The reason why it is regarded as the treasure is because it has the effect of this kind of condensed power. With this silk effect, if there is enough Yuanliquan, as long as the mind understands the road, the leap-style breakthrough is definitely not a problem.

Of course, the piano pair with the town demon tower does not need this, but this is definitely a treasure for other monks, regardless of the race.

Qin Shuang took these Yuanliquan into the iron box of the belt that originally contained the Vientiane fruit, and then lay in the crack of the cliff, waiting for the wound to heal.

Suddenly, the piano opened his eyes, his eyes flashed, and then he called Feng Ming in his heart.

Soon, I got Fengming's response, let Fengming come to his own turn, Qin double closed his eyes, lying in the crack, waiting quietly.

"Qingjue, are you still alive?" Yu Guanting, carrying Wei Qingjue, fled in madness.

"Can't die!" Wei Qingjue on the back of Yuguan Tingqiang said with a strong breath: "But if it is caught up, it is estimated that we will die, we need a safe place to heal."

"Nothing, we have temporarily smashed the back of the Yaozu, just find a relatively safe place."

Yuguan Ting fled while searching four times. When his eyes lit up, he fell to a valley and fell straight into an inconspicuous corner of the valley, putting Wei Qingjue down. Wei Qingjue squinted four times:

"It's not very safe here..." The words fell, and they passed out.

Yu Guanting took out the hidden array and activated it in front of him. The figure of the two disappeared into the corner of the valley.


On the day when Zicheng was attacked by the Mozu, when the **** moon was empty, the secret of the demon Lord was closed by the mighty magic. No matter who is close to the secret, it will be enchanted. Gradually, it becomes Forbidden land.


I don't know from which day, the sound of the heart beats in the secret, and the sound of the heart beating is getting louder and louder over time. At the end, the whole Tianlin Star can hear it. Let the Tianlin Star monks fall into deep fear.

This day.

The heartbeat that made the fear of the Tianlin Star monk suddenly disappeared, and it disappeared so suddenly.

The world shook, and countless Tianlin Star monks flew toward the secret.

Within the secret.

The huge heart no longer beats, but it is creeping, and as it creeps, the shape begins to change.

Finally turned into a stalwart figure!

"Ha ha ha..." The voice screamed wildly: "I didn't think that the legend is true. The time of the demon kingship is here, and the world's air transport will gather the Mozu. My demon Lord also restored the body through this air transport."


He took a deep breath and seemed to be able to smell the distant starry sky at this moment. The distant ink star, who was working in the field, stood up straight to the arrogance, and suddenly there was a big cold sweat on his forehead. His eyes seemed to shuttle the starry sky and looked at the direction of the star.

"Are you proud, what's wrong with you?" asked a man next to him.


The heart of the arrogant beat violently, his face was extremely pale, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"He... came out..."

"Who? Who is out?"

Putting a slap in the face: "I am leaving."

"You have to go? Where are you going?"

Looking towards the inner star field, the direction of the sky purple star: "I am going to tell her that he is out."

No empty secrets.

A figure appeared above a crack, and his eyes looked down. Suddenly the space under the crack swayed, and the figure of the piano double appeared. Feng Ming looks like a hi, and his figure falls on the opposite side of the piano. Qin double looked at Feng Ming’s pale face:


“Yeah!” Feng Ming nodded. “It’s almost cured.”

The piano doubles the knowledge, the worry on the face is put down, and the hand is stretched out in the belt, and a healing wound is taken and handed to Feng Mingdao:

"Once, half an hour should be healed."

Feng Ming took over, took the medicinal herbs, and sat down on his knees.

After half an hour.

Qin Shuang and Feng Ming sit opposite each other, and Qin Double passes the remaining Yuan Liquan to Feng Mingdao:

"These are for you."

Feng Ming knows that Qinshuang has a town demon tower, and does not need Yuanliquan. He took over those Yuanliquan collections and took out a swallow to go down:

"Qin double, this Yuan Liquan is very effective for me. If there is enough Yuanliquan, my repair will advance by leaps and bounds."

The piano blinked and said: "Let's go grab. The magical water of the Mozu is also very useful to me. You and I have joined forces, and the magical water that I grabbed belongs to me, Yuanliquan belongs to you."

"Good!" Feng Ming nodded happily.

"You enter my sea."

Feng Ming nodded and the two stood up. Feng Ming walked toward the piano double, merged into the body of the piano double, and entered the sea of ​​the piano, sitting cross-legged.

This is an ice field, white snow, a desolate.

Qin double walks on the wasteland. On this road, Qinshuang and Fengming are killing every day, killing countless times a day. The magic water that is obtained, the piano will be taken immediately, and in the absence of the usual killing, Fengming will take the Yuanliquan cultivation in the sea of ​​Qinshuang.


I am very grateful to the rainy night for the snow (10500), the ice of the zero (100), the seaphay (100), the Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100), the serious study and serious study (100), the cloud dance flying silk silk fairy (100) reward!



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