Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2048: sleepy

The face of Qin double is more and more pale, and his eyes are tense. Her figure pulled a bunch of blurred afterimages on the stairs, but the song was stubbornly drilled into her sea of ​​knowledge, her soul, as if to burn her soul and sea.

"Ah...what time is going... In this dark time, I can’t feel the passage of time...ah..."

"Ah... lapse... ah... it passed my memory... ah... I left someone else's memory..."

The song gradually became low and tumultuous, and eventually it was inaudible and disappeared.

The piano double stopped slowly, the entire back was soaked in the clothes, and the cold sweat on the forehead.

At this time, she had already rushed out of the clock tower. She didn't know where she had gone, but she knew that she must be in the palace, but it was dark and could not see the surrounding scenery.

The reason why she did not know where she was, did not remember the route of running, because the woman’s voice made her know the sea and the soul burning, the pain was unbearable, and consciousness could not be concentrated. This is why she has to run away. A monk can't concentrate even on consciousness, and the rest is only passively beaten, and the danger is extremely high.

"Where am I?"

The piano doubles and looks around, the darkness is all around, and the eyesight cannot be far.

"I should still be in this palace, but I don't know if it is on the first floor?"

Qin double spread the mystery and saw the situation around him. He seemed to be in a corridor, the corridor was wide, and there were statues standing on both sides.

Those statues are various images, people, demons, and demons.

The piano walked cautiously in the corridor, and the footsteps echoed in the empty corridor.

"Treading step..."


Qin double suddenly stopped, the look on his face became stiff, his eyes turned around in his eyes, his body slowly turned, his feet lightened, as if he was afraid of being alarmed, and eventually she stood in a statue. before.

It was a statue of a demon monk. The statue was carved very vividly, not only as simple as it was, but even with sweat pores.

"How can this be?"

The heart of the piano doubled out, and the metaphysical slowness came out from the eyebrows. It fell on the opposite statue of the demon, and then fell down like a waterfall, shrouded the statue of the demon. Finally infiltrated into the interior of the statue of the Yaozu.

The look on the face of the piano has been twisted in an instant because of the drastic changes, and the color of fear is revealed in the eyes.

She saw the heart, the spleen and stomach and other organs in this statue.

This is not a statue...


Suddenly the voice of a low bass was rang, I don’t know where it came from, but it was full of extreme sadness.

"Ah... the body that lost the soul... ah... empty..."

Qin double hurriedly turned around and looked around, the corridor was empty and the surroundings were dark.


The mystery spread out, still empty, the piano's hair is windless, and the scalp is numb, and the heart is full of creeps.

The piano doubled his breath, held the fire sword, speeded up the pace, and walked down the corridor. The song was still low and sad, but the voice was getting weaker and weaker, and eventually it was weak.


A footstep sounded and then silenced. Qin double paused, and she was standing in front of a black door, which was closed, like a black wall, carved into the shape of a gate on the wall.


Qin double took a deep breath, pressed his left hand on the door, and then increased the power little by little.


The door shaft slammed softly, and the black door opened a slit. The piano double could not close one eye, and a fine white light was transmitted from the slender door slit.

Qinqin slowly opened his eyes and adjusted for a while, and slowly closed one eye closer to the door and looked inside.

The door is too narrow, only one line, the double view that the piano can see is not wide, inside is a huge room, as if it is a hall, she saw a Terran and a Yao are playing chess.

Do not!

Just put a pair of chess moves, in the middle of them, a chessboard was placed on a case, the human monk sat there with a smirk on his face, looking at the opposite demon monk, And the demon monk held a piece of chess between the two fingers, held in midair, but could not fall. That one tribe and one demon have such a posture, motionless.

The Yaozu did not move the chess pieces, and the laughter on the faces of the Terrans seemed to solidify on the face.

"Is this two statues again?"

Qin double left hand force, pushed the door away, converges the breath, holds the breath, slowly walks in through the door, and looks around, it is a hall, on the other three walls They also have a door. Qin Double once again glanced at the one person and one demon, and did not move to the door slowly.

She didn't know if the one who was playing chess was a statue, but whether she was or not, she didn't want to alarm them, she didn't want to find trouble, she wanted to go to other rooms to see if she could find the features here and know what she was. where.

In such a mysterious place, Qin double does not dare to have the slightest pride, and even dare not have the slightest carelessness. The only song that made her almost lost her heart.

The two sides of the piano move slowly, while watching the two chess and the demon monks with the corners of the corner of the eye, fortunately, the two people and the demon who play chess seem to be immersed in the game, or There are two statues, and there is no slightest move.

Qin double came safely to the front of the door, reaching out and gently pushing the door open, the look is a stay.

In the door is not a room, but a starry sky. Under the feet of the piano is a light belt, the light belt extends toward the front, and countless stars slowly rotate under the light belt.

"this is……"

The double look of the piano just hesitated for a moment, then set foot on the strip of light, followed the light strip toward the front, and the eyes swept through the stars under the light.

Her gaze suddenly shrank, and a planet on the left side of the picture changed like a head, a head as big as a planet.

The head raised his head and a pair of huge eyes looked at the doubles on the light belt.

The piano doubled his eyes, his footsteps continued, his eyes and the eyes of the huge head collided in the void.


The piano double feels as if it has been poured from the head to the foot by a painful ice water, and it is cold.

"Welcome to you, guests from different circles, jump down." The huge head suddenly spoke, and the voice was tender and tender.

"Jump down, don't be afraid."


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